Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1525: Game template

This room is probably the smallest room in the entire underground space. It is almost a square box of cement shoes, neither modified nor decorated-only large and small, dozens of bright screens, high and low Hanging down from the ceiling, a circle was formed to surround the woman sitting in the center, dyeing her with a silvery white light.

She was originally a dark, cowering, silent person. But when sitting between the screen's rays, she looked as if something inside her body had been lit—or, in other words, she was more like a lost soul. Now her soul is with the screen's rays. Was photographed back.

A round hall and many corridors, the chaos of noisy, screaming, roaring, and wailing, is like a little aftertaste of a dreary night in a rainy night, and it is not true to listen to it; just because of the distant occasional A little set off against the waves, it seems that the room is as dead as death.

Lin Sanjiu gently pushed open the door, and the door shaft made a squeaking noise. Yu Yuanan followed her quietly and entered the room.

The woman sitting in the middle of the screen was shocked when she heard the sound, turned her head and ran into her eyes. Just as her soul was at risk of losing again, her face was ashes; the two eyes were twisted together, and no one spoke out for a few seconds.

When approaching behind a few screens, Lin Sanjiu opened his eyes and found that the other person's head was turned, but his hands were still resting on the typing keyboard, as if she was facing an untimely customer, as long as she walked away, She will immediately re-enter her work.

The screen is full of game scenes in progress; the participants looked confused and confused, and were surrounded by mountains and towns in the background. The voices were turned off, and the men and women shouted silently on the screen, ran, fell to the ground in silence, and lost their lives in the silence.

"You ... what are you doing?" Lin Sanjiu whispered. She couldn't see that this well-dressed woman was wearing no protective text on her body—she only felt cold in the lower abdomen, and she didn't even have any footwork.

"Writing a game," the woman replied in a more subtle voice, not knowing where the accent was, and it was heavy.

She looks more than forty years old, and even though she has become an evolutionary, she can't hide the wind and frost constraints of her past; her face is dull and dull, her eyes have been worn away long ago, like two dead fish eyes, messy There were strands of white hair in the rough hair.

"Why?" Lin Sanjiu froze for a while, then blurted out the first question that came to his mind.

The woman didn't seem to have enough emotions to move the thick wood shell on her face. She said numbly, "This is my job. Wow."

Lin Sanjiu stared at her dumbfounded, and for a while didn't know what to say. The other person seems to be afraid of her, but it is not obvious; it seems that he wants to return to work early and is a little indifferent-why is a person like an empty shell so attached to writing games?

"This is my job, wow," the woman repeated.

"Are you unsure of the situation?" She didn't seem to have a bright mind, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but think about this possibility. "Don't you know that the evolutionists on your screen who are trapped in your game are all real people? They are all living lives, don't you know?"

The woman looked at her humbly, and said "ah", she knew. That way, as if she was asking, "Red beans are red, don't you know?"

There is not no one who enjoys writing games. Zhouxian is one; but at least when his life is threatened, everyone else behaves normally and knows that it is important to protect himself first. No one is here. At a critical moment, hurry up and sneak back to finish the game.

"Then you—" Lin Sanjiu said nothing at all. She and the other person seemed to be linguistically connected, but in fact they were not; she felt that she could better understand a parrot than the woman.

"This is my job, wow," the other whispered. "I don't care about anything else, that's how the rules are."

After a pause, her thoughts seemed to slowly give her the next sentence. "I don't want to lose this job, it's fine."

Lin Sanjiu could feel a goosebump blasting on his skin.

"You told me to go and I don't want to go," the woman continued. "My game is not finished."

Lin Sanjiu lifted his hands off the screens in front of him and opened a path for himself. As soon as she had a movement, the woman suddenly got up from the ground in a panic, watched her step back, hit the screen behind her without stopping, and quickly got into the corner.

Regardless of the woman, Lin Sanjiu bent down first, and his eyes fell on the only white screen with text on it.

... It's a very simple game, without complicated and redundant rules, without restrictions, and it is hardly a game.

