Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1540: Taken by Lin Sanjiu and given by Lin Sanjiu

While she was waiting to be sent to the underground game space, he and Lily felt nervous several times. But she bent down and tried to vomit a few times, but nothing came out. I don't know if it was because she became a text, or because she remembered that she hadn't eaten in a long time.

Lin Sanjiu has disappeared from the intercom for a while, but the last few words she said have been ramming into Lily's mind.

"I just discussed it with my friend. If some settings are bypassed, I should be able to get you into the underground game space," she said at the time. "To make it easier for you to understand the situation. But ... in the underground space There is no way to call out human characters. I can only turn you into a part of underground space facilities. This means that you ca n’t go out after you come down. So, you have to think about— "

"Send me down," and Lily didn't even ask her to finish. Although some places do not understand, the most important part is enough. What does it matter if you can't come up once you go down? What is the essential difference between being deleted on the ground and being deleted under the ground?

If she goes on, she can at least see a familiar face.

She and Lin Sanjiu are not close friends, and even the changes that Lin Sanjiu is showing now make her feel faint. It's just that if today is the last day of her life, she is still willing to have someone she knows next to see her off ... it's much more comforting than being deleted when she is besieged and accompanied by corpses.

He Lily cheered himself up, but his hands were still full of cold sweat. When Lin Sanjiu's voice sounded, she almost jumped up in shock-"Are you ready?"

"Okay," she sighed and murmured.

As a result, the process of being re-textualized and re-substantiated is not as terrible as she thought; it feels as if the eyes have been opened and closed, the person has already changed a place.

He Lili turned around and looked at the huge round hall in which he was standing, his eyes stayed on the gray cement ceiling above him for a while. It was the last thing she saw in her life, and she suddenly thought that if she was still on the ground, when she wanted to go, the person under her would control where she went ... No, and not really. Actually, it looks like it can move around, but it's not as good as being deleted.

"Are you ready?" Lin Sanjiu's voice called her **** back.

A little comfort brought by a familiar face was soon dispelled by another strange heart shock. When Lin Sanjiu and another young girl she didn't know walked into the round hall and approached herself, Lily even had a feeling of wanting to jump up and run-she was not afraid of Lin Sanjiu, but she seemed instinctive It felt that Lin Sanjiu must have experienced some kind of great impact; now the aftermath of that impact would hit her, and she subconsciously wanted to escape self-preservation.

However, Heli still stood firm and did not move. She glanced at Lin Sanjiu and asked, "What are you going to tell me?"

"Sit down," said Lin Sanjiu, who lifted his chin at the rest area in the round room, and said, "They used to exchange game content in the round room. I can project you past games here. "

"Really ... Are those games really designed by the evolvers themselves?" And Lily slowly sat down on the sofa and asked. Now that she sat down, the corpse piled under the long dining table not far away entered the corner of her vision more clearly; she endured not to look back, but just asked, "... are those people?"

"There's" before them, God knows how many people. "Lin Sanjiu smiled softly and sat down beside her. The long-haired girl sat quietly on the handrail beside Lin Sanjiu and quietly did not speak.

"Let's start with this one," Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and she didn't see what she did, but suddenly a white cloth fell in front of her. It seems to play the role of "document" that Lin Sanjiu said. When the content of the game appeared on the document, He Lily could not help but take a breath-she did not expect that she could actually "see" the game on her own.

The first thing Heli saw was a simulated war game. All evolvers who enter the battlefield area must participate in the first round of "general selection"; players use the rules and props in the game to make as many others as their own soldiers-if they are not called to become their own Soldiers, they will become soldiers of other people, which is better or worse, at a glance.

After the "generals" appeared, they each seized the game territory, and the game became a scuffle between the warlords to compete for the territory. The person who designed this game seems to be a gambler whose gambling addiction is too uncontrollable. He often takes this game he created and opens it with people in the underground game space, betting on who is the winner; in a wonderful battle, He will also record it, accompanied by a commentary narration-it is precisely because of this, and Lily unfortunately watched more than ten minutes of war video.

This is not a convention and scrupulous war between modern countries; with the dedicated efforts of players, these one and one of the first-level human groups form the original melee between tribes-its chaos , Crazy, bloodthirsty, and even people doubt that they and the people in the image may not be the same creature.

