Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1538: Dialogue through props

As the red-haired figure approached, Lin Sanjiu bit his tongue and did not shout out "Mather".

It was funny to say, a few minutes ago, she was still thinking about how to set up the radio to find Mather and Spartan; after a few minutes, she watched Mather step by step through the broken red brick ground, but all of them Not out.

Lin Sanjiu was in a trance, thinking this scene was wrong.

To say who Mather is, she is like an older sister living next door, and she will smile with white teeth when she greets her in the morning; or she will bake plate after plate of biscuits during the holidays, Knocked on the door in the neighborhood. She is warm, tender, and busy, and should meet at a sunny day-not now.

Mather was also wrong.

Her plump and soft cheeks were wiped away, and there was only one skin left on her face, tightly stretched on the bones, and the bones were all clear and undulating, and she looked hard and crumpled. Her lips became thinner, and even though she was struggling to breathe, she was still tightly closed, as if when she opened her mouth, it was when she was about to show her fangs.

She carried a discarded thin water pipe in her hand and dragged a **** leg, and moved towards Heli's place step by step. The injury to her leg was not the most shocking thing; the most amazing thing was that when the eyes went down the **** leg, it fell to a point below half of the calf.

At first glance, Lin Sanjiu thought that Arthur had lost a foot-she took a breath of air, stood up, and took a closer look, and found that she was wrong. Mather ’s foot has not completely disappeared. If you carefully distinguish it from the camera, you can also distinguish a faintly blurred outline; except that the color and texture are like being faded by blisters, as if it is still gradually going up, to dilute Mather The whole body.

Obviously, Mather was about to be teleported.

Lin Sanjiu never thought that when the two met, it was when they were separated, and even more that he was shocked and couldn't say a word. When Mather had already begun the teleportation process, she still didn't give up. She reacted to the appearance of Lily immediately, even if she supported this body, no matter how far away she had to grind her teeth toward her— —But why?

Why should Mather find Lin Sanjiu so desperately and desperately?

Lin Sanjiu was speechless, and Lily was even more at a loss. The latter just stood there, watching Mather dragging the legs that were about to disappear, and moved to him step by step, and asked her: "... where did you just come out?"

If faced with other questions, He Lily may still be able to answer them; only this question can best tell her to open her mouth and wonder where to start. Mather looked at her and couldn't help frowning. She looked around and looked at Horst behind the door.

She apparently recognized Host and slowly raised an eyebrow. Mather's face was not **** at first, as if he was losing blood and was extremely tired. Slowly, he slowly said, "... so coincidence?"

He Lily looked down at the silent intercom in his hand and stuttered, "That ..."

"The game you just came out of," Mather didn't mean to let her continue, interrupting her: "Is there a player named Lin Sanjiu?"

"I, I'm not from the game ..." He Lily had been subjected to a series of shocks at the moment, and his brain was not clear at the moment, and he was worried about not knowing whether to say or say something, so he even said a few words. Still not talking about the idea, Marcel could not help frowning, as if she was enduring her chaos.

When he and Lily bowed their heads, they finally found the strangeness on the other side and called out: "Your legs--"

On the leg where Mather was injured, the watered-out and invisible part became bigger and bigger. It took a while to spread to the thigh. If it does n’t seem to be an accident, after a few minutes, the whole person will be Teleported away-This thought made Lin Sanjiu take a deep breath and grabbed the communicator.

"Sister," at this moment, Ji Shanqing's voice suddenly sounded behind him, and the pressure was low: "Don't speak first."

"Why?" Lin Sanjiu was taken aback, turned around hurriedly, and at the same time lowered his voice, and asked with an angry voice: "You ... have you done it all?"

"She is the person you are looking for," Ji Shanqing looked at the screen and whispered in her ear: "She seemed to you for a very urgent and serious reason ... Sister, how much have you separated from her? This world? You also said that she had contact with Gongdaoyi, right? "

Lin Sanjiu already knew what he was going to say, pursed his lips, and squeezed the communicator.

"She wasn't the one who had very basic evolutionary skills before. She should have dealt with Van Gogh. In the face of Van Gogh and such opponents, Mather not only survived, but also used Van Gogh to find it here. After so many years, you do n’t know what kind of person she is now, what kind of thoughts she has for you ... Since she does n’t know that you are looking at her now, it ’s the one who understands her motives. Good time. "

Ji Shanqing couldn't understand the bond between her and her friends. For him, everyone except Lin Sanjiu in the world had background noises, and all needed to be handled with machine-like indifference. However, if you want to speak frankly, the same concerns have been drawn from Lin Sanjiu's mind-what the **** is Mather doing?

"If you write what she said after the text with Lily," Ji Shanqing said with the same abstraction and precision as surgery, "Then I want to talk to Lily according to the script you gave. "

Right ... The nature of Lily now is actually equal to the NPC in the game, which is a bit ugly and a prop.

Just this way, it was another blow for Heli. Lin Sanjiu sighed in his heart, closed his eyes, put his hand on the keyboard, and wrote a question asked by He Lili on the paper: "Do you know Lin Sanjiu? What do you want her to do?"

After typing, she lowered her head and looked at the communicator. She didn't look at the screen because she didn't want to see Dang and Lily's expression when she could turn into a human trumpet.

"Is she not here?" Mather raised her voice and asked, "When was the last time you saw her?"

Just as Lin Sanjiu was indeed nearby, Mather must have been too late to find her; Mather himself knew this, and could not help but urged: "Hurry up."

On the screen, Lily once again opened her mouth and said: "I don't know where she went ... do you have a visa? Do you know where you want to go? Maybe you can contact her by other means ..."

Mather waved her hand and wanted to wave away what Lily said, but Lin Sanjiu had already written the words, and Lily still finished the words according to the script: "such as paper crane or eBay."

"You seem to know her very well." Mather looked down at her fading lower body and turned to stare at He Lily. "Now that you understand this, do you know where she will go in the next world?"

Before Lin Sanjiu finished typing, she again said: "I wasn't enough to send time ... The floods are getting more and more frequent now. But I have a way to send it again after sending, Meet her in her next world. "

Marce opened her mouth slightly and took a breath, as if pleading was difficult for her. "If you know, please tell me."

"Karma Museum," and Lily said mechanically and smoothly: "She said that she was going to the Karma Museum."

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