Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1535: Walking projection

After a short day, the night at Ruyue Station came again quietly.

A little bit of skylight remained, as if still unwilling to leave like this; entangled in the dark black, rendering, and finally the two sides compromised, the sky was reflected into a deep blue, Lianyun looked It is also light blue.

The wind gently blew through the hairline, and the world after the loss of humanity was only sent by the sound of wind to a deeper silence.

The time when Ruyue Station is formed should not be long, but the building at the foot has climbed up the green shoots. Standing on the rooftop of the building and looking up, I don't know when in the distance, a few small orange lights lit up scatteredly, which became the only vitality in the world like a dead lake.

"... It should be a fallen lamp, in order to lure the surviving people to pass." It seemed that he noticed the direction of Lin Sanjiu's gaze, and Huang Xiaoni beside him suddenly said without warning.

Lin Sanjiu was taken aback by her observation ability.

——Although it is said that the Lou brothers and sisters are responsible for the security work, it may be because they dare not fully rest assured that these outsiders are patrolling with Lin Sanjiu. It is Huang Xiaoni sent by Danli.

After eating a meal in the evening, her lips were fresh and red again, I do n’t know when to put on the lipstick; whenever she took a step, the high-heeled leather boots would make a loud "knob" The sound of "knocking" can be clearly heard after a long distance, but Huang Xiaoni seems to mind, still wearing high-heeled shoes, did not want to replace them at all.

Such a dashing person, but his observation ability is particularly keen.

Seeing the street on the west side was quiet, and after a while there was no slight change, the two turned around and walked to the other corner.

"Your ability is quite strange," Huang Xiaoni couldn't help talking for a long time. "Is it for scary use?"

Lin Sanjiu glanced at her and only shook her head. The muscles on the neck contracted in bursts with her movements, showing a sour form, and Huang Xiaoni immediately turned his eyes.

——In order to be able to keep a hand, she never passed the writing ditch in front of Dan Li and the others.

It's more fun to patrol with a dumb than to patrol with this ugly scarlet muscle man-Huang Xiaoni snorted, turned her head to ignore her, and pedaled forward.

Lin Sanjiu really does not know how this woman survived in the end.

Probably the exclusive luxury of the residents of the twelve circles? Even in the state of preparation, Huang Xiaoni's makeup is still intact, and the big waves are still neat, wearing a high-necked burgundy short vest and a tight skirt-although the wrapped body line is very beautiful, it is unimaginable. How will she fight?

Maybe her ability can be manipulated from a distance? Lin Sanjiu couldn't help thinking.

The surroundings are so quiet that it can even be called tranquility. She and Huang Xiaoni's group of guards is already in the second round of today; the last group was Lou Ye and Dan Li, and no abnormalities were found.

Out of vigilance, the scope of Lin Sanjiu ’s consciousness scan has been maintained at a size of six or seven hundred meters in diameter; however, there has been no movement for several hours, but it has consumed a lot of consciousness, causing the gastrocnemius muscle of her left leg to shrink In a circle-after thinking about it, Lin Sanjiu simply adjusted the range to a radius of two hundred meters.

"Really, you have to patrol with it for two hours before going back ..."

Huang Xiaoni whispered to himself in the distance, clearly passed into Lin Sanjiu's mind.

Complaining like this, she did n’t go to her heart at all, just turned around her neck and swept around-even if the conscious body is not a real body, Lin Sanjiu still cherishes this long-lost feeling. Always like activities.

When she twisted her neck back, Huang Xiaoni's long strands of hair, which had become a large curl, suddenly flew in the opposite direction to the edge of the roof.

Is the wind blowing--

This thought just came to an end. Lin Sanjiu didn't even have time to really react. She had suddenly felt something wrong. Under the intuitive control, her body suddenly floated straight back a distance, avoiding rubbing her. The wind past the tip of the nose.

It was indeed windy, but the gust of wind was swollen by a round ball in the air; the ball, like a cannonball, was fired from another rooftop in a high building in the distance and whistled towards Lin The place where the three wines and the two are located is so fierce that the wind is sharp enough to pierce people's skin.

"Enemy attack!" Huang Xiaoni immediately shouted loudly into the liaison device, and got up from the ground quite awkwardly. At this time, the ball in the sky had approached the roof, and suddenly opened at the edge. A man with a tongue on his face smiled, reached out to grab the edge of the roof, and one fell over and fell in-the ball just now He became a man with dark brown skin and a naked upper body.

Lin Sanjiu groaned in her heart-she didn't know where the other six people were, only that the one in front of her was very difficult to deal with; until now, it is unrealistic to say "just to be a guard". She made a decisive decision, lowered her body and quickly rushed towards the man.

"Wow, what's this!" The dark brown man stunned and quickly avoided her rush. He stretched out his long tongue and licked his cheek, his eyes swept over Lin Sanjiu's lowered back, his expression suddenly changed, and then a few tossed to the side, just blocking Huang Xiaoni's way.

"I don't want to fight you!" The man shouted at Lin Sanjiu, stopped her pace, and turned to smile at Huang Xiaoni. "You are my goal!"

"Don't try your best!" Huang Xiaoni drank and stooped up. When there was a surplus of light and shadow in his hand, he went to the dark brown skinned man's head and face-unexpectedly. She actually chose melee.

Lin Sanjiu deliberately suppressed the pace, did not rush to help.

Such an opportunity is uncommon, and you can just take a look at Huang Xiaoni's truth and reality-after a few glances, Lin Sanjiu found that she really had some strength: a few consecutive attacks seized the opportunity, forcing the man to retreat, Seeing that it was about to retreat to the rooftop of the rooftop, pedaling footsteps also heard from the stairs. It seemed that Dan Li and his party came to support the dark brown skin in the middle after hearing the alarm.

Dark brown skin scolded something, flexibly stooped, got out from Huang Xiaoni's attack, and then dared not rush to the edge of the roof. When Zhu Mingchun knocked open the rooftop door and broke in, he had already pierced with a fierce man.

Zhu Mingchun and Huang Xiaoni immediately followed; but they didn't have the ability to jump off the tall building. The two had to lie down on the roof of the roof and looked down, while they were still scolding. It was clear that the man had escaped from the air.

"How are you? Didn't you hurt?" The brothers and sisters of Lou's family who followed Dan Li just emptied. They didn't see the fierce battle in the moment just now, and they ran to Lin Sanjiu worriedly-Lou Qin of course quickly opened his eyes again-"What happened just now?"

Lin Sanjiu watched them silent.

Dan Li and his party stood beside her, and she could not write.

... When the man with dark brown skin jumped downstairs, she clearly saw a "7" written on his waist.

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