Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1477: Not as good as a pig

[This chapter is unexpectedly smooth, and you can see the end right away. It is recommended that you don't sleep ... The only unfortunate thing is that when I started writing at 9:30, I thought I would have to grind for a long time, so I drank tons of tons. With a cup of coffee, Nestle expresso 8 degrees, everyone who has drunk knows that this concentration is very high ... I am sitting in the dark like an owl now, and seeing that the text is almost finished, people have no sleepiness ... What to do, open a Lie down

The puppet teacher said that if Lin Sanjiu is smart, he should hope to starve to death in the depths of the sea-and this sentence seems a bit difficult to achieve at this moment.

Because Lin Sanjiu was standing at the door of a McDonald's at this time.

... It has been more than a month since the puppeteer was almost caught alive.

For more than a month, Lin Sanjiu has not slept with a complete sense of consciousness-she has no fresh water and has been living by drinking coffee; her nerves have been in an overdraft state with insufficient sleep and forced excitement all day long, Under her eyes had been stained with heavy cyan black.

But even so, she did not give up searching for the rabbits.

The offshore area is full of plastic models. It seems that the puppet master has decided to settle down at the pier, so she can't approach it at all; she can only use a roundabout search while going to a deeper place while Looking for the shadow of companions.

But nothing happened.

Not only that, Lin Sanjiu also found that he was lost.

Actually think about it, getting lost is normal-if you throw anyone into the middle of the vast ocean, you will lose your direction without a navigation map and compass. Lin Sanjiu has long wondered where the land is, which has become a very fatal thing.

Without seawater, the submarine continent had a strange stench smell under the blazing of sunlight, which lasted forever. The undersea plain did not last long, and the terrain was gradually occupied by rolling hills, which looked like a forest of mountains. After climbing over half of the small sea mound, Lin Sanjiu stood on the top of a mountain bag, anxiously anxious.

She counted just now, and there were only three boxes of chocolate left in her hand. The food is exhausted and the road ahead is still slim.

She climbed to the apex of the mountain bag and stared into the distance, and found that the terrain seemed to break suddenly about a thousand meters away. There was only a black and faint piece and nothing was seen-there was an underwater canyon.

Jumping off the sea mound, she reached the edge of the broken valley.

Although it is even more impossible to have food in the deep sea, Lin Sanjiu has never seen the underwater canyon; holding her curiosity, she leaned on the edge and looked down.

The gorge dangled straight from its feet, and was astonishingly close. The ground on the bottom of the sea turned into a cliff. It fell suddenly for several kilometers, without a slowdown, and plunged into the bottom of the valley. The starlight at night couldn't shine into the canyon at all. All the eyes could see was an endless darkness and steep cliffs with sharp angles.

Seeing this kind of landform, people who want to continue must have a mental illness—

Lin Sanjiu scolded himself in his heart that he was sick, while struggling to catch a raised rock, carefully climbing down. Rough rocks and salt sand have hurt her palms. If it hadn't been for physical strengthening, I'm afraid that the cliff that even professional rock climbers can't keep away has already become her burial place.

Why didn't you just turn back? She asked herself a little regretfully.

Even if you get lost, if you keep walking towards the ground, you are more hopeful than coming down the canyon?

She was indeed about to turn around just now-but then she suddenly heard a familiar voice. This voice, she almost never heard since the new world came.

That's the sound of water.

It sounded like a slow wave, beating against the rocks.

Lin Sanjiu squatted down, staring at the endless darkness where nothing could be seen, and traced the seawater in his mind-even though most of the world is dead, under this deep ocean floor, there are still Water is still alive.

Just like humans.

The sound of the water waves reminds people of the past, a peaceful and even boring past—Lin Sanjiu lay on the edge of the cliff and listened to the waves quietly for a while.

Of course, if that was the case, she would never go on.

As she stared at the bottom of the valley, she suddenly noticed that something was flashing in the darkness.

Just as the power connection was not very sensitive, the light flashed several times in succession and finally steadily turned on. The bright, full-bodied yellow light looks so familiar, casting a circle of "m" halo in the dark.


For a moment, Lin Sanjiu felt that because he couldn't carry all the things since the destruction of the world, he finally collapsed.

Otherwise, why is the world dead, but there is actually a McDonald's signature lamp on the bottom of the ocean nearly ten thousand meters deep?

No, it's not just a signboard lamp—Lin Sanjiu stared dumbfounded next to the “m” shaped light, and flashed twice more. As if in her ears, she could hear the “pops” emitted by the current through the tube. Voice-Then a brightly lit McDonald's restaurant appeared in the dark.

The orange light illuminated the hallway—because it was so far away that it was hard to see, but the row of red "mcdonald's" was still clearly printed on her retina.

After drinking coffee for a month, Lin Sanjiu who hadn't gotten a close eye, although she knew that it was definitely not right, but she didn't think much, she stepped on a rock and climbed towards the bottom of the valley. Go on.

