Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1544: Fall into rabbit hole

[I really did n’t expect a week to go, I am in a very complicated mood ...]


The woman curled up on the ground suddenly whispered, breaking the stalemate in the room.

"Ah ... that was a bit painful just now ..."

Watching "Mama Lin" stand up while rubbing the back of the head, Lin Sanjiu only felt that the corners of his eyes were twitching-not good, two to one. The other party has a tall and big man, not to mention, he is so tired at the moment that he has no ability to protect himself ...

"Mother Lin" straightened her body and flexed her neck. When she turned her face again, she became a strange young man aged 17 or 18.

"Oh, it's true. There are so many parents in the world, but we were asked to meet an orphan ..." The teenager didn't even look at Lin Sanjiu. He first complained to his colleagues. "Dad Lin" nodded in silence and took two steps from the bedroom.

Two steps and one stop, "Dad Lin" became a red-haired middle-aged white woman. She asked the boy in fluent Chinese: "Did she break you down just now?"

The teenager smiled and showed his white teeth: "Of course not, she is not strong."

Seeing the natural appearance of no one in between, Lin Sanjiu felt bitter in her heart-she quietly stepped back a little and asked with a trembling: "Are you also from the 'New World'?"

When the young man heard it, it seemed that he was suddenly interested: "Oh? So you know so much? You underestimate you, no wonder you started so neatly. Well, I just found out that it seems that you have evolved a little ... ... the potential value must be very high. "

The tone of the teenager is particularly brisk and lively, like talking about a game he likes to play. Had it not been for the young man who had just become the mother of his own death just now, leading him into the room, Lin Sanjiu would have really relaxed his vigilance.

"My friend ... really dead?"

The teenager shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly. "People are in the bathroom. It seems that the dehydration is too strong. You want to drink water. But there seems to be drought in your place? Anyway, there is no drop of water in the tap water pipe ... That's right, her death is very different. Nice, I advise you not to watch. "

The tears spewed out almost uncontrollably, Lin Sanjiu wiped it away, staring at the two people on the opposite side, and took another step back.

From the so-called "evolutionary man" from the new world, she has already seen Ren Nan. I met two more suddenly this time, and Lin Sanjiu's vigilance could not help turning to the maximum: "If my friend wasn't killed by you, why are you here? Why did you lie to me just now?"

The teenager spread his hands: "When we came, we couldn't choose a place! It was really good to fall into a family's house this time, and have a bed to rest ... In short, when we came, your friend was already dead."

"Then why pretend that my parents lie to me? How do you know my parents?" Obviously, this teenager is particularly talkative, and for a while, a lot of information has been revealed-Lin Sanjiu planned in his heart , Intentionally asked again.

I do n’t know if I saw through her mind. This time I did n’t wait for the teenager to answer. The red-haired woman was impatient first. With a wave of her hand, she stopped the teenager ’s eagerness to try and said with a cold face: "I want you to come of."

With a clatter of metal, the red-haired woman's nails suddenly extended by half a meter, and a faint luster shone in the darkness. She smiled: "I just want to see how people in this world have evolved."

Almost at the moment when the red-haired woman's nails popped up, Lin Sanjiu kicked the chair forward, blocking the way for the two of them. She turned around quickly and ran; fortunately, she did not close the door when she entered the house. Only there is a way to escape-

Lin Santou didn't dare to go back. He rushed towards the staircase and rushed down the stairs in two steps. Soon afterwards, the footsteps sounded, and they kept chasing up, and the young man ’s complaint was mixed in between: "... she hurts me again!"

Then, she could not hear anything, and there was only one thought left in her mind: escape. The oxygen in the body seemed to be squeezed clean, and the lungs started to scorch. The air that comes in every time you breathe in with a hot temperature burns the trachea directly-although Lin Sanjiu is not afraid, but it is uncomfortable but cannot be avoided. In addition, she was injured and her hands and feet were soft, so she couldn't run fast at all. When she was about to run to the gate of the community, there was a sharp sound of metal breaking in her ears-Lin Sanjiu gritted her teeth. The ground rolled, finally avoiding the long steel armor of the red-haired woman behind him.

