Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1569: Qiao Yuan Temple

[I’m getting up early today for a late episode. Although this chapter has a title, it’s only the beginning now. You can go to bed]

At the same moment when the female npc was wiped out by the white line, the effect of [Mark Twain Set: "The Prince and the Beggar"] also disappeared-Lin Sanjiu quickly touched her face when she found that her finger touched herself high When the hard nose bone, instead of the round and soft nose of the female npc, she immediately lifted the card of the next item.

[Mark Twain Collection: "Prince and Beggar"]

This is a story of a prince and a beggar exchanging their identities. It doesn't matter how the story itself is. What matters is the long-lasting resonance of literary works in people's hearts. Under the power of literature, anyone who has browsed this story can choose to exchange faces with another person, but that's all.

Time limit: one minute.

Note: Only the face is exchanged by the two parties, and their abilities, actions, clothing, and voice are not affected by this item.

How to use: Touch one on your face first, then touch the target's face.

Gong Daoyi gave her the next item, a box of colored candies. When she hurriedly swallowed one of the sugar into the esophagus, the guards at the door also poured in, "How about people?", "Here is blood!" Passing by her one after another-she buried her head, squeezed her shoulders and waited for a few seconds, until she finally sat up slowly, but no guard looked at her halfway.

[There should be such a person in your class]

Three years after my classmates in junior high school, when I graduated, I took a big group photo. You suddenly took a closer look at the small face in the back row of the photo. I was a little surprised: "Who is this person?" Is it?"

The classmate replied: "Eh? You say that there seems to be such a person in our class... but I never paid attention to him."

Should there be such people in your class? Reticent, a little hunchback, good or bad grades... Honestly, even if you close your eyes and think hard, it seems that you can only remember the gender of the other party. Isn't this a convenient and easy-to-use feature?

Time limit: five minutes. After the time limit, you can immediately try again, as long as the number of items is sufficient.

Note: The effectiveness of this item can only achieve a certain degree of "ignoring", please do not think that you can do whatever you want with confidence. If your face has particularly distinctive and attractive features, please cover your face. If you want to chat with others, please be mentally prepared that they will notice you. If you suddenly want to perform acrobatics on the ring of fire, please don't.

With the face of a wanted criminal, should it be regarded as "distinctive"?

Lin Sanjiu looked at it with Yu Guang, and found that most of the guards were gathered around the crushed body on the ground, discussing whether the dead body was the hijacked female npc-in their view, the wanted criminal There is no doubt that the white line has been eliminated.

It seems that she is so troubled, so that the hospital hospital thinks that she is a big threat, and it is more than Kurosawa; Kurosawa is just caught away. When it is her turn, the treatment method becomes Killed on the spot.

The tutor behind him has already been transformed into a card early. Lin Sanjiu called out a towel and tied it to his face, covering his nose and mouth. She stood up along the corner, bypassing the guard who was still pouring in, lowered her head deeply, and walked towards the door in small steps. The two guards walked towards her, just one black hole above their foreheads, but their facial features were intact on the other face; when the two passed by while talking, no one turned back to her.

She lowered her head lower, only staring at the ground under her feet, and accelerated slightly towards the door.

Just when Lin Sanjiu was able to get out of the door hole in just one turn, a person suddenly appeared from the corner-in an environment noisy like boiling water, she could not distinguish the person Footsteps; the guard apparently didn't expect anyone to suddenly appear in the doorway, neither of them had time to retreat from each other. The two slammed into the front with a bang.

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu understood the meaning of Kurosawa.

Obviously, I just accidentally bumped it, and even ordinary people can quickly stabilize their bodies; but she felt that all the power suddenly fled from the body. She was like a skinny bag with no support. Her feet were soft and she fell dullly to the ground.


Fortunately, she covered her face with a towel, and the guard hadn't noticed something strange for a while. He was just a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Lin Sanjiu to fall down when he hit it: "Are you all right?"

It wasn't until she fell completely to the ground that she broke off physical contact with the guard, and she felt the power return to her body again. Lin Sanjiu stood up with one hand on the ground, while still bowing his head, said vaguely: "No, it's fine."

