Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1522: Give you life


Lin Sanjiu's slap was not heavy, and he slammed on Allan Po's left cheek, summoning him back to God. He had lowered his eyelid just now, staring blankly at the carpet in front of her, not even noticed when she came forward and stooped down.

The horrible state she was hypnotizing and holding her head just now is like a sleeping pill that is too powerful. Even after the consciousness and consciousness have separated from the Black Sea, she still feels dizzy and hard to wake up for a while; it is for this reason The reason was that it took more than ten seconds before she realized that Allan Po was in a daze.

Lin Sanjiu looked up at the female corpse behind him—Yu Yuan slowly moved to the back of Ellen Poe, at this time his hands were raised on his chest, I do n’t know when the half of [Hongyan Family Book] was unfolded, and he wrote it In those few words, the font size was as big as fearing that she was a myopia.

"I've seen him send a message," the paper said cautiously, "so I think there is a chance that he was fascinated by communicating with other creators."

When Lin Sanjiu regained his gaze, Allan Po's mind returned to his cage. The latter was so beaten, and quickly said, "I, I must cooperate ... What do you want me to do?"

She straightened up-indeed as Yu Yuan described.

"Have you just ventilated the news to other game creators?" She said softly, looking back at Zhang Shi's silent telephone. "You also skipped Zhang Shi without sending it, you just don't want me to know."

Whoever thinks that Allan Poe's face is already ugly like this, it won't be any more ugly, then he is wrong-the face with no flesh and blood, twisted and suddenly white, and stuttered Say, "Why, what? I ... I ... who the **** are you?"

He just said, "How do you know us so well?"

Lin Sanjiu knocked on his temple and said with a smile, "Is your message system in your head?"

Allan Po stared at her, and it looked as if she had suddenly scratched her face, revealing the alien underneath. He can think of putting the communication channel in his head, presumably with the intention that no one can find it; he probably never expected it, and was only noticed after using it in front of Yu Yuan.

When he saw him, he couldn't open his mouth and couldn't speak, Lin Sanjiu nodded and said, "I don't care where it is, you tell me, what did you tell them specifically? Three."

As soon as she realized that she was counting down, Allan Poe didn't wait to hear the second and immediately poured out everything. "I, I told them about Zhang Shi's death ... now they all know you, and you can shrink the protective text on people ... he, they said, they should join forces to kill you. They also said that this must be new The game launch will have its biggest crisis ever. "

"What can they do?" Lin Sanjiu was a little curious.

"This, this I don't know--" Allan Poe just put on a crying face, suddenly a look on his face, said with a daze, "Yes, I really don't know."

Lin Sanjiu looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Just as she was going to continue questioning, Yu Guangli, Yu Yuan suddenly manipulated the female corpse to lift up again [Hongyan Family Book]-when she looked up, she found on the paper: "He really doesn't know now."


Lin Sanjiu looked at the paper and looked at Allan Poe. The latter was obviously in the genuine doubt, frowning hard, and seemed to be concentrating on recalling something—looking at him, as if he had forgotten something important—

She suddenly wanted to understand and couldn't help but slap her forehead.

The ability that Yu Yuan described to her can make people's lies come true, and the effect of [Pigmarian Collar] has been maintained for five minutes, but it has not yet reached the time limit-Allan Po knew just now What other people want to do, but want to hide her and not say, but as soon as the lie is revealed, it really changed from knowing to not knowing!

"Well," Lin Sanjiu turned annoyed, but came up with an idea. "You don't know, although I'm not the creator of the game, I just got your permission ..."

Didn't let the lie come true, then she too-she was glad to be here, but saw Yu Yuan standing behind, shaking his head slowly with no expression. The data shows that the state seems to relax a lot. From the expressionless female corpse's face, it is almost clear that a teacher's attitude when he sees the wrong question in the homework assignment.

No, no? Why can they do it, but not hers?

Allan Poe raised his eyes, dubious.

"You don't care what permissions I have, ask now," Lin Sanjiu simply ordered, "Ask them what they are going to do? You are still in my hands, if they are going to deal with me, you ask in advance for your own safety. It's normal. "

Nodding his head, Allan Po's eyes were stagnant for a few moments, and he looked like he was out of the sky; after a full minute or two, when he turned his eyes back, his lips were shaking.

As soon as he saw the look on his face, Lin Sanjiu understood a little.

