Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1532: What is the proportional punishment

Lin Sanjiu felt like he was walking in a game.

After she walked out of the ninth room, the sight she saw was a very standard game perspective: a small map in the lower right corner marked her position on the map; at the bottom is a row of operation options; left hand On the side is a list of the game creator's avatars, and now there are only five people alive-if you "point in" with your mind, you can see the name, current location, etc. of this person, and even his real-time Both images.

Honestly, she doesn't believe that the same method is used when Nu Wa controls the underground space; this is probably a game interface specially prepared for her so that she does not need to adapt and get started-considering the nature of the world It's almost ironic.

Ji Shanqing and Yu Yuan both followed her with a little caution; one was a data body, one was equivalent to a data body, and had the richest information and data in the world, but no one could tell her the answer.

When Lin Sanjiu entered the round hall, she did not unexpectedly see the middle-aged woman with blue eyebrows. As soon as she entered the hall, the latter bounced from the chair, her face faded to pale-white-but the middle-aged woman didn't run, instead holding on to the edge of the back of the chair, standing upright, as if she had been brave enough to wait for her to come over .

"It's not me," she opened her first sentence, and was a bit clueless. She said hurriedly, "No, I mean, I'm not doing anything bad, I'm here to help you, and I'm not with them. Again, I don't want to deal with you, don't get me wrong ... "

Ignoring her, Lin Sanjiu looked at the real-time location of several other game creators.

Short bangs were standing at the door of his room at this time, pushing the door down and down. Every time he closed the door and heard a "click" sound, he seemed to be tied up, and the door was slowly slid open again when his spirit was shaken and he let go. Lin Sanjiu talked with the gift bag just now, at least for a few minutes. The short bangs closed like this again and closed for several minutes. After dozens of repeated failures, he still kept closing the door, watching it slide open, and then closing the door. The expression on his face was almost impossible to describe accurately.

The queen of the night star cried out of breath, her face was full of tears, and the traces of the nose were hanging clear and bright, all the way to the corner of her mouth. She kept screaming, swearing, tearing things, kicking the furniture, constantly asking someone who didn't exist to return her ability to her, otherwise she-otherwise she-she didn't know what she was going to threaten , So there is a series of dirty words.

It's also quiet. Zhou Xian was sitting at the door with a cigarette in her fingers, and she was exhilarating. Seeing his appearance, it was n’t like the original creator ’s ability was suddenly taken back, and now I do n’t know what to do; instead, it was more like a sudden power outage at home. He sat out and waited, wondering when he would not know A new electricity.

The woman, who had been silent and shrinking, sat surrounded by many screens, rubbing her fingers helplessly. She seemed to be the person who accepted the reality the fastest. Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt this kind of feeling—perhaps only a few good things happened to her. It seemed that enough was taken away and imposed in her life. It made her numb, so it was no surprise to lose this "job", but she was rubbed again.

"You know, this underground space suddenly failed," the middle-aged woman saw her and ignored her, and immediately pulled her arm, as if she had been diligent and eager to know what to do, and said, "But I am familiar with this place and the people in this place. If I had been impolite to you before, I, I will make atonement ... "

Lin Sanjiu then set his sights on her. Not far away, Zhang Shi ’s fat body was still lying on the dining table; on the way to the round hall, the shuddering king's rotten watermelon-like head was probably left on the ground.

The first level that her son-in-law gave her was the five people alive and the new game launch. Although it is a stage played by son-in-law here, the actors are all true actors; it is easy for her to destroy this stage and kill these actors, but this play will continue to be performed in different Time and place, greeted the applause of another audience.

"I ask you," Lin Sanjiu said softly, "Do you think they should be alive?"

The middle-aged woman suddenly shook her spirits. She asked carefully: "Who exactly do you mean?"

Lin Sanjiu stretched out his hand on his forehead-the real name of the short bangs is in the personal information column, but she was too lazy to find it. People may soon be dying, but with her name in her memory, she can't help panic.

The middle-aged woman understood it, and said busyly: "Other people are OK, others are OK! Don't get me wrong, neither he nor I like torture."

Lin Sanjiu glanced at her. "I don't like people who create fierce games," the message itself should be short Liu Hai told her. Short Liu Hai also willing to inform her, she was informed, and also knew to say a good word for Short Liu Hai, at first glance, it seems very civilized.

"But other people, I don't know." The middle-aged woman thought for a moment, lowered her voice and said, "The little girl of the Queen of the Night Star has a very serious mind ... it will take revenge very much, others can say anything Make her angry and go back to the house as soon as I get angry. I don't know what to do in the game. "

Lin Sanjiu slowly nodded.

She now really understands why son-in-law does not go to see the individual-she even wants to be like son-in-law. She looked at each other's head as if she were looking through the middle-aged woman's head to see why a parallel world was hidden in a similar part of these people.

She sighed softly and said, "Go and find them all for me."

When the middle-aged woman nodded repeatedly and turned away, Lin Sanjiu waited quietly for a few seconds, but took a step in the other direction. When she came to the first room, when she came out, the first room completely disappeared; when she came to the second room, when she came out, the second room completely disappeared. What part of the underground space she walked on began to collapse and collapse, and she no longer existed with the games that she wrote or did not finish.

She wanted to see the game scenes on the ground that were suddenly interrupted, the evolutionaries that were suddenly released, but she couldn't see them.

Because she knew where each person was, when Lin Sanjiu made a circle and "deleted" all nine rooms, when she returned to the round hall, the five did not even know that she had just done it What-they looked very anxious, but anxious, and faintly mixed with hope, after all, Lin Sanjiu did not kill the door, but gathered them together, there must be a reason. Their eyes swept away from Yu Yuan and Ji Shanqing, and they all gathered on her, waiting silently for her to speak.

Lin Sanjiu opened the chair a little tired and sat down.

She sighed.

When her breath came out of her mouth, the five people in front of him fell down one after the other like the flies that fell from the air after spraying pesticides.

"You did evil in Hunhungong, you died in Hunhungong, and you did n’t know what happened to you ..." She looked down at her fingers and whispered, "This is the greatest compassion I can give you . "

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