Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1577: Fake copy

It turned out that they planned to use the sugar-coated cannonballs to infect the evolvers ——

Yaliu soon discovered that he was wrong.

How much of this fake copy occupies a total area, he still has no chance to know. He was regarded as an "escaper" and was arrested for work. Compared with normal people who are willing to surrender, transfiguration people will always be more suspicious and wary of him: therefore, in addition to the area where he works, Yiyao Liu The concept of the entire copy is vague.

This is not to say how much trust can be gained by normal people who are willing to take the initiative. In fact, no one can trust each other, between normal people and normal people, between normal people and metamorphosis people, or between metamorphosis people and metamorphosis people. During the construction of the copy, the number of deformed persons was extremely large. Workers accounted for half, and supervisors accounted for the other half, because the supervisors also needed to be monitored; all simple walls were printed with a report phone, and anyone who reported was welcome.

Even if everyone is encouraged to monitor each other, the “prohibited matters” can be turned into reality one by one, and negligence and negligence can happen almost every hour; candy houses are especially hard-hit areas because food is the raw material for construction.

No matter how many times it is counted when it arrives, when the building is actually started, there will always be one less box of cookies for wall hanging, or half the chocolate in the closet. The next time you order more, the shortage will intensify, because the deformed monkeys are all monkey spirits, and they are very good at accounting: in the past, when I ordered according to the volume, I took five boxes. This time I ordered more, I can take seven boxes.

In this kind of festering way of doing things, if you want to dig traps for evolutionaries, is the risk too great?

Wu Yiliu had never seen a real copy, but he always inevitably doubted that this fake copy would be fake at a glance. Yes, there are indeed a variety of copies. According to the construction site, I heard that there are also types that seem to be very rough and very coping at first glance; but at least the copies should have magical features, right?

The "magic" of the fake copy is the colorful lighting effects, the plush dolls that pop up when "done", and the big horn broadcast-this is a private playground style in the suburb of a third-tier city with a ticket of 40 yuan. Can fool the evolution?

As he panted a heavy bucket of heavy syrup on the ground, a supervisor came over, swaying his legs, kicking him on the heel and saying, "Go, I will take you to the training camp."


Yiyaru suppressed the anger from being kicked, and walked out behind the supervisor with another middle-aged man with dark brown hair and glasses. The middle-aged man was also a normal person. When Ya Yiliu first came, his attitude was fairly peaceful. After discovering that the latter was originally caught and not actively surrendering, the middle-aged man's face became gloomy, almost not Talked to Yiyagi.

On the way to the "training", some normal people came out from several other projects, and they were all held by the supervisors and walked to the meeting room that Yayi Liu had never been to. When they pushed open the door and entered, Yiliu suddenly felt a subtle difference.

It’s hard to describe this feeling. If you have to make an analogy, it’s like when he walks through a junction, someone suddenly sprays a perfume into the air around him-except that the air is not slow. Wandering fragrance molecules, but a kind of cold, sharp, and a little heavy.

When several evolvers subsequently pushed the door and walked in, Yauichi suddenly gave a "supreme" sigh.

The dry, thin, long-faced female evolutionary didn't look at him at all. Both of them seemed to have forgotten what they saw yesterday. The other three evolvers have never been seen by Yiwu Liu. Among these four people, the thin woman and another man who looks sleepy and seems to be unable to open his eyes, his face has never been deformed. The other two, as soon as they sat down on the opposite chair, their faces seemed to be shaken, and they twisted into the diagonal thorns.

The main speakers today seem to be the four evolvers sitting in the center in front. The remaining ten or twenty normal people faced each other; behind the house, a row of supervisors and guards stood, with no stun guns on their waists—when they scanned the normal people, their faces were unconscious Bringing out a longing, it is like expecting something from the normal person to give them a chance to pierce the stun gun into the ribs of the normal person.

"Everyone here are NPCs from items such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, etc.," the man with a sleepy face said slowly, "Your work script is relatively simple, introduce the evolutionary who entered the fake copy, and guide them to relax, It is enough to provide them with food, drink, services, and cleaning."

Yiyaru turned over a few pages of the "work script" he had just obtained.

This is not a "script" at all. The script, as the name implies, must have a plot, but the piece of paper in his hand only details what he wants to do-look at the work content carefully, he found a sentence Enough to cover: he is clearly a nanny and waiter.

"After the fake copy starts, we will also come in together as one of the evolvers involved in the copy." said the thin woman.

This is the second time they have said "fake copy", and Yuichi Liu faintly feels weird.

You know, they have betrayed the evolver and created this fake copy together with the deformed person to frame others-yes, the copy is indeed fake; but how bad is it to hang on the mouth? In the same way, when people selling fake medicines and wine talk about their products, they won't bite a fake.

"Fake copy" and "fake" should all be called from the opposite side, with the meaning of staring at the judgment...Is he thinking too much?

"The line about the fake copy, we wrote it yesterday," an evolving evolutionary, whose facial features twisted and twisted the frame that formed the head and face again and again, as if breaking through the head and face. "Turn to the back, memorize these introductions, the goal is to start next week."

Yaliu turned the paper over, and as soon as his eyes fell, he couldn't help being surprised.

Fake copy

He even suspected that he was wrong. His gaze followed the words a little bit forward, and finally realized gradually that he had thought it simple.

"Remember," the thin woman's voice rang, "You don't need to hide the fact that this is a fake copy.'Here is a fake copy','It was only built last week', these messages can be justified." Tell the evolver."

She paused, smiled slightly, and said, "But, the most important point, you must clearly communicate it in place."

Yiyaru has guessed.

"There is only one goal for the fake copy, which is to allow every evolutionary to spend 14 months comfortably, and then teleport away."

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