"I ... I don't understand ..." His voice trembled, as if he was about to break, "why and why didn't they reply to me?"

Lin Sanjiu just wanted to sigh low.

Does this need to be asked? Allan Po himself knew the answer.

While she was silent, Allan Poe opened communication again-he was probably calling the rest of the game creators again and again, and his pupils seemed to be constantly trembling slightly; this useless attempt was finally made after a few minutes He gave up.

For a while, in this spacious living room, no one spoke.

"Why are you ventilating them?" Lin Sanjiu squatted and looked into his eyes and asked.

This man has completely forgotten the "girl" he used as a shield, and it is always annoying to talk; and if he knows that he will be found, he will definitely not report it-the problem is that he In the case where you can start without prompting at all, the first reaction is to prompt others, instead of selling them to Lin Sanjiu for your own safety.

This alone made Lin Sanjiu more patient with him.

"You ask why ..." Allan Poe murmured, "I ... I didn't think too much, but just felt that the news was important, and they should know, so they prompted ..."

"This is the instinct that guarantees the survival of the ethnic group in the gene." Yu Yuan put away the "Hong Yan Family Book", and the words of Leng Buding turned both of them's eyes to him. "When a monkey finds a predator close in the distance, it will make a call to remind the monkeys to take refuge."

Allan Po turned around and looked at him with an almost stupid expression-he seemed to remember it until now. Lin Sanjiu didn't even act on the "little devil", and the "little devil" didn't even run.

Lin Sanjiu looked at him and frowned.

... According to this statement, in the months of game conference life, has he gradually subconsciously developed a group identity with others? Therefore, the first time after Zhang Shi died, a warning was issued to the group to which he belonged?

He was immediately abandoned by the group.

She stood up, as if hearing someone sigh long and long in the soul.

She reached out, grabbed Allan Po's collar, and pulled him up. "Let's go, you don't need to be dismayed," she instructed. "Even the remaining six people, even if they think of their good heads, will be accounted for here today."

"You ... don't you kill me?" Allen Pow couldn't believe it, stood upright and asked, "What are you going to let me do?"

Lin Sanjiu looked around, his eyes stopped on Zhang Shi. The fat man has not died, and the process of serious injuries may continue for a long time; she simply motioned to Allan Po to carry Zhang Shi to the door, dragged it to the door, and asked Yu Yuan: "You all look at his computer Over and over again? "

"When he lost consciousness, the computer turned off automatically." Yu Yuan answered with a dull look at Allan Poe, "I only saw the part of the text list before he passed out."

"Is that what they can call around?"


By the time the two were talking, Lin Sanjiu had opened up Fanhe's "seed" capabilities. That ability can accommodate a human body or a human figure, and she simply accepted the "Yu Yuan" compiled by the data body; at this time, there was no need for concealment, and she pulled the human body out to the ground. Throw and say, "Go back."

The process of "Little Devil" crooked and tumbling to the ground, how Yu Yuan swayed from the ground and stood up with both hands, was all caught by Allan Poe. He seemed almost fainted, his face even greener than the body: "So ... that's always been a dead man?"

Who called you Allan Poe?

Lin Sanjiu held him, walked behind with Yu Yuan, and went out together. As soon as she was out of the corridor, she felt the omnipresent intensive surveillance again, as if it were sticking to her skin.

But this time, she just wanted to make it visible to everyone.

After entering the round hall, Zhang Shi was thrown on the long table with a bang as if he were a live pig. After Lin Sanjiu checked him about it, he pulled over a chair and sat down at the dining table.

When she felt that she had become the focus of attention throughout the underground space, she coughed and cleared her throat.

"Allan Po is right to tell you, Zhang Shi did stun me. I broke his ribs with the protective text on his body, and he was okay, and one of the broken bones stuck in his heart. Before, I quickly lifted the text ... although I just need to change it in a way that can keep him from opening his eyes. I mean this, you have two choices now. "

Her voice echoed far and near in the round hall, and if there was no accident, everyone should be able to hear it.

"One, continue to deal with me. Then each of you, each of you, will soon experience exactly the same experience as Zhang Shi.

"Second, the new game conference was disbanded on the spot and all left here. As long as you leave, I will never blame it." Lin Sanjiu looked around the empty hall, and the deep and quiet corridors, "Which one do you choose ? "

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