Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1: !

Lin Sanjiu did not hide his footsteps at all.

When she ran, her footsteps were light but sick, and she hit the ground calmly and quickly; when she rushed out towards the target, she could shoot the hunted panic directly into the target's heart like a long arrow.

When she saw Heli's office from a distance, Heli also heard her footsteps—the door of 6024 was suddenly pulled open, and the face painted with a purple oil paint looked out, even though Ming Knowing that he would not be harmed, he was still pale with shock, and immediately retracted.

When she arrived at the door of 6024, Lin Sanjiu stopped. The door closed tightly, and Lily's small head floated on the door panel, shimmering brightly.

She sneered with Lily inside and said across the door, "What are you doing here? Don't you have to defend your own office?"

Lin Sanjiu said nothing, held the doorknob, and whispered "Attack!" — The one inside and Lily stunned, it seemed that she was not so reckless, and hurriedly yelled "Defense! ".

A new line of words suddenly appeared on the door: "Lin Sanjiu Company Attacked and Lily Company, Attack 1, Defense 1, Offset. Attack failed."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the line until it disappeared after a few seconds. As the company's "legal person", the same time it takes to hire employees, the next time the two of them can count themselves as attacking force is five minutes later; the time that can be counted as defensive force is four minutes after.

"Did you guys haven't figured it out yet?" And Lily eased, and in the horror, it seemed to be angry and funny: "You came out and attacked me, your attack was canceled, it was useless. But You have one less defensive force in your office, and may be successfully attacked by others? You calculate it yourself, and now the other two people are likely to form 2 attacks ... "

"Thank you for your concern, but my company is safe, at least safer than you." Lin Sanjiu stood outside the door and interrupted her softly.

"What causes you to have this illusion?" And Lily laughed.

"Let me explain it to you." Lin Sanjiu walked around the door without any movement. She knew that she and Lily could see herself from the office, because the blinds of the office windows were closed tightly, and a gap was opened slightly. "My company is in a very hidden corner, and there is no office nearby. If it were not for my coincidence, I would run across it in front of me without any squint. Even if the two did not attack each other, both Run out to find me, and it will take them a long time to find me in this maze. "

Of course none of the above is true.

Lin Sanjiu tried his best to hide his office, but because it involves the layout of the game, let alone [the power of description], even let the artist paint the door-oil paint touched it , All splashed back, but poured herself. Now she doesn't even have a defensive force in her office, just like a wallet falling on the road, waiting for others to approach undefended.

"So ... what about that?"

"I have customers, and I have hired a first-level employee, which means I have a profit." Lin Sanjiu raised his arms and said at the entrance of the corridor. "And you have no customers?"

Did not talk to Lily.

Her footsteps moved closer, as if not far behind the door. Lin Sanjiu really wanted to knock the door in and hold her, hit the mentor out of her, and finally managed to hold herself back—according to the rules, once she tried to open the door forcibly, it was an attack.

"So I'm not going." Lin Sanjiu smiled at the blinds and said, "As long as you leave the office, I will attack your company. I am stuck here, you cannot go out to find customers, you can only starve ... unless you hire a Tier 4 employee to look at the office for you first. But I don't think you would do that, right? "

This is a simple choice.

He rented a medium-sized office with Lily, and mistakenly assumed that the mentor was a client and hired an employee. It cost her thirty yuan in total, leaving only sixty on her body. If she hires a fourth-level employee to guard the office, she will be immediately offset by the attack of Lin Sanjiu, that is, a fourth-level employee can only hold Lin Sanjiu for five minutes-but Heli can't guarantee that she will Customers can be found within five minutes.

Before the end of five minutes, she had to return to the office immediately to find Lin Sanjiu's next attack, even if she hadn't found her client yet. At this time, she had only twenty money left, and never had the opportunity to go out to find customers. Lin Sanjiu only dragged her with an attack frequency of every five minutes, until her customers generated a profit of 100 yuan. , And then can easily win and Lily's company. Without the office and the money, Lily would only go bankrupt.

