Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1465: Too humane disadvantages

… In this world of games, there is always a human “game rule recorder” among players, who can remember all game descriptions clearly; the most annoying thing is that you can immediately find a way to use the rules.

This mood was born when Lin Sanjiu was so anxious that his head sweated.

She smashed the transparent air in front of her a few times, a layer of invisible, but very familiar things, softly sunk and bounced under the metal gloves, as if after a few mouthfuls, she gave her strength Swallowed and dissolved.

Lin Sanjiu stepped back two steps, looking at the mentor trapped in a transparent area, wiped his face.

She couldn't break the "transparent balloon" and couldn't card it-the reason was simple, the gadget was an application of consciousness. Either material or item effects can be carded, but she bumped into a consciousness trainer.

"Don't talk," Lin Sanjiu just squeezed this sentence from the corner of his mouth. "No matter who set up this trap, I definitely think you are the customer I just found."

The instructor rolled his eyes, stayed still, and tried his best to look dumb. Humanoid objects are rare and precious. If the person in the dark finds that he is not a customer, but a humanoid object, I am afraid there will be no hope of getting the instructor back.

That man is probably nearby, Lin Sanjiu thought.

Just after she and her tutor turned into this corridor, she just saw an office on the right-hand side in front; when she hurried up to step up, there was a bang at her feet, and then a transparent and invisible "big balloon" occupied it. The corridor was flooded, and they were all wrapped inside.

Regardless of who set up this stuff, they used the rules of the game smartly: players can't hurt each other, so Lin Sanjiu fell out of it with a little activity; the mentor was not a player and was still wrapped like Dumpling stuffing.

Lin Sanjiu can understand the logic of the trapper. If the mentor is really just a client, then it is best to just trap him, regardless of Lin Sanjiu, because no player will waste time here for a client who has been snatched from someone's mouth. As long as that person waits for a while, he can harvest the fruits without rushing.

The mentor was not a client, and Lin Sanjiu was unwilling to lose him-which meant that she had to waste time here.

Wait, that person should be nearby?

Wouldn't she have a chance if she pretended to leave immediately and seduced the man to take over the mentor now?

After the client is captured, he must be sent to the office within five minutes; after the man has captured the mentor, he will certainly appear within five minutes and take him away.

Lin Sanjiu swallowed a sigh of relief, looked around, and gave the instructor a look he didn't know he couldn't understand; she pretended to say a whisper, "Forget it, don't," and turned to Running down the hallway, I glanced at the office that had trapped her and her mentor by the way.

This is a medium-sized office that can accommodate 6 people at 30 yuan / hour. The conditions are quite appropriate, but it is too close to the place where the instructor was trapped ... Lin Sanjiu sighed in his stomach and continued to run forward without looking back.

After making a turn and running through three small offices, she stalled—the distance was almost there. Lin Sanjiu squatted down behind the corner and closed his eyes.

Except for the buzz of the building's fresh air system, almost nothing was heard in the ears. Of course, she didn't expect the person to scream when she walked; she just remembered in her mind the door of the medium-sized office and the dark gap under the door.

As long as there is a gap, the goddess' eyes can be extended from there, instead of monitoring the movements around her mentor-this point, I really want to thank Fanhe.

After all the things that were ordered were ordered, she could feel that the forehead's forehead was gradually squeezed out from under the door slit. It felt strange, as if she had thrown her "tentacles" elsewhere, and the snail generally revealed her forehead, eyes, and nose from the shell ... Unfortunately, she couldn't see the sight in the gods' eyes.

She now felt like she was fishing, and the priest sticking out of the crevice in the distance was her bait; as long as the bait suddenly started to move around, she knew that a fish was hooked, and she should rush over.

"Congratulations on the establishment of Bai Cong Company," the sound of somewhere rang, suddenly shocked Lin Sanjiu, almost released his ability-"Wish you all the best!"

That guy has rented an office so quickly? Have you caught customers? He didn't want to pay the rent and leave the office empty.

Lin Sanjiu licked his dry lips, and just thinking of it, suddenly felt that the priest in the distance began to shake his head desperately; she jumped up immediately, and rushed back towards the road with lightning. Her speed was extremely fast. When she saw the dumb mentor again, the priest had just disappeared from under the door; behind the corner, the man revealed a tumbling belly.

As soon as he saw the shadow of the coming person, Lin Sanjiu didn't have much time to think about it, and his body fluttered in one step first, Zhang Zhang grabbed at the coming person. When she remembered that the players could not attack each other, a layer of sweat broke out on her back-she was too saving, she should wait for the moment when someone took away her consciousness and rushed out to take it away. The instructor's-but unexpectedly, her fingers were still smoothly and smoothly closed around the neck of the visitor, and immediately fell into several chins.

... is anyone in the player so fat?

Lin Sanjiu took a closer look and found that he was holding a fat middle-aged man. The hair on his head was thin, and even with his throat choked, there was still no expression on his fat red face—a client.

