Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1515: Inside the conference

Lin Sanjiu quietly glanced at the time under the computer.

Nearly fifteen minutes have passed since she entered the house with Zhou Xian; as the "ninth game creator", she should almost quit and turn back to "write a game"-but as soon as she looked up, she found herself Stuck in place by a problem that was not considered before.

... the room door was closed.

She remembered that when Zhou Xian entered the house, she obviously did not turn around to close the door, and it was even more impossible for her to take the initiative to close the door. Now, if you think about it, it is most likely because the door itself is not the double-open wooden door you see. If you do, you slowly slide on yourself.

It was only now that she realized this, and her lameness was too late. Could she ask Zhou Xian to open the door for herself? As the ninth game creator, she couldn't even open the door?

Fortunately, when Lin Sanjiu was thinking about what to do, Zhou Xian didn't notice that she should go back. His current attention was all devoted to the game—although there were still two or three days before the game was finally completed. However, he has already given it a name, "Do you remember?" Now he is thinking about what punishment should be given to players who remember correctly.

That kind of concentration and commitment is enough to be rated as a monthly excellent employee in any company.

"If there is a delay, he will realize that you should have left," reminded Yi.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the faint door behind the screen, and then looked at Zhouxian-after thinking about it, I really don't know how to let him open the door for himself without being suspected; after being beaten, Zhou Xian has given birth to precautions, and protective text has been worn all the time, even by force.

At least for now, she still had to pretend to be fascinated, and stayed bitterly.

"Or lightning strike? Will it die?" Zhou Xian muttered, deleted the text on the screen, and hesitated at the cursor. "Can't die, it has to be particularly uncomfortable ... like that Russian dog ..."

What Russian dog?

Lin Sanjiu froze for a while, and after thinking about it, he realized that what he was talking about was probably "Paplov's dog".

Does he intend to make the player feel physical discomfort or even fear of going back to the real historical experience through punishment again and again, so that memory becomes a plasticine that anyone can rub?

At the same time, an uproar rose from her stomach, she suddenly came up with an idea.

Lin Sanjiu quickly drew [Hongyan's Book], took out a pen, and said to Zhou Xian: "You have experience, let me take a note." Before the other party responded, she began to write-"Yu Yuan ? Are you still in Allan Poe? "

Zhou Xian was flattered by her words and actions, and laughed hardly, but she was rare and modest: "Others have also written a few good games. You can inquire about them and learn some experiences. "

Perhaps this is an opportunity to direct the topic to the apartment game.

"Really? Can it be as difficult as this?" Lin Sanjiu immediately deliberately asked, "What impressed you?"

"I think ..." Zhou Xian took off his hand from the keyboard, and his eyes moved into the air.

[Hongyan Family Book] Yu Yuan's response floated up.

"I'm still here. Allan Poe just told me that the newcomer is more likely to be sacrificed and change the remaining days for the rest of the people. Of course, he always wanted to put himself out of the relationship, saying repeatedly that he never Stop doing things. ”Yu Yuan ’s text paused for a while, and said,“ I can better manipulate this corpse now. After the event, the corpse spots have also reduced. Allan Po should have fully believed that I was a living person. Because he said the phrase 'The original dead words are not effective for us' twice. He is greeting me and asking if I have a boyfriend, saying he can take care of me a little bit. "

What's this about?

"Could you make an excuse to trick Allan Po into Zhouxian?" Lin Sanjiu hurriedly wrote while Zhouxian wasn't talking, "such as calling him out loud ... he won't open the door, I Can't go out. "

Of course, she can't let Allan Poe perceive herself, and Yu Yuan can't let Zhou Xian find him-this is naturally within the consideration of the data body, and she doesn't need to say more.

Almost the last one was written in a hurry, Zhou Xian turned her head to her.

"There is a robber game. Although the rules are simple and straightforward, you have to follow along and find that the simple ones are also very exciting. That game is to constantly ask the player to rob and kill people, no matter who the target is, they basically don't give them breathing space. Everything is lost, and it is not that there are people who are killed in the end ... there are also delicate, there is an elephant in the room ... "

Yes, the person who wrote that game is also right here.

"Elephant? Who wrote it?" Lin Sanjiu held back a substantive nausea and turned his eyes. Yu Yuan's short "I'll try it" is still the last sentence on the paper.

"It was originally a template, who was rewriting it ..." Zhou Xian couldn't remember it in the key places. "I can't remember it anyway, because it wasn't those who came out of Allan Poe or Queen of the Night Stars anyway. Jumping. "

It's a template again.

"I prefer apartments," she said tentatively. "Who has written any apartment games?"

"No," Zhou Xian said without interest.

It seems that what he doesn't know is tantamount to nothing—obviously he doesn't feel that he needs to think twice about other people's affairs.

When Lin Sanjiu realized that his eyes had fallen on the time of the computer screen, she couldn't help but worry; unexpectedly, Zhou Xian was silent for a while, wondering what she was thinking.

……what happened?

"Oh, it's been this long?" Just when she was full of doubts, Zhou Xian's gaze swept away for a second time, as if she had just returned from some distant place. "Should you go back and start writing your own game?"

"Oh, yes," Lin Sanjiu responded casually. Can he go to his room and see? The problem is, where does she come from-where the female corpse lives, she doesn't know.

"Let's go, I'll send you off," Zhou Xian suddenly pushed away her chair and stood up, toward the screen. "There are often new people here, and I have met a lot, but you little brother is quite appetizing for me."

What do you mean?

Despite her doubts, Lin Sanjiu knew that she was no problem when she went out. As he turned around, she quickly left Yu Yuan a few words on the paper and followed in a few steps-when Zhou Xian opened the door for her and stood by herself, Lin Sanjiuzheng To step forward at the door, suddenly stopped.

She turned to look at Zhouxian.

The latter swollen half of her face and looked at her under the thick eyelids of blood stasis.

Lin Sanjiu took another look at the aisle leading to the round hall. It was empty and there was no one, but she had a strong, almost uncomfortable feeling all over her, as if she had several pairs of eyes, watching her unconsciously in the void.

"Let's go," said Zhou Xian with a wave of his hand. "Come on, don't delay."

Yu Yuan said that they would keep the number gap in order to extend their stay. Allan Poe said newcomers are more likely to be victims. Zhou Xian said that there are often newcomers here.

Even just putting these pieces together is enough to make people realize what these eight people are doing-not to mention, the sense of surveillance on the outside corridor is almost like a huge eyeball sticking to the upper door, making Lin Sanjiu straightened goosebumps.

Replaced the young girl's position, she is now the ninth person.

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