Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1518: Ideological work

... Lin Sanjiu raised a vague idea deep in her mind: she looked down on Master Zhang.

The creators of these games are low in strength, each with their own eyes, and a piece of sand, so even if they can move the text, she is not really scared-take Zhang Shi as an example, even if he just heard the news that the girl was not dead, deal with Lin Sanjiu At the same time, he would not throw a dead letter straight out. Unlike young people who are still a little bit reckless, when it comes to Zhang Shi ’s own life, he has a 0.1% risk.

By the same token, he cannot release words such as "coma". They are both in a coma, which means they are both dead, because it is absolutely impossible for the other game creators who come to the door to let this opportunity go for nothing. Since she will not die or lose consciousness, can she still survive Zhang Shi no matter what negative effects she will suffer?

Of course, these are all thought activities before she actually saw the text.

What she can still hear now is the constant call of the Italian teacher, as if she is a dying person, she must call her name and keep her attention: "Lin Sanjiu! Lin Sanjiu, hello Think about it, your feelings are now triggered by words, don't ... "

Lin Sanjiu stood on the spot, looking at Zhang Shi on the opposite side, and wrote that [Hongyan Family Book] was still in his hand.

Zhang Shi has regained his footing. Although his belly is so big and he still looks so fat and heavy, it is this sense of heaviness that has brought him a sense of stability and urgency. He looked at the paper on Lin Sanjiu's hand and looked at her again, and then tentatively said slowly, "Come, show me."

As if adjusted by someone, as soon as he spoke, the teacher ’s voice immediately shook, weakened, and lost its color, just like the old yellow historical documents, no longer meaningful.

Lin Sanjiu remained silent for a few seconds, finally walked obediently, and passed him the Hongyan Family Book.

Zhang Shi could not help raising a bit of joy. He took the piece of paper, lowered his eyelid, and scanned the text on the paper, while asking casually, "Give me this thing, don't you have any opinion?"

"No, no," Lin Sanjiu replied in a hurry—she was also very uncomfortable with this newly rising feeling, as if she was afraid that she would be late and the other party would be misunderstood. She had to be careful and consider the words, but instead of being afraid of stimulating his puppet back when facing the puppet teacher, she felt strange and respectful.

She didn't like this feeling, not to mention that the Italian teacher in her head never gave up and tried to make a sound; but these small uncoordinated notes were suppressed by the power of the few words behind Teacher Zhang. Was dissolved.

Two or three meters high, the words "wei" and "right" stand high against the ceiling, forming a combination of light and shadow behind Zhang Shi. Each called character has a different temperament, but never one of them is as killing, huge and heavy as them; the strong, unquestionable white light seems to freeze with the strokes, turning at the edge, and Drops a startlingly deep darkness.

In front of these two words, no one exists.

Who is behind them, who is there. With regard to them, Lin Sanjiu did not dare to look directly, but did not dare not look at it-all for the same reason.

Zhang Shi has completely relieved. His words also worked for himself, so he became more and more a big man in his actions and speeches; he shook the piece of paper in his hands and slowly said, "You still have a companion here what……"

Fortunately, most of the dialogues have been “pushed” by new handwriting and disappeared from the paper; apart from “there is her companion in Allan Poe”, Zhang Shi couldn't see any other information.

"Yes," Lin Sanjiu replied immediately—with the urge to take the initiative to explain more information. It was difficult for her to tell what she felt in her heart now. She wanted to bow her head, to bend down, to admire, to struggle, to escape, and to push him down. But she didn't dare. She dared nothing except she didn't move, because Zhang Shi didn't tell her to laugh or force her to rebel now.

"Are you the woman who rushed out before?" Zhang raised his eyelids and looked at her. "You restore it as it is, let me see."

What if he can take her without doing it? Lin Sanjiu couldn't think of a specific possible consequence, but as long as she thought about the words "disobedience", she felt like she was about to slip off the cliff, her stomach tightened Screwed together.

She lifted her camouflage.

Zhang Shi opened his eyes and nodded again and again and said, "Well, I didn't expect that you could still. Oh," he seemed to be online in his head, "So, what you said before The humanoid is actually your companion, isn't he a humanoid at all? "

Lin Sanjiu blinked his eyes and nodded. She seemed to degenerate into a child in an instant, soft and unconscious.

Zhang Shi pursed his lips. "What about Allan Poe? How much does he know?"

"He doesn't know who we are. He thinks my accomplice is one of the creators of the game," she said dumbly.

"He said the girl wasn't dead, what's going on?" Zhang Shi frowned, digging deeper: "Don't you think you can hide me, is that girl dead?"


"Then why did he say he wasn't dead?"

Lin Sanjiu felt that her teeth were fighting. It is one thing for her to expose herself; another thing for her to confess Yu Yuan's initiative. Her nails were deeply in her palms, and the blood burst into her head, squeezing out word by word: "Because my friend ... he pretended to be ..."

She couldn't say anything in the second half of her sentence, but it didn't make sense now to bite her lips and stop talking-Zhang Shi nodded and sighed.

"It's a pity," he said slowly. "It's a pity that Allan Poe has spread the news. Now everyone knows that the girl isn't dead and knows that your identity is strange. They are not completely stupid ... Did you see my phone? "

Lin Sanjiu couldn't wait to see the phone with one eye and stare at "wei" and "right" with one eye-she always wondered if she could not see one, and they would crush herself into crushed powder silently and dissipate in the wind.

"It's not a phone. I'm older, so I set my internal messaging system to look like this ..." Master Zhang folded his hands, took a few steps in place, and said, "But as long as there is one Message, it will be played to me right away, I need to send messages, and I do n’t need to call one by one. You see, it ’s been a while since the message from Allan Poe, but I have n’t received it. To anyone else. "

Lin Sanjiu didn't say anything, waiting for him quietly.

"What does this mean?" He waved his hand, sneered, and said, "You entered my room, and they all saw it plainly. Now your identity is suddenly suspicious, and you have not been out late. I am afraid they will either Thought I was out of luck ... or I have control of you. "

Speaking of Zhang Shi, he paused for a while.

"These people are not brave. At a short while, they dare not come in ... when we have been in the house for a long time, they should want to come in and watch."

Zhang Shi looked at Lin Sanjiu and smiled almost kindly. "During this period of time, I think that you still need to exercise this idea."

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