Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1550: Three people

[I ’m too sleepy, I ’ll post soon]

...... Lin Sanjiu's back was painfully hurt by something, for a long time. She was so sleepy that she didn't want to move. She just turned around in a confused way. At this moment, I wondered where there was a burst of "You are my little apple", which cut through the quiet night and sounded very harsh.

Who's cellphone ringing so loudly? I can hear it when I live on the 38th floor, is it too annoying?

Lin Sanjiu opened his eyes in distress, and it was a row of orange-yellow ring handles-yes, I am not in the 38th floor apartment-it is the new world ...

She sat up and looked at the bus seats lined with rows of cartons of various goods. On the car wall next to Lin Sanjiu, there is a green slogan: Special seat for old, weak, sick and disabled. A rare starlight outside the car window lit up the outline of the slogan.

Above the drop-off gate, there is a piece of something like a road map, but only a "3" can be seen.

The bus door was suddenly knocked on for a while, and the song of "Little Apple" became louder. The song was accompanied by the voice of the vole: "Hey, it's ten o'clock, you get up! Let's go!"

Lin Sanjiu rubbed his eyes, and the real memory flooded into his brain like a tide.

Yes-I agreed to bring the voles away with me this afternoon. After that, everyone sat in the car and chatted for a long time while eating, drinking, and drinking ... Although the voles looked very timid and unreliable, they only discovered after contact that he was actually a very careful person. In order to save energy at night, everyone went to rest soon. The only vole with a cell phone volunteered to set up an alarm clock and planned to leave on time at ten o'clock in the evening. Lin Sanjiu jumped up and pressed a button on the driver's seat. The bus door opened at once, revealing a vole still wearing an unsuitable suit.

Lin Sanjiu stared at him a little angrily: "You haven't turned off the alarm clock yet? What if the fallen species are attracted? Anyway, it's too loud!"

The vole "Oh" twice, and quickly turned his hand off. As soon as the little apple disappeared, Lin Sanjiu felt that the world had cleared up a lot at once. The voles smiled and asked, "Where is Miss Mather? And Xiao Lu, have they got up?"

"They are behind ..." Lin Sanjiu replied.

As he was talking, Mather came over yawning, rinsed his mouth with mineral water, and sat in the driver's seat sleepily. Lu Ze nodded to the vole, rubbed his eyes and walked to the truck, and his back looked sluggish.

Everyone looked tired-Lin Sanjiu thought, but couldn't help but yawned again.

The voles were in a spirited state, and they checked the engine back and forth, seeing that there was no problem, and then they waved with great energy: "Great, we can start!"

After a little washing, after sitting in the truck for a while, Lin Sanjiu's sleepiness slowly retreated, and finally he finally fully awake.

She looked at the map at hand and found a way to the factory area in the western suburbs. She started the car first.

The western suburbs are a well-known industrial area of ​​the city, gathering factories and processing plants in various industries. These factories usually have dormitories and canteens, which is a small ecosystem in itself; as long as you get there, it will not be a problem whether it is a backup power supply, supplies, or a shelter that can be accommodated.

The three cars that followed the truck moved slowly with her.

I have to say that it is really right to let the voles join in: besides being very good at maintaining the car, the most amazing thing is that he actually took out several sets of walkie-talkies from the car-although the separation distance should not be too far, But now, between the car and the car, they can finally connect with each other while driving.

On the intercom on the seat next to him, Lu Ze's relaxed voice came: "Xiaojiu, how far are we from the factory area?"

"Look at the road conditions, if we are not blocked by the car, it will be enough for us to walk the nearest road for an hour. After climbing this uphill, you can see the signs ..." Lin Sanjiu was talking, suddenly stomach There was a gurgle, and she immediately screamed badly.

This voice was really caught by Lu Ze: "Haha, what kind of voice? Do you want us to stop and give you some time to solve it?"

There was a pouting laugh on the intercom, clearly Mather.

"I'm just hungry," Lin Sanjiu grinned angrily, "You must have no girlfriend!"

As she said, she reached out angrily to find a packet of cookies, opened and ate a piece, and left a few others smiling happily on the intercom.

Luckily, the cars on this road were basically parked on the side of the road. Sometimes when the road is blocked by abandoned vehicles, it can be squeezed from the side-now because the road is heavily sanded, the boundary between the road and the sidewalk is no longer clear. Therefore, after driving for ten minutes, the four-car team has been driving on the shortcut to the factory area.

"I seemed to hear a bang just now, did you hear that?" With the car open, Mather suddenly asked.

The voles immediately answered with anxiety: "Miss Mathieu, wouldn't it be your engine problem? Where did the voice come from?"

"It's too vague, I don't know. But there is no sound now."

"If I hear it again, I will check the engine for you again!"

After hearing this, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but glance back from the rearview mirror. The bus that followed the second truck was driving well at this time, and vaguely could still see Mather in the driver's seat. Everything looked the same. She opened the car window inadvertently, the hot night breeze poured in, and her long hair fluttered up in the air.

The next things, like the movie playback, happened very clearly and unreally.

Almost all of a sudden, there was only a raised exclamation in the intercom-the voice was Lu Ze, and as for what he said, he couldn't understand it at all. Lin Sanjiu shuddered in his heart, and the phrase "what's wrong with you" was still in his throat. He only heard a sharp squeak of brakes behind him, and then there was a bang like a crash.

Lin Sanjiu groaned in his heart, and looked at the strong wind probe outside the window, his heart almost stopped beating--

In the vision of being cut into pieces by black hair, Luze's truck twisted its head, almost hitting the middle of the road. In the hurry of the bus behind him, he slammed into the front of the truck, and a heavy smoke suddenly appeared. Lu Ze's body was knocked out of the driver's seat at once, and countless pieces of glass splashed away, but his body solidified and stopped in mid-air.

A long spiky mouthpiece pierced his stomach, and the other end of the mouthpiece was hidden in the truck.

And all this happened between electric flint and flint, too late to blink.

Lin Sanjiu's eyes suddenly turned red, he shouted suddenly, stopped the car with one foot, pushed the door and ran towards Lu Ze.

However, before she ran near, the bus's front suddenly exploded. With the smoke and fire, a lot of glass fragments blasted from the accident site, scattered in the air, and Lin Sanjiu was exposed. The skin was suddenly covered in blood by the glass rain.

She was toppled to the ground by the shock wave of the explosion, and she was covered with wounds. However, Lin Sanjiu didn't realize it, still sitting on the ground blankly-because she could see clearly: with the glass fragments falling, there were flesh and blood, and some well-known red hair.

Are you kidding me?

At the end, Citroen almost rammed into the bus, and the voles that came out of the door were so scared that they asked, "What's wrong, how could this happen?"

Lin Sanjiu was stunned for a long time before he got up from the ground. Then he didn't say a word, and he ran to the truck again with his eyes red. The gasping voles quickly grabbed her and shouted, "You calm down--"

Without saying a word, the Vole suddenly felt a shadow over his head. He looked up and froze.

The car braked by Lin Sanjiu just now probably didn't know when it had slipped in front of him because there was no gear. The voles let go of Lin Sanjiu's hand and turned to run, but the truck was too close-his step had just been lifted, and the huge steel shadow of the truck had swallowed two people ...

The first time, the whole army was wiped out.

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