Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1439:

Come on, it must work.

Lin Sanjiu rushed into the security room, and after the godwife followed in, he kicked the door. When she looked around the room, her heart was almost half cold. The room under the fluorescent lamp was small and narrow, with a shelf against the wall, a coat rack, a chair, and nothing else.

"Damn," she cursed, thinking about the label you saw just before entering the door. It was indeed the "security room" that was written-but why wasn't there the most critical thing in it?

"You are like a tree," the princess murmured suddenly behind her, startling Lin Sanjiu. She didn't have time to listen to what it was going to say, and hurriedly threw a consciousness towards the doorway-the invisible and colorless force spread quickly and opened at the doorway, enveloping the whole door like a slime; There was a heavy muffled sound, and it was soon broken by the diaphragm of consciousness.

After the room was quiet, the words of the goddess flowed into her ears again.

"... vines, weeds, fruits, flowers, mushrooms, squirrels, birds ... in your life, they always grow, crawl around, stop at you or at your feet, you watch them come, bloom, tweet , Grow vigorously, and watch them fade away, leave, and be blown away by the wind. "

Lin Sanjiu took a hard look at it. "Are you writing a poem or divining?"

"Divination," the prince answered in a moment.

"I didn't want you to fortunetell."

"I know."

"So what else do you say? I'm busy."

"That's what I do," said the godly woman, at least when she was not involved in divination. "When divination is in my head, I will say it, regardless of time and place."

Apart from letting it say, Lin Sanjiu found that he had no other choice. "You say it," she conceded, and looked at the room again, and her eyes suddenly flickered. Behind the coat rack full of uniforms, it turned out not to be a white wall, but a door of the same color. With a heartbeat, she hurried up to find the doorknob, and pulled the locked door open as hard as she could.

In the crisp sound of the lock-cylinder parts clanging to the ground, the clergyman still spoke behind him.

"Everything is coming to an end ..."

Nonsense wants you to say. After Lin Sanjiu entered the door, he fumbled to find the switch; before the light came on, she realized that she should bet right.

"Even if you have a long journey, no exception ..."

The lights suddenly lit, reflecting a patch of light on a dozen screens in front, eclipsing the small red dots below the display. Lin Sanjiu walked up and pressed a red light spot on one of the screens, and that screen lit up immediately. In the black and white video, there are rows of shelves and aisles, and there are timing figures in the upper right, which is the current time.

"Are you saying that I will live a long life?" Lin Sanjiu asked when each screen was illuminated.

"Well, I haven't seen any traces of interruption in your lifeline for a while," the goddam answered. "But fate is speculative--"

"Then I thank you for your good words?" Lin Sanjiu interrupted it first. She opened the home screen, found the mouse, and tried to familiarize herself with the operation-it felt almost unreal; she had forgotten when she touched an ordinary computer with Microsoft system last time. She first looked at the current time, 3:15 in the afternoon.

"When you enter the end of the journey, it will be the beginning of a new life."

Lin Sanjiu's hand paused on the mouse. She glanced back at the priest.

"What new life?" She thought for a while, before waiting for it to answer, suddenly asked: "Why do you fortunetell me?"

The princess looked at her without saying a word.

"You don't always see anyone who will do divination for each other, right?" Lin Sanjiu turned his head, looked at the monitor screen, and slowly pulled back the time bar for surveillance video in a certain area for half an hour. On one of the screens, obscured by dense fog and smoke, it was clearly the place where the two Spartans fought--but the door was enveloped by her consciousness, and no sound could be heard through.

From the reflection of the screen, the goddess shook her head.

"You are a Sparan's item," she mumbled as she watched the screen jump and change, watched the evolutionary who entered the game receding from the recovery stage, and watched the volunteers clap their hands. I want you to give him a message ... but didn't you let me fortunetell me? "

There is no need for the princess to shake her head, she knows the answer to this question-how could Span do such a boring thing at this time.

"That is to say, the person you divinate for is generally only Sparan." Lin Sanjiu said slowly, "If I guess wrong, you tell me."

The priest made a long "um" from her throat like constipation. It didn't seem to agree, it was more like being stuck in speech.

"But you said, 'Divination suddenly appeared in my mind'. Is it because we have been together for a long time, or because ... your divination has something to do with Spar'an?" Lin Sanjiu's movements were very mechanical; One by one, the surveillance video of the entire mall was pulled back to half an hour ago, when the game just started. Her mind was all focused on the upcoming answer of the goddess.

"Yes ... it's because it's related to my master." The answer to the goddess was very difficult, like a chicken with a neck around it.

Lin Sanjiu pressed the pause, turned around, and looked at the goddess.

"At the end of my life, a new life will be opened for me." She repeated in a low voice, without saying anything. "I ... I don't understand."

She now clearly knew Sparan. How could she wait until her whole year to start a new life for this person? How to open? What is open? Having children can understand, what is the nature of opening? Besides, does the new life really mean Sparan?

"The end of a line is connected to the beginning of a line. It is impossible to find a suitable place in the torrent of time." The words of the goddess seemed to start to be difficult to understand again, "but they are entangled with each other, appearing on the line of the other one by one on……"

Does this mean that she and Sparan have been meeting for a while? Then again, who is she not?

Lin Sanjiu was a little anxious, and he didn't think about it anymore; when he saw that the goddess was silent, he seemed to have finished speaking, and turned to the monitoring screen again.

As she searched screen by screen, the words of Spar'an once sounded faintly in the memory. She did n’t quite understand it before. She could not find a similarity between Sparan and how she became a “twin”. After listening to the word of the godess, she felt a sense of palpitation, like a fog. A trace of wind was scattered, revealing the deep strait ahead.

She quickly found her goal.

Fan He appeared on one of the screens alone. From the time perspective, it should be when she asked Lin Sanjiu to inspect the shelves on the aisle and went to the D2 "frontline" interception by herself.

"Mister Yi," she said in a low voice, whispering, "Please record all the routes that Fan He has traveled."

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