Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1500: knocking

[Oh, that's 1500 chapters! What should I do? When can I finish it? May I ask what groups I want to join to purchase services to help the web author escape? Is it really necessary for me to write Chapter 5001?

"Hello everyone, for the first time, I'm a puppet teacher."

This is a man in a weird costume, the first sentence he said after he stepped onto the platform.

Under his feet was a container that the berets had fallen together. Just now, this self-proclaimed puppet teacher was respectfully greeted by the teams of puppets and models—without a microphone, every word he said clearly passed into the presence of 219 Personal ears.

The people who came out of the two containers were forced into a neat line by plastic models and surrounded the center-originally there were more than 219 people.

After trying to resist and escape, the dozens of people were separated from the body by their thighs at this time; they were carried on the shoulders by the models and walked down the platform one by one, as if they were giving puppets. The teacher looked around. After the man touched each person's forehead once, he shook his head slightly, and the plastic models immediately threw their arms up and threw them into the dry sea, regardless of life or death.

At this moment not far from Lin Sanjiu, there was a thigh of a man wrapped in jeans.

"If you don't want to be hurt, I suggest you cooperate with me. My requirements for everyone are simple. There is no need to be injured because of this." The puppet teacher smiled slightly, sounding polite.

There was a commotion in the crowd, but it was like the last bit of north wind in the spring, and quickly disappeared under the attention of strange people around.

The puppet master's eyes turned, although his face was still smiling, his eyes were still heavy.

This is a man who can't see his age-he occasionally raises his hands and throws his feet like a teenager; holding hands and standing still, and grows gloomily old, as if to say that he is too old.

From the clothes, he couldn't tell who he was: because the outfit was so strange-the upper body was wrapped in strips of black leather strips, exposing a line of pale skin, looking like A piece of leather was worn after being shattered.

Behind him was a huge, scarlet-red decoration like a chicken's crown, which flickered with the pace; a pair of black leather boots reaching up to his thighs.

"I have a question."

His voice was very peaceful, but all of a sudden caught everyone's attention.

"Which of you 219 is a visa officer?"

The crowd was silent. Those who are confused, as if trying to get answers from others, are probably those who have just evolved-Extreme Hell is the first new world they have experienced, and they do n’t know about the visa officer; The face was astonished, it should be from another world.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, no one spoke.

"Oh-really, the base of 219 is still too small." The puppet master sighed with a little dissatisfaction, and then stepped back: "Well, who has the news about the visa officer? "

Lin Sanjiu trembled in his heart and thought of Fang Dan-looked at Hu Chang around him, knowing that the puppet master was unlikely to find himself from more than 200 people, and still couldn't help concealing the lowness. Head up.

It didn't matter if she lowered her head, she suddenly noticed that the short man standing in front of her was shaking her legs violently.

She was puzzled.

The current situation does not seem to be so scary--

However, the short man seemed to be unable to stand even enough to fall down in the next second; but he did not expect that he spoke boldly, and his voice spread tremblingly: "People, Lord Puppet Master ... "

In a silence, even though his voice was not loud, he was still captured by the puppet master on the platform.

Puppeteer ... Master?

This guy is too dog-legged?

An unknown smile appeared on the face of the man who claimed to be the puppet master: "You said."

"Yes, yes ... I spent four or five months looking for visa officers in this area, but there are rumors that he has gone to the north ... you may find it here." To answer.

Lin Sanjiu noticed that he said the words "this area"-think about it, the world is so large, if there is only one visa officer, the chance of meeting a visa officer is too low.

The puppet teacher's smile faded, and he whispered, turning his head and asking, "Anyone else have any information about the visa officer?"

The crowd was silent.

"Well, okay. It's not that I don't trust you, but I always have to check it one by one to know that the visa officer is not hiding." The voice of the puppet teacher was still so soft and polite, and said as he walked off the platform. A team of plastic models immediately followed him, like bodyguards.

He walked up to the head of the first row, and the young guy was a little on guard: "... what are you doing?"

"Don't be nervous," the puppet master's tone was soft and coquettish, but everyone was still heard clearly. "I'm just looking to see if you're a visa officer. It doesn't hurt to check."

Speaking, he had hit the young man's forehead like a flash of electricity.

Looking at the young man's appearance, he wanted to resist. He did not expect that his weapon had not been taken out. The other party was done, and it really did not hurt or itch. He stood there very embarrassed and embarrassed. . The puppet master looked a little disappointed. When he ignored him and went to the second person, the young man shouted, "I'm not a visa officer, so can I go?"

The puppet master did not return: "Of course, but you have to wait."

As soon as his voice fell, a plastic model took a step, blocking the young man's way, and the young man was dubious.

At this moment, the short man standing in front of him whispered a low voice, and scolded "Fool"-he grabbed his pants uneasily with both hands and looked very nervous.

