Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1471: Man behind the corner

[The text is fast, I am lazy today, I don't want to write too long ...]

"Ahhhh ... isn't this the lady who stabbed me in one eye just now? Why, don't you run out? My attack range is so large, I think you can only run away when you go there-you can't escape Thorns. "

In Lin Sanjiu's horror eyes, the fallen species did not attack, but instead pointed at the open space not far away with his hand, smiling softly, and his slender eyes narrowed unpleasantly. When it used to be a man, it must have been an abominable man who was disgusting-somehow, Lin Sanjiu flashed this thought in his heart.

Staring hard at the movement of the fallen species, she saw a white light in her palm and held a card. Although she was trembling slightly because of her high tension, she held on to nothing.

Could it be possible to run into the open space and make someone sniper? Just kidding, she's not stupid!

Such a short distance, you can only preempt it! The cards in Lin Sanjiu's hands once again blasted towards the Fallen Seeds-but this time the Fallen Seeds were prepared, and backed away, wielding their mouthpieces to shoot down most of the cards. The only one escaped and was quickly recalled by Lin Sanjiu, but with a glance, she could not help but secretly cursed in her heart.

The remaining card turned out to be a "black cloth" that works with the blade to block the enemy ’s vision. This time, the blades are all used up. The blades that flew out for the first time were scattered on the ground at this time. If they were not touched by hand, Lin Sanjiu could not retrieve the blades. In this month, although she consciously accepted many things as cards, now that she has only a few blunts that are not useful ...

Looking at the card in Lin Sanjiu's hand, the only pupil of the fallen seed shrank, walked to the edge of the roof, and then he laughed hehehe.

Just when Lin Sanjiu thought it was about to say something, she suddenly stabbed at her as soon as she threw her mouthparts—in an instant she realized that she was too close to her mouthparts. Can't hide at all!

With a terrified shout from Martha, Lin Sanjiu rolled out in despair, his shoulders were hot, and in the end he was cut by a mouthpiece, pulling out a **** mouth.

Holding her injured shoulder, she glanced unconsciously across the building opposite her, only to find that she had rolled onto an unobstructed open space.

No, it's too dangerous--Lin Sanjiu thought subconsciously, and [Black Cloth] flew into the air, spreading quickly.

Almost at the same time, the long-awaited gunshots rang, two in a row-thanks to the black cloth blocking a block, confusing the focus of the sniper, a light spot fell on the ground next to it, hitting a hole. However, the other instantly penetrated Lin Sanjiu's knee, and she screamed in pain immediately, and could no longer stand up, but could not lie still and panted.

"I x your uncle!" Seeing this, Lu Ze couldn't help jumping up, and he slammed the baton in his hand, slamming into the fallen seed.

At the same time, Martha slammed in the direction of Lin Sanjiu, intending to pull her up-the latter lay on the ground so undefended, as long as the light spot again, Lin Sanjiu would thoroughly explain. However, just as Marther grabbed her hand and was about to drag behind the car, the sniper rifle sounded again.

Lin Sanjiu watched as Martha's chest burst into a swollen mist of blood, splashing her face with tiny blood spots.

"Ma, Mather?" She called softly.

In the light brown eyes of Martha's lost glory, Lin Sanjiu's pale and emperor's face was reflected. Immediately, her body lost the strength of support, and fell heavily on Lin Sanjiu, squeezing her tears.

Even if he had seen it once, the death of his companion was painful and unbearable.

"Mather—!" Luther screamed like a wounded beast not far away.

Lin Sanjiu hesitated in his heart, and then exhausted all his strength, and shouted: "You don't come here, just hide!"

However, Lu Ze turned a deaf ear and waved his baton to drive away the fallen species, then turned and rushed forward—a thump, he knelt beside the two.

Lu Ze looked at the corpse, speechless for a while. He was already in the open space, but the sound of the gun did not ring as Lin Sanjiu expected, and Lu Ze seemed to forget it-he stroked Martha's hair with a shaking hand and choked. With a loud cry, he looked at Lin Sanjiu with a pleading eye: "Re-come back, we have another chance. Martha ... Martha, she is my family ..."

Lin Sanjiu flashed the bright red number in front of his eyes, and suddenly a coldness rose in his heart: Do they really have another chance? So far, everything is just speculation! If all of this is not a countdown, but everyone has a foreknowledge ...

The bright tears in Lu Ze's eyes flashed with light and hope in the night. Looking at such eyes, Lin Sanjiu couldn't explain his worry at all.

"Okay—" She turned her eyes and spit out a word, but didn't hear anything.

Raising his eyes, he saw Lu Ze's complexion as gray and stiff as never before.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly fell into the ice cellar, stared at Lu Ze's face, and hurriedly called his name: "Lu Ze, Lu Ze! You speak! Speak!"

Lu Ze's eyes were dim, and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth. Immediately, his body fell softly on Mather's body, and his fair neck was exposed, with a mouthpiece stained with blood.

"Oh, I'm really touched by this friendship of dying and dying together. But are you scared? Are you frightened again? Don't you think the dead will be resurrected?" , Flashing contented and evil light: "Miss, don't cry, every drop of water in your body is precious to me."

Lin Sanjiu realized that she had been crying silently. Compared to seeing friends one by one dying in front of their eyes, the so-called opportunity is really too empty!

The injury on the leg was no longer felt. When the fallen species pulled out the exit device leisurely and walked towards itself, Lin Sanjiu opened his eyes hard and looked at the building across the road-in front of the window on the first floor, four or five metals floated. light spot. The window was mostly covered by curtains, only a dark figure was faintly revealed. Looking at the figure, it could not be seen that it was male or female.

Before I die, at least I want to count the floors clearly, Lin Sanjiu said silently in my heart. One, two, three ... seven, eight ...

"Don't you think there is another one over there? How about my woman's ability is good?" Following her gaze, the fallen seed turned back and said like a show off. In his tone, there was a sticky pride.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't hear anything, he could only hear the count in his head. When counting to twelve, through the layers of tears constantly flowing, she saw the mouthpiece stained with Luzer's blood lifted up in front of herself.

The world became dim and fuzzy, and consciousness drifted like smoke.


"He's gone?" A strange man's voice rang out somewhere.

"Yeah, finally I couldn't help using 'that'." Another male voice replied, "It's no wonder. I think these three people have good potential, and they just met when they started An opponent who has doubled his combat power is also unlucky. Do n’t use it at this time, maybe you wo n’t need it next time! ”

"Damn, that's Lao Tzu's thing! Just catch him early ..." the man said with gritted teeth.

"Hey, look, this one is a rare‘ growth ’hey!”

"Well, really ..."

"... how ... would you like to help ..."

The voices of two strange men gradually faded, and Lin Sanjiu slipped into the unconscious darkness. Was that the death she had tasted once ...

The second time, the entire army was annihilated.

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