"I don't want to see it anymore," she didn't need to look in the mirror, she knew she was pale, and asked before the video ended. "What's next?"

The next one and the next one, and the three or five Lin Linjiu showed her next, made people see their own discomforts. Not every game is cruel, for example, there is a game that catches ghosts, and it will not threaten people ’s lives at all; there are also simulation management games that do n’t even need to be used-regardless of the surface of the game, and Lily found She involuntarily opened her eyes again and again and secretly complained to Lin Sanjiu again and again: She is also a person who has experienced games. Why bother to show these games to her again, is this not torture?

"Many game creators wrote at the beginning, it wasn't something you died, but after a long time, it became more and more out of shape." Lin Sanjiu seemed to perceive her emotions, and finally suspended the display of the game, saying: "Among the creators of the game, the game they wrote has become a prop for gaining control pleasure, accumulating advantages for themselves, domesticating players ... and so on. Even between them, the game has many functions. They are a source of entertainment similar to reality shows, and a demonstration tool similar to fangs with long fangs. The harder the game is written, the less dare others will provoke it. "

"Then I don't understand, how come to the point in some games ..."

"It wasn't done overnight." The girl next to Lin Sanjiu suddenly interrupted, "You can accept a person to shed tears today, and tomorrow you can accept a person to bleed. In exchange for you in this environment, you may also gradually Desensitization. Not to mention, who does n’t want to be a God again? "

He lowered his head with Lily, his fingers overlapped, and her mind was so confused that she didn't even know what she was thinking, or didn't think of anything. "Is there no good game?" She asked after a while.

Because of this problem, she next read the content of the "rescue station".

The game itself is blameless, no traps, no dark arrows, and Lily looking at them, all faintly moved. If Hauster is lucky enough to meet such a game, he will never die. The "Rescue Station" game has no video, only the game text. She read it several times and sighed, "Isn't this great?"

Lin Sanjiu was silent for a while. She looked at the rescue station game on the screen. It seemed that there were endless and inexplicable clues, like the dark waves flowing deep in the ocean; but on the surface, her look was only slightly ups and downs. , Near calm sea.

"I was watching this game, and Nu Wa ... Oh, you don't know her, this can be said later. In short, after I saw Nu Wa's record, I thought of the proposal for you."

He Lily turned and looked at her and asked, "What's the proposal?"

"The record says that since the rescue station game was opened, it has reduced the mortality rate of the evolutionaries within tens of thousands of meters around it by 46%, and severe injuries, impaired mobility, or mental disorders have also been reduced by more than 35%." Lin San The wine whispered, "But beyond that, there is another data."

Asked and asked Lily, she continued: "The game has a requirement for the number of participants. The larger the scale, the more the number of people required. If the number of people is not enough, then the game may be delayed. The data is Recorded in this range, in addition to the rescue station, other games, the success rate of the number of people in each round ... Compared to before the emergence of the rescue station, after the emergence of the rescue station, this number has risen greatly, and the next game player is captured The speed is also faster. If the volunteers wait at the door of the rescue station, they can always wait until the person who has just been 'discharged.'

"It's also understandable, because there are fewer dead people, so the survivors finally healed the wounds and were given by other games ..." He Li said that he suddenly paused. "Eh, if he wants to save people, why doesn't he stop other game creators? Are they all in the same space?"

Lin Sanjiu nodded.

The three of them sat in a strange silence for a while, and then she sighed and continued generally: "I can't withdraw this game space. If there is no such thing in this doomsday game world, then another form that I can't predict will occupy. The blank it left. If I leave, it will resume the previous mode of operation and give the fate of a group of people to another group of unpredictable people, then I ... I can't bear this result either. "

She turned her head and looked into the eyes of Lily. "You are in this form of existence, causing you pain ... I can only imagine. The game robs you of your identity as a human being, and I rob you of the illusion that you have the last bit of control over yourself. What I want to do now is to give you something more. "

He Lily seemed to be frozen, waiting immobilely.

"You don't have to survive for survival now, so you can choose to die, or you can choose to live today in this chaotic world for a meaning and a responsibility. Become the manager of the underground game space ... Are you willing to accept this mission? "

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