Lin Sanjiu's heart moved and he lowered his throat and asked, "Hey, where do you come from?"

The short man froze and returned half of his face. It seemed that no one was talking to himself at this time. Although he was born unsophisticated, his eyes were very flexible, and his eyes remained on Lin Sanjiu's face for a second before he replied: "Ice storm. You too ...?"

Lin Sanjiu nodded and said to the secret sign, "Black Dead City."

——This is the name I saw on Ren Nan's visa.

The short man said "Oh": "I've been there. The Black Dead City is now gradually stabilized ... Well, this time I was sent to a rural place like Extreme Hell. It's not convenient to say nothing. I didn't expect ... ... "

Before he finished speaking, he trembled and swallowed the second half.

Lin Sanjiu sighed along the short words: "That is to say, I didn't expect such a bad luck this time, and I even met the puppet master ..."

The short man sighed: "You know him, too."

Lin Sanjiu didn't let the confusion in his heart show up at all, only to say yes.

"It's a rare, rare thing. So you've been to the" Central Twelve Realms "... Oh, look at you, you probably haven't heard the latest rumors of the puppet master?" What did the short man think of suddenly? Like: "Oh, yes, my name is Shen Lianqi, and make a friend, maybe we will meet in the center of the twelve circles ..."

Reluctantly did not ask what the "center twelve circles" was, Lin Sanjiu newspaper was named, and then could not wait to ask: "What is the latest rumor?"

This sentence reminded Shen Lianqi that his face was white again. "It is said that the ability of the puppet teacher has been upgraded. It is very evil ... even those who always faced the puppet teacher have recently avoided his limelight and transmitted to other new worlds. After all, they have reached those big men After our level, it is too difficult to upgrade to another level! Everyone says what will happen in the future, everyone is staring at the situation. Hey, what is the big thing like this has to do with our little shrimp? I am I never expected that he would come to this backcountry ... "

Although there were a lot of things he didn't understand, Lin Sanjiu quickly wrote down every word of him. After thinking about it for a while, she chose the question most likely to make Shen Lianqi say: "What do you want to do today, puppet master?"

"Well, I guess." Shen Lianqi's gaze followed the figure of the puppet master closely. Whenever the puppet teacher touched a person's forehead, a plastic model stood beside that person. go with. He moved uneasily, saying, "I heard that the followers around him disappeared for a while, and when they reappear, they have become dummy, and they ca n’t laugh anymore. It remains. "

"You also know that these puppets do not have the ability to evolve. If it weren't for the 'arsenal', it would be nothing more than food. Rumors say that his ability now can turn living people into puppets, so he wants to call more Some living people come to get rid of the arsenal. But in places like the Twelve Realms of the Center, it is not easy to start casually, or is it just these newly formed doomsday worlds. "

As soon as Shen Lianqi talked about the big events and gossips he was passionate about, he kept talking, and he didn't notice Lin Sanjiu and his companions who were holding their breath, beside him, his face turned pale.

"Do you mean, he wants to turn these 219 people into his puppets?"

Shen Lianqi didn't say a word, and after a while he murmured, "Well, let's look at the situation ... It's really impossible, let's escape on our own."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the puppet teacher not far away in suspicion and exchanged gazes with his companions. This Shen Lianqi seems to have experienced a lot of worlds, presumably a few cards, but how did these people escape?

The puppet master moves quickly. After a while, nearly a hundred people have been checked, not far from Lin Sanjiu and his party-with the bright red chicken crown getting closer and closer, the puppet teacher walked, the leather The creak was clear and audible.

"Small wine, I suddenly remember something," a rabbit's voice came to his ear. "Isn't he going to touch everyone's forehead?"

Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a moment, then understood.

"Your Wusu poison, you can kill him in a few seconds. What's terrible for us?"

The rabbit's voice passed into the ears of three people at the same time, and the expressions of several of them suddenly relaxed. I was just occupied by the name of the puppet teacher, the center twelve realms, and I almost forgot the black poison of them ... Since the plastic models are the ability of the puppet teacher, as long as he dies, these models Not too afraid.

With this confidence, when the puppet master took his finger off Shen Lianqi's forehead, Lin Sanjiu even hoped that he could reach out his hand quickly.

The puppet master took a step forward and came to Lin Sanjiu, squinting and examining her.

At such a close distance, the face of the puppet master is wonderfully frightening-a circle of gold powder around his slender eyes shines in the light of the setting sun; although he is tall, it can be due to his pale skin and thin body , But it made him look deterrent.

The puppet master smiled softly and raised a finger.

Lin Sanjiu held his breath.

Her fingers reached her forehead and stopped just a few millimeters from her skin.

"Oh, you have black poison."

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