For a moment, she didn't know if she should cry or laugh. She held the customer's collar with her backhand, and hugged him, and quickly hurried back—the person who set the trap was probably nearby, maybe she had already seen her. It rushed out; the only thing that can be self-consoling is that if the person saw that she had seized a client, he might think that she went to the office next time, and maybe he would come out soon to take away the mentor.

Lin Sanjiu dragged his fat client, hurried back to his hiding place, and secretly estimated time in his heart. She then had to rent an office within five minutes and hire a first-level employee to look after the client; considering all the things right now, the only thing around here was the mid-level office next to the instructor.

If she continued to find another office, she would have to move immediately and go further afield, which would mean that she would have to leave the instructor alone-this is of course impossible. Even if she knew that the other person was just an object, it was impossible for her to have these humanoid objects more than objects.

"I didn't mean to let you pay attention to the players," she called the godwife, and whispered, "we'll try again, you can see this time and report again."

"I really don't play that role," the princess who just recovered from the fragment grunted and was sent back under the seam of the office door. Borrowing the power of Fanhe, it can slide out of the door silently like a piece of paper. If the person does not deliberately look down when he appears, it is difficult to find a pair of eyes staring at himself under the door. Look.

But Lin Sanjiu did not expect that this time she sent the goddess out of the crack of the door, and the humanoid object immediately began shaking his head, and the action was much more intense than immediately before-and then she heard a sound from the distance and was suppressed The vague exclaim of living is too low to distinguish between male and female.

The player who set the trap and ran into the goddess under the door?

Lin Sanjiu immediately put away the godwife and rushed out again. She can't be as agile and agile as last time, after all, she still has to drag a tall fat man-these customers may not have human intelligence, but they do have human weight. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she carried more than two hundred and sixty pounds and ran forward. When she rushed into the corridor near the instructor, another radio sounded: "Congratulations to the establishment of Lily Company, and best wishes!"

The next second, she heard a door closing not far away.

Lin Sanjiu immediately understood.

That medium-sized office is probably the place to set up a company with Lily; it is no coincidence that the woman will appear here-very simple reason, after the player catches the customer, they will rent an office as soon as possible; presumably with Lily Grab the mentor and rent the office nearby immediately.

Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to delay for half a second. He clenched the fat client's arm tightly with both hands, and rushed out like an arrow at his foot. She guessed really well, and Lily was standing at the door of the office, her hand was not even held on the doorknob-and the instructor was gone in the corridor.

He heard the footsteps with Lily, and when he turned around, Lin Sanjiu immediately shouted at her, "You took my client?"

"Whoever catches it is who," in front of her anger, and Lily flinched back just now, it seemed to suddenly remember what Lin Sanjiu could not do to her, and she was bravely visible to the naked eye-"You are not still Is there one? "

Lin Sanjiu and Yu Guang swept away and found that the head of Lily and Lily had appeared on the 6024 door. Although she couldn't see it, if she and Yuli turned around to see it at this time, it would be expected that she would see the real information of this office on the door: Customer 0—At that time, she should realize that something was wrong.

At the moment, she cannot find out that her mentor is actually a personal object. When Lin Sanjiu was in a rush, his brain turned quickly, and he immediately laughed and said, "You have already hired a first-level employee? Although the first-level employee takes one minute to appear, you have also paid your salary and office rent. Right? I have to thank you. I snatched it now and saved me a lot of money. "

And Lily looked at Lin Sanjiu like a fool, still holding his hand firmly on the doorknob, and asked, "Don't you ... don't want to understand the rules of this game?"

After waiting for Lin Sanjiu to answer, she immediately pushed the door, quickly drew in, and closed the door with a slam. From behind the door, she heard a somewhat vague voice: "You count as an attack force, I count as a defensive force, offset each other, how do you plan to seize my office? You do n’t have an office, you ca n’t hire a fifth Employees, besides, I only need four minutes to hire a fourth-level employee, faster than you. And the customer on your back, disappears before entering the office within five minutes. "

Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief, and his shoulders dropped down. She just goes in, at least and Lily can't see the information on the door for a while, she won't know that the mentor is not a client.

"I'll let you go first," she didn't know if it sounded like she was frustrated, "you owe me a client, I can remember."

And Lily snorted from behind the door.

This is not a long-term plan. She will come out of the room sooner or later and continue to look for the next customer. At that time, she will inevitably see the information on the door. And I really need to rent an office as soon as possible and stuff the customers in ... just when Lin Sanjiu didn't know what to do for a while, suddenly only listening to the radio sounded again: "Congratulations Qiandao successfully seized Bai Cong's headquarters office, congratulations to the establishment of Qiandao Company, and best regards. "

This announcement was too unexpected, and it wasn't just Lin Sanjiu who was surprised. The next second, after 6024, a half-sentence that the mentor blurted out in utter silence: "How so--"

When he quickly cut off his voice, the back door and Lily also reacted.

"Are you humanoid?"

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