Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1444: Taken from Fan He

[Finally write the game part, and quickly enter the story part ...]

If you only look at it with your naked eyes, it seems that the strong sun hanging in the air at this moment is no different from the previous summer. The dazzling sunlight was dropped from the blue sky, and it reached the earth's borders, and then it revealed the astonishingly malicious.

On each street, there were corpses covered with scalds and shriveled together. Buildings have cracked at high temperatures, and some houses of poor quality have long collapsed into hill-like debris. The ground was cracking, and occasionally I saw a fairly robust fallen species roaming between the ruins.

In the past two months, the temperature has continued to rise every day; to this day, all human traces have melted away in the high temperature, making it difficult to believe that this was once a highly developed human civilization. society.

The air is hot and dry, and I don't know where the rivers, lakes and seas that have evaporated since these days have gone. Looking away, there is no longer a half green in the place where the eyes are, and the thick yellow dust that is half a person tall is immediately rolled up by the rumbling of the truck, and it is almost difficult to see.

Lin Sanjiu, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the truck, couldn't help but glance into the rearview mirror.

Behind her was another large freight truck of the same model, followed by a long bus. This is not the focus of Lin Sanjiu's eyes. She narrowed her eyes and carefully looked at a black smoke rising in the sky in the distance.

The place where the black smoke rose was the shopping mall that had housed them for a month.

After living for so long, I finally had to leave ... Lin Sanjiu's thoughts couldn't help but return to a month ago.

After Lin Sanjiu accidentally found the full supermarket warehouse, the three of them were really happy at the time. They did n’t even need to order a few. Just looking at it with your eyes, you can see that there is enough water in the warehouse. They lasted for 14 months. And living in an underground supermarket without worrying about direct sunlight is really ideal!

The only problem was the small tropical forest in the outside hall.

After all, a few people who were eager for ease talked about it, and felt that in the current situation, as long as they can't close their doors in the underground supermarket, the plant forest outside can't take them. It happened that they had been thrilling for a few days in the past few days, consuming a lot of their physical strength. With the name of recuperation adjustment, three people simply settled down in the supermarket.

This recuperation took a full rest for two or three weeks. Due to worrying about eating and drinking, the iron gate was closed, and there were no foreign enemies. The three people spent a fairly comfortable time in the new world for a month. After one month, Lin Sanjiu accidentally pinched his waist and found himself long. Meat.

To be honest, this was not a lot of fat, but it reminded her immediately of her domesticated animals. During this period, not only did she not have a capability, she also lagged a lot. Because of the lack of crisis consciousness, for several days, she even slept in the darkness in one breath ...

Going on like this is definitely harmful to you. The three discussed the situation and decided to patrol one to check the nearby situation and the other to exercise themselves.

The idea is very good, but I didn't expect to open the iron door, all three were stupid.

When the door opened, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon, but the elevator leading to the first floor hall was still shrouded in thick darkness.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the front silly and asked in a low voice: "Does the sun set so early now?"

Lu Ze shouted speechless. Suddenly Martha reached out and yelled, "Look!" Lin Sanjiu and Lu Ze glanced in the direction she was pointing at, and all the internal organs were cold.

A piece of darkness covering the elevator seemed to feel something. It didn't matter if I moved it a little. The sun immediately poured in, and the green entangled by the leaves of half of the branches was immediately revealed. Only then did the three realize that the black outside of the iron gate was all blocked by plants.

Then, more and more shadows moved. Dozens of green vines, large and small, were densely packed. They seemed to smell humanity. They came alive one by one and slowly moved towards the iron gate. He leaned in the direction. I don't know who shouted first, and the three of them didn't dare to delay. They rushed back to the supermarket when they turned around, and pulled the iron door with a bang.

Green rattle crackled on the iron door, and the thick iron door actually recessed several drums inward.

It seems that as long as I go out and walk around a few more times, this iron door will not hold up.

Back in the supermarket, the faces of all three were ugly. No one had thought of it so quickly, they had taken the initiative to avoid the world, and now they ca n’t even come up with it.

"This place, we can't stay ..." Lin Sanjiu smiled bitterly. "You say, what now?"

