Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1520:

The text in the original text library is divided into two types.

The first is dedicated to creating games and can only be used to create games. They are huge and inexhaustible. When written on "paper", like a novelist, you can write as you want. In some games, people who are absorbed and written will become a name in a dictionary, and it will automatically become a full set when written down-for example, the name "Bai Cong" includes "male, one meter seven five" "Wait a message, after all, it's a person in itself.

The second one is for game creators.

The words "locust", "dead", and "cage" they called out were stored together with more similar words in another list; whichever was needed, they were called out. . Unlike the first type of text, there are restrictions on the number of words that can be called around, and there are even only one set of words-if you call "freedom" on this side, others will be missing " "Freedom".

"A lot of people do n’t understand, because they think the words they say can only affect themselves, so what do they study? What they know about this list is, oh, there are protective words, there are surveillance words, enough." Zhang Shi shook his head. , As if regrettable, "This is bad! They don't think enough."

Also, everyone thinks deeply, how can the words "prestige" and "right" get you by turn.

Lin Sanjiu knew that this idea was very disrespectful, and when it floated up, it was a bit uncomfortable, as if desecrating what kind of image-but the wonderful thing is that she felt that Zhang Shi was offended, but she didn't really care .

Having said that, Yu Yuan once judged that they could not call "Invincible World", and then they became truly invincible. At that time, the basis of his judgment was to prevent the game creators from killing each other. This kind of positive influence on their own force must be limited. At first glance, it's likely that there was no such thing as "Wuyi superb" in that list.

Thinking of Yu Yuan, Lin Sanjiu held a little in his heart.

Her former colleague became an opponent in the blink of an eye. Even if she could not bring up her enemies like Zhang Shi hoped, she would be full of hatred, regret and loss.

When she was distracted, Zhang Shi continued talking, and said a glance at her: "... Are you listening?"

"I'm listening, I'm listening."

"What did I just say?"

Lin Sanjiu was silent for a while, waiting for the teacher's voice to appear. The subconscious will capture Zhang's words for her, she is not worried about it-but after waiting for two seconds, the place where the voice of the teacher is supposed to come, empty and silent.

What about Italian teacher?

"Why aren't you attentive at this time?" Zhang Zhang criticized immediately. "Do you want to do something or not? You can be killed by others when you go out. I tell you--"

Wait, what about Italian and Italian teachers?

"Before you met me, what was that state? Alone struggling! Solitary, no one will die here!"

She ... does she have a teacher in her mind?

Lin Sanjiu looked at Zhang Shi and listened to his next long and tiring lesson into his ear. He was skeptical and uncertain. Yu Yuan is a hostile camp, not to mention; so, if she had been alone before, the teacher obviously did not exist.

Her memory of Teacher Yi ... is it actually an imagination?

"I repeat again," Master Zhang said, drawing her attention back. "Our next action plan is closely related to the second word."

Lin Sanjiu felt like he suddenly woke up in a big dream and found that his travel companion in his wonderful trip did not exist. The reality is limestone, lacking color, boring, and heavy. She was really uninterested in Zhang Shi's plan, but had to pretend to be very positive and nodded.

"They should all be wearing protective text now, so if you go out, you can't treat them well." Zhang Shi groaned. "They didn't wear it before, because after so many months, the calm and calm, we all have each other. Can't start with each other, a false peace has already formed. Now that you come, their sense of crisis will definitely come up. I don't see your body, and I'm afraid no one will take off the protective text. "

"I have a way to become a corpse, very realistic." Lin Sanjiu said immediately. She always felt that the tone was not like her own, but she did say it from her mouth—it felt like standing up straight after waking up in the morning and finding that her feet had changed to another person.


Just one word from each other, Lin Sanjiu was alive. She took out [cosplay enthusiasts visited the funeral parlour today], explained him the usage in detail, and took the initiative to show a few dead appearances-although she also vaguely knew that her plan to add bricks to it would probably end up with her It doesn't matter, the beneficiary will never be her.

Zhang Shi was surprised and satisfied with the effect of this item.

"You have a lot of weird things," he said kindly, "I think this is good, and anyone who sees it will believe it. But one thing, even if they see your body, they may not immediately remove the word protection. .It's likely to wait for a while, when one day I took it off in the shower ... I can't wait that long. "

This is true. Lin Sanjiu also frowned, as if it was very nerve-racking-because she had no choice not to follow. The two thought for a while in silence, and Zhang Shi's eyes suddenly swept across the screen that had been turned back, "Huh?"