The appetite that had no vitality in front of the chocolate sauce suddenly came alive, and a sharp hunger hit Lin Sanjiu's brain for a while; while crawling, she couldn't help thinking of the crispy fried chicken wings--

The cliffs of thousands of kilometers are an extremely difficult thing even for the evolution of humans: The small knife used by Lin Sanjiu to fix the body has been rolled and deformed halfway; the fingers are scarred and contaminated First-hand salt grains, the kind of pain, can hurt all the way into people's hearts. In the second half, she almost rolled off-without the protection of the vest, when Lin Sanjiu got up, she had already been covered all over.

However, anyway, finally came to the bottom of the valley.

The warm-light McDonald's restaurant, about 200 meters away from her, seemed like a wonderful dream.

Through the clean glass door, you can see the spotless red brick floor inside, the silver countertops exuding metallic luster, and the almost dazzling English menu ... a beautiful color, plump beef, and leafy cheese can't bite down The Big Mac is on the billboard, like a seductive Siren.

Lin Sanjiu walked a few steps towards it dumbly, stepped on the muddy soft wet sand, stepped into the sea water, and made a "sand slamming" sound.

Wrong, really wrong ... There is absolutely no way to have a clean McDonald's with lights on.

So what do you see with your own eyes?

She didn't need to slap herself, and the clear pain from the numerous small wounds on her body had shown that she was awake at the moment.

The glass door sensed that someone was approaching, and it opened silently immediately, a scent of food suddenly smelt, Lin Sanjiu went in like sleepwalking.

The glass door was closed behind her.

Lin Sanjiu looked around blankly, there was no figure in the restaurant, only the aroma of food was flowing out from the direction of the back kitchen-she called out the mouthpiece and approached the ordering table cautiously.

Looking back from here, you can't see anything, and the fries machine is empty. Lin Sanjiu thought he was disappointed and funny: How could there be food in a restaurant under the deep sea of ​​ten thousand meters?

But her steps still bypassed the ordering table uncontrollably, and she was about to walk towards the kitchen.

Suddenly, there was a "murmur" from somewhere, very low, as if from a long distance behind the kitchen.

Lin Sanjiu paused for a moment, and listened to his ear, but there was no sound. The situation was too weird. She felt that she was confused and unsuitable for frivolous movements, so hesitated, instead of entering the kitchen, she climbed up to the ordering table and straightened her arms. ] Posted on the roof.

As soon as it hung up, the deafening scream ripped through the air—the defensive doll couldn't find a fixed location for the dangerous source, and at this time was spinning in circles frantically, almost becoming a ghost. She was shocked by this, and she became sober for a moment. She quickly reached out and took it down. She jumped off the stage and ran to the door.

The glass door was silky.

"What the **** is going on here?"

The seemingly fragile glass door didn't even have a crack after Lin Sanjiu smashed it with his best strength several times. She went to the window anxiously, only to find that this McDonald's had no windows at all—on the sunny day, the doll was almost as scared as a gall. Although it was taken off, the sharp cry continued and was annoying. Distracted.

On the red floor tiles, I do not know when the water gushed and became sticky and slippery; the lights flickered, the surroundings quickly dimmed, and soon nothing became clear; the most frightening thing was that the floor It slowly tilted, and after a while, it turned upright into a steep slope, as if someone had lifted the restaurant aside and vowed to let Lin Sanjiu slide along the floor into the back kitchen--

The floor tilted more and more severely, Lin Sanjiu fell down to the ground with a stun, grabbed both hands on the floor in vain, trying to hold his body in place, but what started, except for a slippery, cool and wet nor.

It seemed to feel that her body was falling, and the ordering table suddenly disappeared as if melting, clearing the way she fell into the back kitchen-what was there, she didn't dare to think.

Just as she was desperately struggling and struggling, the restaurant suddenly stopped.

The floor vibrated violently a few times, then flattened slowly; although nothing could be seen in the darkness, a sea breeze blew in from the direction of the door, as if the door was open. It happened as suddenly as when he came, Lin Sanjiu was lying on the floor, and he just spontaneously froze. Suddenly, a tide surged from the rear. She was involuntarily washed out by this smelly wave. door.

With a snap, she plunged into the sea water outside.

Lin Sanjiu scrambled to his feet, crawled up, and used the land. There was no light around him, and he didn't know what happened just now. It was quiet, as if the strange McDonald's was just a dream.

If only there was light-this thought just passed through my heart, Lin Sanjiu suddenly thought of something and called out a card; with the silver light in his hand, Fangyuan was dyed white for a few moments, then It is the [Ability Polisher] found from Ren Nan.

Under the silver light that seemed to flow, she stared blankly at the thing in front of her, speechless.

This is a huge fish.

A pair of dead white eyes without Hitomi are facing Lin Sanjiu, with a mouth half as long as a subway car, half open, and a lot of jagged teeth, like a dense forest, sticking out of his mouth. The body of the giant fish was half exposed on the surface of the water, and the dark fish skin was bleeding blood outwards, like countless small fountains, dripping into the sea water under its feet.

The most intractable thing is the long, lamp-like thing in its jaw.

"Miss Lin ...? Did you kill this deep-sea arowana?"

From behind the huge fish head, a sound suddenly sounded in the deep darkness.

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