"Even if you want to leave, you have to take the things in the warehouse." Martha said with gritted teeth.

"It's not difficult to bring things. Let's find a few big trucks outside. We can move as many as we can. The question is ... how do we go out now? The only passages are blocked by the ghost rattan." Lin Sanjiu asked sadly.

The three were quiet for a while, and Lu Ze suddenly made an "ah", then a carp jumped up, turned and ran towards the back of the supermarket, and shouted, "The elevator entrance is not the only way! Little wine, you Get the keys! There is a door behind! "

This sentence reminded Martha that when she slaps her face, her face suddenly lightened: "Yeah! How can I forget that!" Yi Lalin Sanjiu, they also hurried to follow.

Within a few seconds, three people stood at the back door of the supermarket. Since Lin Sanjiu appeared from the staff room, Lu Ze and Martha had forgotten the back door. Lin Sanjiu only knew for the first time that there was still no way out. Back door.

While praying silently, she opened the door with the key.

Behind them is a thin **** behind the door. Some people found themselves standing behind a shopping mall with a row of huge garbage bins. This seems to be a place where supermarket employees clean up tools and dispose of garbage. As soon as I walk out from here, I quickly see a small road.

Looking through the glass at a shopping mall full of green shoots, for the first time, a few people thought the cracked and black road was so cute.

The next thing to do is clear.

First find three cars. It's not difficult to find a car. Almost 80% of the people are dead. The city is full of cars with keys and abandoned by running out of gas and electricity. With little effort, three people found two large cargo trucks and a bus.

I took the battery from the auto repair shop, and filled a few full boxes of oil from the gas station. The car finally took a breath and drove all three big cars to the pavement. Stopped side by side.

The three cars were filled with fresh water in the supermarket, and there were still a lot left in the warehouse. However, a few people were not greedy. The car was enough, and the rest were coded on both sides of the street and left to other survivors.

Before leaving, Lin Sanjiu brought a few barrels of petrol, and Luzer and Martha prepared a whole box of wine.

"Are you ready?" Lin Sanjiu held a heavy brick and smiled at his partner. Seeing the two nodded, she called out, "Okay, let's throw it!"

As Lu Ze shouted with excitement, bricks, stones, chairs, all kinds of things smashed into the shopping center's glass doors and windows like a meteor shower.

A series of crisp sounds resounded through the half-street glass as if it was raining, falling down from the air one after another, flashing innumerable luster in the dark night sky.

The branches covered with glass were startled, swaying in the air, and for a moment I didn't know who to attack. But they haven't waited for them to find the culprit along with the human taste. Then, bottles and bottles of spirits and barrels of petrol flew in from the broken glass and fell on the plants. , Suddenly splashed everywhere.

The last step of arson requires a bit of skill. The fastest and lightest body of the three is Martha, holding four or five polished matches in his hand, and rushing to the entrance of the shopping center like a rabbit, a shake. A few fires of light fell into the green far away.

The flames hissed and spread, his speed was not fast, but it was firm. Soon, the first floor was filled with a red fire. It had not been burned for five minutes, and a sharp hissing sound came from the lobby of the shopping center, as if something was hurting, all the leaves They waved wildly.

I do n’t know why, Lin Sanjiu even felt a long absence, and she laughed a few times, waved at the two people next to her, and said with a loud laugh, "Let ’s withdraw!" Ran out.

Several people just ran out a street and heard only a loud noise. The top glass of the shopping center was burned down and pressed down with an irresistible force. Half of the building disappeared into the flame.

The trucks and buses were parked far away in the morning. The three of them drove a car, facing the last starlight before sunrise, and embarked on an unknown journey ...

Shaking his head, Lin Sanjiu took the scene from last night out of his mind.

She looked diligently at the rearview mirror, then turned on the rear lights, and the big truck slowly slowed down and leaned on the side of the road.

The trucks driving by Luzer and the buses driving by Marthe also slowed down one by one, and then stopped.

"What's wrong? Why not leave?" Lu Ze shook the window and shouted in the direction of Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu pushed the car door, jumped down, stood in the middle of the road, holding a truncheon in his hand.

"Someone is following us." She frowned, bearing the yellow sand in the air.

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