Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1548: Sitting on the sofa

The four people were breathless and alert at the door without waiting for a full five or six minutes, and finally slowly relaxed their vigilance. They looked at each other, or did Abbe whisper in a low voice: "Maybe ... left from the door?"

"Yeah," Cui Ning whispered in agreement: "Go forward from outside the door and enter the forest in a few minutes ..."

"Apart from the shadows of the head, what else do you see?" Pence asked.

None of them doubted that Yiyaliu had misread it-Yiyaliu thought of it here and only wanted to laugh bitterly. Since he just dazzled just now, he has lost confidence in himself now, and he never expected that members of the same group would still trust him so much.

No, think about it carefully, he should have read it right. Although he felt like he was carrying a time bomb all the time, even if the worst happened, he would not let him have a shadowy illusion out of nothing. After all, in his birthplace, all they could see was ...

Ya-Liu pressed his thoughts back in time, even with the fear of the green that was hooked by it for a moment.

"I only saw a shadow, as if someone was standing outside looking out of the window." Yau Yan lowered his voice, and when he looked back, he found that there was nobody outside the window, but when he turned his head again, the shadow was still there Said; in the dim light, the other three people's faces became tighter and tighter—although he knew that what he saw would not be normal human beings, several people still locked the doors and windows tightly.

"Also, since the copy does not speak out of voice, then I have a question to ask."

As soon as the room was paused, in the dim light, he carefully stretched his feet and drew two circles around him—the tip of his boots ran into a pair of shoes in front of the long table at the door. This wooden house is not far from the door, it is the back of the sofa; behind the sofa is a long table with decorations, and the shoes are standing neatly in front of the long table, as if someone is wearing them, standing There, it seemed to stretch out on the sofa.

"None of us took off our shoes, so these shoes ..." Yau Yi-liu thought he was lying on the sofa just now and couldn't help but cool off slightly on his back. "When did it appear here?"

The other three looked down at him, all calmed down. Yau Yi-liu almost seemed to be able to hear their silent startle, just like he had just said-"Whose shoe is this?"

"I don't remember, but it seems that when we left, they were not here yet." Abbe said first. "We were busy when we first came in. In and out. If there are shoes here, they have been discovered long ago ... come back At that time, I thought it was your shoes. "In the last half of the sentence, she said to Yayi Liu.

Yau Yi-liu remembered that when he turned over the sofa to turn off the lights, when his feet fell next to the long table, he didn't seem to have these shoes. That's what happened after turning off the lights?

"Here are the new copies, so it's impossible that they were left by the previous evolutionary." Yiyaru crouched down and checked the pair of hiking boots; in terms of size, it should be a pair of women's shoes. "This shows that they must be part of the content of this copy."

"Speaking," Pence said suddenly, "here is more than a pair of shoes."

"What do you mean?" Abbit turned his head. Above the fireplace on the other side of the living room, cartoon portraits solidified on the TV screen, as if listening to them without saying a word.

"When I was looking around in the room, I found a folded pullover in the drawer of the bedside table." Pence replied. "I shook it and looked at it. I thought it was a change of clothes for us, but no matter what There is no other clothes in the wardrobe or the drawer. "

He turned around and went into the house to take out the pullover; the dress was obviously a men's clothing, even if it was Pence's physique, I was afraid that he was more relaxed.

The solitary pullover lying in the drawer is quite weird-how could Yau-Yiliu guess, and I ca n’t guess what this copy is about to do with some clothes and shoes. They put their clothes and shoes on a chair next to the sofa and did not move for the time being.

The copy seems to have forgotten to ask them all to take a rest less than ten minutes ago. Although several people are now standing and talking, there is no response anymore. Probably encouraged, several people discussed for a while, and decided to split up and look for other suspicious objects; but they still did not dare to turn on the lights or flashlights, and could only fumble around in the dark room.

"Cui Ning," Wu Yiliu shouted as steady as possible, "Are you looking for me with me?"

Cui Ning apparently did not expect that he would make this request suddenly, stunned, and nodded. She seemed to be a kind of soft-hearted person with no temper, especially in trivial matters; she didn't even ask a "what's wrong", she followed the house into the kitchen.

When she opened and closed the cabinet door, Yau Yi-liu kept watching her in the corner of her eyes. Cui Ning tied her long hair into a low ponytail and showed a full face. No matter what angle she looked at, she had no problem. Don't look at her soft personality, she seems not lack of courage; in the dark kitchen, which can't even withstand the light of the sky, she dare to reach into the dark cave-like cabinet.

The kitchen is not big, except for some necessary utensils and utensils, there seems to be nothing more. When they returned to the living room, Abbey and Burns had not yet come out of the bedroom; they simply looked at the bathroom, and the two sat down on the sofa in the living room.

At the moment when the body fell into the cushion, Yau Yi-liu could clearly feel that the sofa cushion sank slightly-this is of course normal, especially Cui Ning also sat down beside him, but I do n’t know how, he It just feels a little uncomfortable.

"... So, I think this copy is a survival class." Cui Ning didn't seem to have this feeling. He explained it quietly for a while when he was fascinated: "Especially now, the copy is obviously already running, and there are no rules. , Indicating that we have to fumble ourselves from this situation to survive ... I think we will not leave here until the end of the copy operation. "

It may not be safe in this room either, the house thought. "You just went to explore the scope of the copy, is there any result?"

"We walked separately into the mountain forest. I have been walking for almost ten minutes. It is still an ordinary mountain forest. I can't separate ..." Cui Ning said halfway, the voice suddenly dropped, as if remembering something same.

Yiyaru turned her head and found that she was staring at herself. In those slender black eyes, the pupils seemed to dilate like cats.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly.


"What are you doing?" This time, Cui Ning's voice became even softer, and it even trembles when he listened carefully.

Yaliu didn't understand. When the opponent slightly lowered his eyelids, he lowered his head along Cui Ning's eyes.

He was holding one of those hiking boots in his hand, and he didn't know when he picked it up.

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