This woman doesn't look very smart, and she does not need to use her brain to write the game: anyone who falls into this game will get a pair of extremely sharp scissors. All protections, props, abilities, and physical strength are temporarily disabled. Men, women, children, and children all have the same physical strength. For thirty days and nights, the game continues to use long scissors to cut the skin of other people's bodies and cut them together You have to score a little, you ca n’t eat, drink, or sleep—because there are more than a dozen people, all crowded into a room of less than 100 square meters, and everyone is holding the opportunity to cut others 24 hours a day. .

When Lin Sanjiu slowly stood up, she asked softly, "... Is this you writing in a template?"

"Um." When the woman answered, she found that the other party had moved to another corner.

"Show me your template."

This sentence seemed to fall on the deaf's ears, without arousing a slight reaction on her face. Lin Sanjiu called again several times, and the woman showed the same kind of moth-like silence, only standing there with her head down, without saying a word.

"Yu Yuan," Lin Sanjiu was unwilling to waste another word on her, and turned around and instructed: "You help me find the game template here-I want to see it."

Yu Yuan walked between the screens and stooped down before the document. He also quickly grasped the general idea of ​​the operation of the heterogeneous system. After a while, he pulled out Lin Sanjiu's files one after another like a PPT, and said, "Look, number six, you should That's the template she used. "

Lin Sanjiu took his gaze from the mune woman and landed on the screen.

This template is really simple.

"Gathering 2-the unlimited number of people in a limited space," said the same PPT page, with only one sentence: "Let them all strive to do a scoring thing, and the score reaches 30 days later_ Those with __ points or more can leave freely.

The two faced the document and remained silent for a while. Lin Sanjiu felt a sudden dullness and greasyness in her stomach, which made her feel disgusting. Next, she looked at a few other templates-very simple and boring.

She watched a total of three or four, not even five minutes.

Lin Sanjiu lowered his eyes, sighed, and whispered to Yu Yuan: "I really wanted to let them go."

Don't look at the woman's insufficiency, when it comes to her life, she immediately reacts. As soon as this word came out, before Lin Sanjiu turned around, she had flew straight to the door without a word—she was not quick and quiet enough, and her footsteps could not escape Lin Sanjiu's ears; she turned around in the latter At that time, she just saw her panicking out of the door, and her back flickered outside.

Lin Sanjiu was not in a hurry.

At her speed, she was enough to let the woman run for a while; besides, she is now like a person who just vomited, and is always a little bit lethargic-not really physical, like from a deeper place , A burst of nausea and weakness.

She slowly opened the door and walked into the outer corridor, as if walking.

The woman ran away panting and bumping in front of her, but she couldn't remember asking for help, perhaps because she knew that no one would come to her; this quiet escape was a bit like the evolution on her screen. People.

Lin Sanjiu is just like a ghost, slowly following, looking slow and slow; but no matter how the woman in front turns and flees, she can't get rid of her—the two are one behind the other , Forming a weird and quiet hunt.

A figure jumped up as the woman pounced into the small hall where the "strawl" was located. There was no one else in the hall at this point, as if it had all run out-but obviously, no one chose to leave this underground space.

In the transparent pipe, the corpse that was killed by the collision of the two upper and lower boards remained in place. The flesh and blood floated in the middle of the pipe, and a large piece of blood was slowly flowing down the pipe wall.

The shuddering prince suddenly saw Lin Sanjiu who followed the woman, his face suddenly changed.

"I'll pack her," he didn't turn his eyes towards the woman, just yelled, "I don't believe it, she can't strangle me with protective text! I have never heard of such a thing Over! "

If he puts on the protective text again, it is really troublesome. Lin Sanjiu glanced at him for a while, it was difficult to determine whether he was wearing protective text; but she was too lazy to care about it now.

As the shuddering king stopped in front of him, the woman who had not even uttered a sound from beginning to end suddenly felt motivated, turned her head and rushed in the direction of the other game creator's room, never seen it again A look at the shuddering monarch behind him.

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