She rolled out about a meter away. Looking back, the red-haired woman and teenager will also arrive, just about to continue to pounce on her—

A white object was suddenly thrown into the air by Lin Sanjiu. With her thoughts, two large iron doors suddenly appeared in the air, and fell straight from the air with the wind. The teenager and a scream screamed below. Lin Sanjiu fell softly and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the teenager could not get up, she was not happy at all-because the red-haired woman who was the most threatening to her was still standing outside the iron gate!

However, she could no longer run. Every time you switch cards, it takes a certain amount of physical strength; just replacing the iron gate just now has exhausted Lin Sanjiu's last strength-she can't even stand up now, so she has to lie on the spot and stare fiercely. The red-haired woman was full of unwillingness.

But unexpectedly, the red-haired woman sighed, instead of catching up, and sat down instead. She frowned and turned to ask the teenager under the iron gate: "Why are you so stupid?"

The young man who was hit by Shen Damen's door seemed to have suffered no fatal injuries. He tried to cough twice, and then gasped and scolded: "I'm a real dermis, real, not as good You run fast! Cough, cough ... so uncomfortable ... pressing my trachea ... "

The red-haired woman "cut" with a sneer and said, "It's true to be fat, with such slow movements, and I don't know how you survived."

"What are you talking about? If it weren't for my high potential--"

Lin Sanjiu watched silly as the two chasers who were not far away were fighting with each other as if they had forgotten her.

"That ... won't you come to kill me?"

"Ah?" The teenager's head stretched out from between the iron gate fences, and looked at her in surprise: "Sister, would you think we were going to kill you? No wonder I ran like crazy, I kept calling you Non-stop ... I have evolved so much. What good is it for me to kill your little chicken that has just developed? "

Looking at the highly evolved man lying on the ground, pressed and unable to move, Lin Sanjiu's mouth twitched, and he endured nothing to say. But at the same time, she finally fell back into her heart with one heart-now they are not hostile, it really can't be better. only--

"Sister, do you get the iron gate away? I'm so flattened." Seeing no one for a while, the teenager hummed again.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the red-haired woman sitting on the floor, not understanding why she was just sitting on the sidelines. After a pause, she said coldly: "Yes, but first you have to introduce yourself."

"Yes, it should be. My name is Lu Ze, and I am very happy to meet you. Would you like to come and shake your hand?" The teenager leaned his head against the fence, and probably saw a roll of Lin Sanjiu's eyes. "Oh, yes, this is another personality of mine, she is called Mather."

Lin Sanjiu's eyes widened. "Another personality ...?"

"That's right. Before the advent of the" New World "on my side, I was the second case in the world that was truly diagnosed with split personality." Lu Ze said of this, and he became particularly proud. He tried to raise his chin hard: "Later, I evolved to differentiate Mather, but at present we can't be too far apart ... well, I won't tell you too much about my abilities. Well, do n’t ask me why I know your parents, this is also my ability ... "He realized that he was almost talking again, and he concealed:" Oh, in short, Mather is a life scientist, for the newly evolved Humans are very interested, so she was just anxious just now. "

Lin Sanjiu turned his eyes and saw Mather nodded solemnly.

"Then she stretched out her long nails ..." Lin Sanjiu looked at Mather's nails in confusion. Under the flashlight, the nails on those ten fingers now looked normal, short and round.

"Used for blood drawing ... After drawing blood, you can analyze some basic data-this is a capability developed by Arthur himself, and there is no actual combat value." Lu Ze said honestly.

"Wait, you mean-not only can you evolve your ability, but even your differentiated personality?" Lin Sanjiu was really surprised this time. Lu Ze really deserved to be a potential little king: " If you go on like this, wouldn't you be a legion alone? "

"How can it be so simple ..." Lu Ze said bitterly. "At present, this ability is terrible. Except for her nails, Mather can't even hurt anyone. Well, well, the ability to leak too much will kill people. Please let me out first. Let's talk about any problems. Ok?"

Lin Sanjiu exhaled heavily. ——It was probably a strange encounter with the parents who passed away a moment ago. The scene is too weird ... At this time, she had a chat with Lu Ze for a while, and she really could not feel the malice on him and Arthur. She smiled bitterly and confessed: "It's not that I don't want to let you out. It's really that I'm out of force now. I have to take a break. It's better to tell me what this" new world "is all about ..."

Her voice did not fall, and suddenly heard a strange sound of "Ah?" Coming from the guard room next door.

Mather, who was sitting quietly, suddenly turned and jumped up, and said softly and solemnly, "... Oops."

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