"Why did these two come here?" He was a little surprised, and turned the screen back to her again.

Lin Sanjiu jumped in his heart, and sure enough he saw two black and white figures on the screen walking deep into a corridor, looking at the way to Zhang Shi's room. Yu Yuan was half a step behind. Allan Po walked and talked to him side by side. As they got closer and closer, the sound gradually rang out from the hallway outside the door, as if it had been detached. Dubbing.

"... My news is reliable. That's right, she just entered this room. She looks like a game creator. I guess she thought you were dead." Allan Poe's voice changed from vague to It was clear until the door stopped, "Well? The door is open."

In the room, Zhang Shi and Lin Sanjiu glanced at each other, and they had no idea at all.

Yu Yuan apparently came to her ... Lin Sanjiu thought silently in his heart. If only the teacher was still there, she could discuss it-is that really her imagination?

The door blocked by the small group of consciousness still opened a gap slightly.

Lin Sanjiu carefully turned this idea in his mind. There are two facts in front of her, one is that she is conscious; the other is that the teacher does not exist—this is not right—when she thought about it, she glanced at the text behind Zhang's back just as if her brain had been hit, and immediately Released again. In fact, there is no contradiction between the two. Who stipulates that consciousness must necessarily represent an intentional teacher? Zhang Shi said, she was alone before, Zhang Shi did not believe, who else?

Zhang Shi did not close the door at that time because he wanted others to think that something had happened in the house, so the owner—that is, himself—had no time to close the door. He did not expect that someone would come to the door so soon, and Yu Yuan and Allan Po, who turned suddenly on the way, were staring at the direction of the door for a while.

"Is it ... Allan Poe?"

The voice was thin and weak, and the problem came out of his throat. As soon as Zhang Shi's mouth came out, Lin Sanjiu was shocked. She hurriedly looked back and found that he had stood up and was walking step by step towards the next wall with the two huge words behind him. Each step fell very carefully, and the soft sound was quickly swallowed into the carpet. Soon, he hid himself and the huge text behind him behind the second wall, and couldn't see him from the foyer at all.

"Well, are you okay?" Allan Po was startled. "I heard--"

"Yes," Master Zhang said with the same weasel throat that was about to take a breath, "that woman ... she ..."

As he said, he winked at Lin Sanjiu and said a few words slowly with his mouth: "Hide."

Lin Sanjiu looked around, and couldn't hide it. He turned to the desk and squatted down. The screen was facing her at this moment, and the fluorescence lit a little white around the screen. She hesitated, reached out her hand silently, and slowly turned it towards herself.

"She's pretending to be the ninth game creator, isn't she?" Said Allan Poe, hesitating not to enter the house at his feet. "I heard--"

"Yes, fortunately, I reacted quickly ... I passed out, and now I just woke up, and the woman was gone." Master Zhang said slowly, the voice really seemed to be injured and then propped up. "Her tactics are so great that she can use mine ... mine ..."

"What use you?" Allan Po asked urgently.

Zhang Shi sighed. When he turned his head, Lin Sanjiu had just withdrawn his hand placed on the computer and was almost caught by him; Zhang Shi apparently could not observe it, and did not notice that the screen turned around again. Just told her by mouth: "Wait for my signal and attack."

"You come in first and close the door," Zhang said, "I'm afraid she'll kill another carbine."

Allan Po suddenly responded in a panic. When he pulled Yu Yuan into the house, Zhang Shi said weakly, "I don't know what method she used, but ... the protective text on my body was tightened all at once, and it seemed that I even broke my ribs Two. My heart is about to explode, and I was almost choked to death. "

Lin Sanjiu immediately understood--but Zhang Shi's order had not yet come down, and she had to say nothing and continued to wait behind the table.

Allan Poe walked in, listening to the sound and looking around. "Really?"

"I immediately put away the protective text at that time, and haven't called it yet." Zhang Shi said quietly behind the second wall. "You don't believe it, look at it."

Yes ... Lin Sanjiu took a low breath.

When she groped on the computer, she found that there were two sets of protective text in the second text list at this time. This shows that in addition to the death of the little devil, the master's set was not available, but Zhang Shi also took off his protective text.

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