Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1488: Fortunately, the order was placed early

Although Lin Sanjiu herself is bold, not afraid of risks, and sometimes called brave, when it comes to her relatives and friends, she is more careful and considerate than anyone else and considers it.

As soon as she set out to find the gift bag, she pulled a safety rope on the gift bag, although she wasn't sure if it would come in handy—when she opened [Nothing but a Book], she never closed it again.

She also knows that she needs help to find the package smoothly. Now, it is this help she wants to provide to Ji Shanqing that has helped herself.

"Hurry up, hurry ..." and Lily's last word was only a breath away, and she clenched her hands tightly around the petals of the petals, and looked like white bloodless white stones, with only blue tendons floating up. . "what are you doing?"

No wonder she's about to lose patience, because Lin Sanjiu's current appearance can really make people feel unbelievable-the weight of the latter's body rests on the rope hanging from the lily, and it looks just loose She fell softly on the floor in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows without any action. Lin Sanjiu's right hand was turned into a fist and his eyes were closed tightly. If you look closely, you will find that her eyelids are constantly trembling as the eyeballs rotate; the weirdness is very weird, but it doesn't seem to have any help. Hope.

At the entrance of the other two elevators, Qiandao and Bai Cong were almost unable to support.

They do n’t feel like they have a cushion with Lily, and they can still stand on both feet at this time. They can only be dragged into the elevator by their own strength; just a few dozen seconds later, the sobbing groans from their noses and throats It rang.

Qiandao's fingers dragged the carpet, and within a while the nails were all turned up, broken, and the flesh of the nail bed was blurred in the process of being towed. He tried to rest one leg against the wall outside the elevator. It really stopped him for a short while—but as he screamed, his feet collapsed into the calf, and the calf bone fell into the thigh in the cracking sound of the bones of Kerala. In the blink of an eye, a leg of normal length was squeezed into a broken skin bag from the roots of the bones.

Bai Cong's condition is not much better than him. The shirt and skin on both arms have been scraped and lifted up. After struggling with his arms, he has been dragged by two waves, leaving two long leaves. Long, **** "angel wings." As he resisted, he still did not forget to scream at Qian Qian: "Quickly untie me, I am really going to die!"

Qiandao was so distressed that he couldn't even focus his eyes, and he was still trying to resist being dragged into the elevator; he was white and sweaty on his forehead—it was called by Bai Cong, it seemed to call back to God. A little more glorious.

"You promised that at the time," Bai Cong said intermittently, half begging and half crying: "I betrayed them to cooperate with you, and you will untie it afterwards ..."

"Why did she go in that direction?" Qiandao turned a deaf ear to his begging, clutching both walls of the elevator with both hands, both good and bad legs had entered the elevator. He seemed to forget his physical pain for a moment, staring at Lin Sanjiu and whispering, "Why can she ..."

Just then, Lin Sanjiu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Release your hands!" She burst into a roar, startling with Lily: "What?"

"Now!" Lin Sanjiu said too late, and shouted, "Quick!"

And Yuri released her hand almost subconsciously.

With a loose hand, she resisted the strength of the two sides and counterattacked with several times of fierce violence. She did not even have the chance to resist, so she was dragged to the floor and slid straight to the elevator; At the same time, Lin Sanjiu was dragged out of the window without resistance-she had only time to raise her arms and protect her head and face, and her feet had penetrated the floor-to-ceiling window.

The whole glass was covered with snow flakes; in the crisp sound of blasting, the scattered glass was blown by the wind, swept the entire elevator room. Each piece of broken glass was like a blade, cutting through any cloth and skin that dared to stop in front of it-Lin Sanjiu's arms seemed to suddenly ignite numerous clusters of fire, burning her skin and nerves.

This pain only hissed, and then suddenly came out of his mind with the sudden weightlessness.

… Underneath was an empty sky up to sixty floors, and she was falling rapidly.

At this moment, it is almost impossible to see things clearly in the howling wind, to find the direction in the sense of weightlessness, and to make the next move in the world. For such a long time, Lin Sanjiu felt that he could do nothing but fall down helplessly.

Teacher Yi shouted in his head: "This broken aircraft is in the wrong direction! Hurry up and tell it to make a U-turn!"

Lin Sanjiu was agitated, and then realized that the wind surrounding him was too big-several strong and powerful airflows broke the wind falling from the sky, and hit the building almost violently. Stunning. As she fell at a high speed, she vigorously waved [ebay] in her hand, and shouted in despair almost in despair: "I'm here, U-turn, I'm here!"

At high altitude, the triangular aircraft that just whistled from a distance just as if she heard her call, turned her head lightly, the triangular "head" was pushed down, and a dive swept straight. Lin Sanjiu, who was falling down, chased after her-she had been covered by the force net spit out by the triangular aircraft before she had fallen more than halfway.

"go back,"

In fact, Lin Sanjiu is now full of flowers in his field of vision. I only know that he is still floating in the air, and his ears are shocked by the sound of heartbeat and the engine of the aircraft. He can't hear anything. Based on her memory and following [eBay] seller's instructions on how to use it, she fumbled near the aircraft in Liwang, and banged hard, shouting: "While the glass window has not been closed again, we will go back quickly! "

Whether the aircraft was voice-controlled or not, she couldn't figure it out just now, just remembering that it was one of her own acquisition requirements; as a fierce child plunged into the air, she almost called her into the fuselage, and she finally She was relieved after being taken aback-it understood and carried her back.

Despite the thrilling process, the actual time passed was only a few seconds; when the triangular aircraft crashed into the broken glass window, the latter had not even started to recover. Lin Sanjiu slammed into the empty elevator room, looked up, and the three elevator doors were slowly closing.

"And Lily!" She screamed angrily, and stepped on one of the elevator doors. When He Lily exclaimed lowly behind the door, Lin Sanjiu raised his hand and threw out a long stick, "Dang" stuck in the door.

It was as if she had sensed her plan. The elevator door seemed to be a crocodile catching prey. The upper jaw suddenly stabbed in the middle and cut off the weapon from the arsenal in her hand-and the elevator car behind the door buzzed. He Lily was quickly sent down.

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