Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1455: Actually everyone is unlucky

When Lin Sanjiu recalled it afterwards, even her own witness was hard to believe that so many changes and details occurred within 60 seconds-no matter who it was, the attention was displayed like a cobweb. , Always feel any slight tremor from the cobweb, and quickly respond; sometimes, even react to several things together at the same time.

For example, after she fell to the ground, Lin Sanjiu, while questioning, kept up the alert posture and quickly got up, while thinking about the light spot under the left car, and noticed a slight movement in Fan and his eyes.

... that's a weird move.

Normal people do not move their orbits, turning their eyes also drives their pupils; however, Fan He ’s orbits are not moving, his eyes are not moving, and his pupils are not moving, but there is something inside the pupils that moves—just like ordinary people turning their eyes. It felt as if there were still eyes in her eyes, deepened layer by layer, and each layer of eyes could rotate freely.

How many ingredients is she human? Lin Sanjiu stood on his back.

No matter what happened to Fan He's eyes, she realized that the "eyes" in the other person's eyes searched for the place where she had just fallen. In other words, Fanhe also thought of this: When Lin Sanjiu fell, the latter might knock things out.

She was watching herself falling out of the bubble space, wouldn't she realize that she had fallen out of something?

The "eyes" in Brahma's eyes returned to their original positions, and they still look the same as normal human eyes, and naturally there is no deeper pupil in the pupil. She didn't find the light spot that Lin Sanjiu should fall on the ground, and raised her eyebrows slightly. Lin Sanjiu immediately said, "I'm disappointed. I can't follow your fault and throw things out."

"Then let me type it out." Fan He said calmly.

The car was a dozen steps away from her, with another red car in the middle. Even if it is not in this case, it is enough time and attention for a person to squat down at the right angle and reach into the rear wheel to explore; Lin Sanjiu's control of consciousness is not so neat She could pick up something the size of a light spot, which she could only pick up by hand. During her squatting and extending her hand, Fan He had a hundred opportunities to turn her from a money tree into a bare tree.

"I can take it out,"

She picked up the paper crane in one hand, raised it in one hand, and signaled like a surrender: "I can't drop my own thing, but I can hit it in that car-"

"Hurry up!" Van Ho urged.

The life instructor quickly followed suit. These humanoid objects were quite loyal before they were officially changed hands. Generally, they remember who the owner is, so they try to maintain the state of being with Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu stopped beside the grayed-out red car. This is the car closest to her. If she stays closer, Fan He will definitely be suspicious; from here, she must continue to find ways to go forward.

She raised her arm and was about to fall towards the red car, and her head was about to smoke.

[Flat World] Right in front of her, a few steps away from her, but she seems to be separated by a mountain. Where is it bad to fall, but must fall on-eh?

Strange to say, the light spot that fell from her when she fell was supposed to fall beside her. Why did she fly so far away at a 50-degree angle to the left and crossed a car?

As soon as she dragged Nan Guiyan out of the hole, Nan Guiyan immediately disappeared in front of her, and she fell to the ground ... gravity should immediately press the light spot next to her. Since it wasn't next to it, it could only indicate that there was some force rushing out with it, and the light spot fell a dozen steps away, right next to the rear tire of a car.

At that moment, the power to rush out was only, and it was probably only Nanguiyan.

... but even if I figured out that it was Nangui Yan, what happened? Sometimes the world is so irritating. The epiphany obtained at the critical moment has nothing to do with the situation in front of you.

Lin Sanjiu was full of suffocation and almost wanted to rush through. She deliberately bumped her wrist slightly, and the impact was insufficient. She didn't hit anything, and she needed to do it again—this gave her a few tenths of thinking time.

"No," Teacher Yi said, "When you fell out, Nan Guiyan rushed straight ahead. I remember very well that it didn't rush to the left fifty degrees."

Time is precious, but she did not expect that her subconscious was still entangled in this issue. Even if Nan Guiyan rushed straight forward, what did it mean to her?

"This shows that it has turned," in this fraction of a second, the teacher's subconscious appearance of Lin Sanjiu was not stopped by her surface thoughts, and she continued to think about this question deep in her mind: "Nangui Why do geese turn around ... "

Because it is looking for an exit.

The answer came up almost immediately.

Nan Guiyan is determined to walk towards the native place. Most of the time, he simply rudely drills a hole in the wall of the space; when he cannot drill a hole in the space, he wanders around in search of entering the next space. Exit, as it appears in the landfill space.

But why can't it drill a hole? This is obviously just an apocalyptic world, and other spaces containing more apocalyptic worlds, stacked like onion skins--or, next to each other like a hive. It stands to reason that it will not be a problem to get into the next space?

Could this small space containing shopping malls and parking lots be a separate space like a landfill?

