Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1546: Everyone rest early

[Do you think this is a leave request ... I actually have no face to ask for leave again]

The place where Luze fell was really bad—it just fell at the gate. When Lin Sanjiu and Mather arrived, there were already three people on the inside and three outside the gate, blocking the exit. There are people in the crowd who want to go out, some who want to see the lively, some who call for help, some who scold mothers, some who make concessions ... People turn their horses upside down, a mess.

Now Lin Sanjiu can't take care of that much. One of them counts, but anyone who dares to stand in front of her, tells her to pull the collar and throw it aside. Soon, in a complaint, she led Mather into the center of the crowd.

I saw Lu Ze fell to the ground pale, his eyes closed, his body trembling slightly. His clothes were gray, and there were several footprints on his legs. He probably fell down suddenly and was trampled by the person behind him. Chen Jinfeng didn't know when he was coming. The rolling crowd shouted with a loud voice: "All let it go, someone in front fainted, don't go here again!"

He is a cadre and he naturally speaks with weight. Some people who know him in the crowd have also shouted a few times to help evacuate the crowd.

Mather smiled gratefully at him: "When did the cadre Chen come? Thank you so much."

Lin Sanjiu also nodded at him and put Lu Ze one arm on his shoulder. Seeing that they had helped Lu Ze up, Chen Jinfeng patted the ashes on his legs and stood up and said to the two: "Just come when you come, there is a medical room in Building 38, you take him to see it. No Worried about supper, I let someone call you and send it over. "

"Thank you, but it's okay, this is an old problem!" Lin Sanjiu didn't explain much, and said quickly: "We can take him back to the room and rest."

Chen Jinfeng nodded stubbornly, and left without saying much.

"I didn't expect this cadre to speak a little with accent and tone, but the people are really good." Mather supported Lu Ze's other body and walked back with difficulty with emotion.

Lin Sanjiu nodded.

Squeezing the hungry crowd against the current is really not an easy task-by being bumped and pushed back several times, Lin Sanjiu became impatient and simply rude; he did not know how much it opened along the way People, it was finally back to Lu Ze's residence.

After laying him flat on the bed, the two embarrassed women had to take a breath. In the process of waiting for Lu Ze to regain consciousness, the two sat on the ground, talking gossip.

"This morning, my evolutionary ability has also been upgraded." Lin Sanjiu said with a smile, "It seems that going through a copy will greatly stimulate our ability."

Mather nodded silently, and suddenly sighed. "I don't know if mine will upgrade ..."

Mather's ability has always been a short board among three people-her nails can only be used for blood analysis, the texture is like glass, and it will break when touched. So if she is in danger, she can only use some handy weapons-but to be honest, although her physical strength is better than the average person, she is not a martial arts master.

For more than a month, Lin Sanjiu has also probably touched a little rule: his evolutionary ability is like a knife, and he will not become sharp without polishing. Like some of the few natural evolvers in the oasis, because life is easy, there is no practice, and even there is no development for conjoined strengthening ...

"It seems that you have to find more opportunities to practice your hands." Lin Sanjiu said thoughtfully: "I actually know two evolutionaries, maybe they are willing to let you analyze blood."

Then, she told Mather about her experience this morning-from the time when the walkie-talkie was picked up, to the light and severe attitude of Xiao Yu, including the oasis people's ability to use pills to promote all of them. .

"... I don't know if I think too much. I always feel that I should keep an eye on it here." Finally, Lin Sanjiu concluded.

"Nonsense." Suddenly there was such a cool sentence in the room.

Lin Sanjiu's physical response was faster than her consciousness-while hearing these two words, her skin seemed to find something wrong, and Hanmao stood up. Both her and Mather's expressions froze, and the two turned their heads slowly.

Lu Ze didn't know when he woke up, leaned on the bed with one arm, raised one eyebrow, and looked at them faintly.

Lin Sanjiu has never seen this expression on Lu Ze's face-the facial features and hair, everything has not changed-but just changed the expression, the aura around Zhou has been completely different. The former green and vigorous temperament was gone, replaced by a cold feeling like the same Wang Hantan. If Lu Ze used to be a talking teenager, now it is something covered with human skin-like a human, but without human touch.

The tone is very different from the past, making the sound seem different: "What are you doing watching me?"

As he said, he looked at his palms and nails with interest.

The atmosphere in the room was very weird-after Lu Ze asked this sentence, no one spoke at all.

In the silence, the sound of Marcus "gurgling" around him swallowing the saliva seemed very loud. Immediately, she seemed to have a headache and said, "Ah-", grabbed her hair, and said to Lu Ze with a painful face: "So the next one is you!"

"Why, what's going on?" This is Lin Sanjiu who is not sure about the situation.

As if Lu Ze didn't see the confusion on her face, she sat up from the bed and put a hand on her chin. The faint and taunting smile gradually filled his face like winter fog.

"Crop cycle shortened to 30 days? High temperature resistance? The ability of drugs to catalyze evolution? Are you really like the pigs in the oasis, do you believe it?" His tone became soft and soft, but the content was almost cold. It can be said that it is full of malice: "Are you all scared and stupid by fallen species, don't you realize what this means?"

Lin Sanjiu stared at this person with only one face that she still knew, without activating her keen instincts, she burst out in one sentence: "Who are you?"

This time, before waiting for "Lu Ze" to speak, Mather on the side said in a near-moaning voice: "Little wine, let me introduce you ... This is Lu Ze's seventh personality, Feng Seventy-seven. "

Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt his scalp exploded, staring blankly at "Lu Ze".

Lu Ze-No, Feng Qiqi seemed to give alms, and bent her mouth towards her, even if she laughed: "Lu Ze will not come out this time, you better be able to adapt to me earlier."

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