"I help you," don't look at the black holes of different sizes on his face. I didn't expect this guard to be an enthusiastic heart. He bent down and grabbed Lin Sanjiu's empty left sleeve, then he was stunned: "Eh? "

Subconsciously, the guard's hand pinched the sleeve and loosened it, reaching towards the sleeve, as if trying to hold it—under the sleeve, it was her upper arm in half.

The consciousness ejected like a spirit snake out of the hole. A stroke from the left half of her arm flew the guard's hand; when the hand was raised into the air, the guard raised her eyes in surprise. At that time, Lin Sanjiu quickly launched the fourth item-this was the last item given to her by Gong Daoyi, and in a certain way, it was also the most powerful item.

【Time backtracking】

Yes, you read that right, there are really such amazing effects in Doomsday World! The best opportunity to solve all regrets, sorrows, regrets, and let your life come again, this time to achieve real fulfillment! The machine is not to be missed and is limited in supply. Please call the hotline at the bottom of the screen as soon as possible: 888-9242-000

Note: This item can only provide a maximum of one minute backtracking at a time. This article cannot be used continuously, and can only be used once every 24 years. No matter how big the impact and how many people are involved, as long as the above two conditions are met, the time retrospective effect can be achieved.

Most importantly, you can choose which minute of your life you want to go back. For example, when you are dying in a bed, you can even choose to go back to a certain minute in your youth and throw away the first cigarette in your life-of course, the final result may still be lung cancer, but At least you didn't smoke in that minute.

Just like rewinding the movie, Lin Sanjiu clearly saw that the hand she was flying back to her sleeves along the same path; then, one after another, the action was reversed and performed again. Before she could react, she found that she had stood up again and was standing on her waist, ready to get out of the door hole—

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly stopped, and the shadow of the guard just flashed in the doorway; she stayed in time and the two of them were about to hit the line-the guard swept her. At a glance, only a sentence "Be careful!" was thrown away, and she passed around her.

After a long breath, the heartbeat hit her ears like thunder at this time; she didn't know such a thrill. She had to go through several times before finally getting out of here.

As soon as he entered the corridor, Lin Sanjiu looked up, and found that two or three guards were standing beside a row of machines. These machines are somewhat familiar, and a board-like thing hangs down from the iron arm in the air, facing the interior of the room; she walked through the fashion inadvertently, and vaguely saw it on the fuselage." "X-ray" and the like.

The medical instruments here also have this function?

As she thought, she hung her head, speeded up her steps, and quickly entered the no-go corridor. The Purchasing Department is too close to the Medical Records and Information Department, and she is still not assured of hiding here; she took a few more turns in one breath, and when the noise was thrown behind her, she could hardly hear it. , She slowly slowed down.

After holding his breath for a while and making sure that there was no one inside, Lin Sanjiu slowly turned the door handle and quietly walked into an office. She turned back and locked the door, hurriedly emptied the contents of a desk, and spread all the documents she had just collected on the table-except for the stacks of documents, the drawers full of things, In addition to the stack of folders, there is a desktop computer with unplugged wires.

After categorizing, she stacked the documents printed with the "Patient Admission Registration Form" in front of her and took a deep breath.

Each registration form has two pieces of paper. On the first page, besides the name, a small photo is posted. Like a sneak shot in the lava world, she can only barely make her distinguish the appearance of the patient. Next, there is a series of information about the patient's injury introduction, treatment and mortgage debt.

Coincidentally, the first patient registration form happened to belong to a name she knew, Yuan Xiangxi. The handwriting was blurred, and the photo was not clear because of yellowing. Lin Sanjiu left it aside. Like a squirrel digging a stockpile in the ground, she buried her head in the pile of papers and rummaged through them one by one; unrelated people and unknown people threw them all to accompany Yuan Xiangxi , Need to stay and look carefully, just in front of it.

After turning for more than 20 minutes, the documents in front of her gradually increased and thickened into a thin stack. When Lin Sanjiu finally turned over all the files, he looked at the top file and exhaled lightly.

She did not guess wrong.

She knew that the reason why someone in the medical records department is still working overtime is because they are looking for the admission registration information form of her wanted criminal-as to what they want to do after they find the registration form, Lin Sanjiu is not clear. However, her gain is more than her own registration form.

A red seal with the word "authorizedpersonaleonly" stamped on top of the registration form; underneath, it should be blank in the place where the patient's name should be. face.

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