"If you don't hire a fourth-level employee, or even give up this office and find another place to start a new stove, then you still have a chance to live." Lin Sanjiu smiled and said, "Of course, you guess I will follow You past? Than speed, I haven't lost much. "

"I don't believe it," and Lily's voice suddenly sharpened, completely losing her stability. "How can there be a hidden office in this game? Really this advantage exists, isn't the game too unbalanced?"

"Whether you believe it or not. According to my guess, there are more than one such hidden office, you haven't looked for it carefully." Lin Sanjiu said in a very indifferent tone, "I'm not going anyway anyway. If there is If the client just wanders around here, I will catch him and let him disappear by himself in five minutes. Anyway, I do n’t worry about having no income, the hungry person is you. ”

Heli turned anxiously behind the door a few laps, her feet rustling. Obviously, she hadn't completely believed in Lin Sanjiu's remarks, but was disturbed by Lin Sanjiu's actions. This anxiety became even more serious when Lin Sanjiu attacked the office a second time five minutes later. It is as strong as the essence, as if you can smell it across the door.

To be honest, Lin Sanjiu's uneasiness is not less than her.

Qiandao may choose to defend because of the fear of Bai Cong, but Bai Cong is now losing a lot, maybe he is looking for opportunities like the hungry wolf-she doesn't know how long she can stay outside.

The second attack ended and the words "Failure to Attack" on the door disappeared. Lin Sanjiu gradually expanded his range of wandering, sometimes slipping to the entrance of the nearby corridor, making a look of looking around and looking for customers. The jalousie in Lily's office was like a person's eyelashes that couldn't hold the blink of an eye, turning up and down, and falling down and up again, irritatingly impatient.

After the second attack, Lin Sanjiu intentionally waited for three or four minutes before walking to the corner of a nearby corridor. After confirming that Yuri couldn't see herself from her office, she took a quiet breath and re-released the artist from the card.

The artist apparently had forgotten all the orders made ten minutes ago, immediately picked up the drawing board, and looked at her with eyes expectant.

This intelligence is really worrying ... Lin Sanjiu sighed in his stomach and whispered, "I, I will soon go over there, at the door of the office, see? No, no, I am not You want to draw it, you put the pen down. "

The artist blinked blankly. He went out as a natural client, and no one would doubt it, unlike a mentor who had to pretend.

"When I walk by, don't follow me. I will stand there and think about what you want to draw, and you go around here, but you have to remember-" Lin Sanjiu said here, see the artist I also turned around slightly, as if I knew this was the point, and could not help but relax a little. "You must go out and take a look at the probe from time to time. It is very important that you probe your head out of the corner, you know?"

The artist's expression was still blank, but he nodded anyway.

"If someone comes to arrest you, you know you have to run?"

The artist nodded quickly this time, and it was reassuring to watch.

They are standing behind the corner, and Lily is invisible, but as long as the artist holds out his head, he will fall into the view of Lily. When Lin Sanjiu turned around and walked out of the corner again, she found out that Lily really knew how to seize the opportunity-the latter apparently planned to sneak away before she came back, because there was a little more on the glass behind the blinds The purple oil paint splashed up; the figure belonging to the first-level employee, at this time Zhengmu stands beside Heli, motionless.

If you change to someone else, you probably don't think about it, but Lin Sanjiu only needs to look at it to understand the plan with Lily: the latter must be trying to paint the face of that first-level employee, and let him pretend to be himself. I couldn't reach it, and all splashed out.

... I didn't expect the hero to see the same thing.

Lin Sanjiu held back the smile in his stomach, pretending not to notice anything. She turned her back to the corridor where the artist was, and walked along with Lily's office; the shutters suddenly moved slightly, put glass on Lily, glanced behind her, and hurried back.

It seems that the artist stretched his head as instructed to attract the attention of Lily.

For Heli, as long as there is a customer on hand, the current dilemma can be broken immediately. When she found a client not far away, but Lin Sanjiu didn't find it, she couldn't refuse the temptation anyway-after all, one of the humanoid items was so expensive, and one of them was a bit of a fool. Except for the big names, who was How many can I hold?

One of the most confusing things about Lin Sanjiu is that she looks particularly simple.

"Hire a fourth-level employee,"

When Lin Sanjiu walked around the corridor in the opposite direction, her ears caught a voice from Lily's office.

She was finally fooled.

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