Lin Sanjiu felt that his thinking was getting more and more deviated, and his arms inevitably fell on the back cover of the car again. She wasted a few tenths of a second; this time, a light spot fell out, and she was still an old friend [a shining bite in the sky].

"This is not yours," she pinched it in the other hand, and said, "I hold my things so that yours will fall out sooner or later."

"Time is running out!" Fan He reminded again.

"I see!" Teacher Yi suddenly called out, and immediately called Lin Sanjiu with a layer of goose bumps. The teacher Yi is her own subconscious. The answer is in the next moment, just like the waves washing the beach during the tide, and it is over her head.

No matter what happens in this space, Nan Guiyan's behavior pattern is unchanged. If it cannot drill a hole, it will tirelessly look for the entrance and exit; it is precisely because it is looking for the entrance and exit, that it will rush forward for a moment, then turn around and turn to the left-that is, where [flat world] fell Come down.

In this way, the question becomes: Has Nan Guiyan found his goal? Or, at this moment, the invisible creature is still wandering in this space, looking for the entrance?

"Quickly, let out the consciousness," Lin Sanjiu immediately ordered, gritted his teeth to hold back the strange feeling brought by when the consciousness was almost completely empty. Even though she used a lot of consciousness, her remaining strength was still considerable. After she exhibited thinly, she suddenly covered most of the parking lot. In order to prevent Fanhe from discovering the same, she did not sweep her consciousness across the parking lot where Fanhe is located.

When the consciousness was laid, she actually just raised her arms again.

Next, just wait.

If Lin Sanjiu did not guess wrong, Nan Guiyan may still be in this space. Her guess is almost unfounded, and if there is one, it is one point: why during the game, after the game is over, before the money tree time limit ends, no outsider appears?

If outsiders can't come in, Nan Guiyan can't go out ... What about her? Can she go out?

She felt it at the same time that Lin Sanjiu raised this thought.

There was an invisible behemoth in the air above the vehicle, and suddenly rushed into the area covered by her consciousness from the other side of the parking lot; it rushed through Lin Sanjiu's unconscious resistance at a very high speed, in a blink of an eye Just walked around the parking lot.

When it rushed to the vicinity for the fourth time on the same route, the time might only pass a second or two. Lin Sanjiu made an immediate decision, propped up the back of the gray red car with his hands, and the whole man rushed into the air, straight into the car where [Flat World] was located.

Fan He, who had been staring at her, probably thought she was trying to escape, and immediately followed her. She was a moment later than Lin Sanjiu's action, but the feet of the two fell on the same moment; when Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and decided to take a risk, and then stooped down, Fan Fanzheng was still in her light. Leaned over and stretched an arm towards her.

Please, please, regardless of the Fanhe behind her, she just went straight to touch the light spot next to the rear tire of the car, thinking in her heart, don't change the route ...

At the moment when her finger touched the "flat world", the persistent Nan Guiyan once again rushed over the route it had just taken around a circle-at this time, there was only one standing on the route. Fan San brought by Lin Sanjiu.

Nan Guiyan's wind was extremely small, and it would only be enough to blow up short hair. It would be difficult for people to find it without rushing to the front; so when Fan He realized that an invisible and colorless thing suddenly rushed beside him It's too late.

After a murmur, Lin Sanjiu held [flat world] and looked back. Fan He had disappeared from behind-she was hit by Nan Guiyan and flew straight to the right.

...... Another light spot was lifted high into the sky.

"Thank you," Lin Sanjiu murmured in his heart, "snap" to regain the [flat world] that was lost, and kick back into the air with her foot; she stretched her right arm by a roll, The three light dots fell into his hand.

A very strong evolutionary can chase down Spar'an. Who would have thought it would be so bad today.

Lin Sanjiu succeeded in a single blow, and he would still stay more. While Brahma and Nan Guiyan were hit far away, he ran out. Although she did not understand why Nan Guiyan would be trapped in this parking lot, the volunteer clearly stated that they should run out as soon as possible within the time limit of the money tree and hide in the city-that is, she should not I'm stuck.

She did not dare to leave a little bit of extra effort, and ran towards the distant streets at the maximum speed; her speed was so fast that even the scenery in the corner of her eyes was spent.

However, such a fast speed is sometimes not enough.

"Oh," Teacher Yi cried, "Nan Guiyan is coming after me!"

Lin Sanjiu's heart was tight, and he also felt an invisible large object pounced upright to her back in the air-Nan Guiyan didn't know why he suddenly stopped looping around the parking lot just now, the momentum was like It's like breaking through her spine. Behind the Nan Guiyan, Fan and a skeletal climbed up and followed him.

She could not help but cursed and understood.

"It turns out that when the game player goes out, an entrance is opened?"

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