Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1579: Follow the money

Will they secretly spit into milk tea, coffee, sponge cake chairs?

When Yiliu Liu participated in the construction, he had been paying attention to it quietly, but he had never found that the transformers had done so. After the establishment of the various facilities, most of the deformed people were evacuated from the fake copies. At that time, the stocks of materials in the kitchen water bars had not been unsealed.

Ordinary people who temporarily learned how to make drinks, or who were originally chefs, are the only ones who have been exposed to drinks and food.

It is impossible to say that everyone in the evolution has the ability to "discriminate the water of his population from food"; then, why should the transformant give up the trick of "doping body fluids"?

In addition to body fluids, large-scale skin contact, especially those involving internal tissues of a party, can also infect ordinary people. Professor Qiao said that when she was infected twice, she remembered that her fingers were heavily scratching her face: the thumb nails and index finger nails were deeply inserted into the corners of the eyes and opened the eyelid skin; the fist came into her In her mouth, she squeezed her throat and tongue dullly, causing her tears to flow.

When she talked, Yiyali suddenly realized how fragile her face was. The moist, sensitive eyeballs are exposed uncovered and unobstructed; the lips are too weak, and the soft, bright red mouth will be exposed when turned; the nasal cavity will bleed as soon as you poke hard, and the pink will appear in the inner canthus conjunctiva. Even the skin that covers these things and protects them is thinner than the rest of the body and turns red when the wind blows.

Such a fragile face is exposed outside every day, coming and going between those who have got rid of the fragile deformed face. Ya-Liu Zhen hopes that there will be a setting in the fake copy, which is for the NPC to put on a mask. As for the evolutionists, don’t worry, which metamorphos can move them? Besides, there are not many deformers in this copy.

Certainly there will still be, maybe some guys whose transformations have been completed, disguised as one of the NPCs and mixed with ordinary people to monitor them. Transformers just like this kind of method, telling each NPC to guard against each other and not to worry about each other, they can rest assured by themselves. However, even if it exists, it will not use eyeliner spy to infect the evolution.

Do they really not want to infect the evolution? Or is there another way?

Wu Yiliu's doubts were quickly answered.

A movie is not enough... when he politely opened the door for the female evolutionist and handed her a map, he secretly thought.

Perhaps it takes dozens of film and television dramas, more than ten hours of communication, and immersion in the small world created by the transformers for months and months before they may begin to transform-maybe.

Whether it is him, Professor Qiao, or Yingshui An at that time, they all overlooked one thing: since they can resist deformation through thinking training, then in turn, "deformation factors" can pass sounds, words, content, images, etc. The carrier of thinking infects normal people-the only protective wall is just the vigilance of the audience. If you find that you are surrounded by deformed people, you will naturally be vigilant and will not be easily affected.

Thinking deeply, this is another chilling place for fake copies.

When the evolvers live among the deformed people, they are always vigilant; but here is a copy of the deformed person’s extinction, a comfortable and non-threatening recuperative copy, how they are seen as normal people. The only NPC surrounds... The only transfiguration is just on the TV, very far away, just a concept, a fictional literary concept.

It was like a thunder sounded far away from the horizon. You know there was a rain somewhere in the distance, but it was far away from you; you were still sitting in a dry room, the air conditioner buzzed, and water was condensing on the ice wine glass at hand Beads.

You thought you were sitting in a dry room.

Yau Yiliu saw the figure holding the map disappear on the path. Only a movie was not enough to affect her, but to be honest, the speed of acceptance that she showed had already secretly shocked him.

Under the infiltration of the breeze and rain, "transformation" is a possibility, and it is impossible to 100% affect every evolutionary, maybe there is no TV at all... he did not expect it to be this one. Just a movie.

The cultural and entertainment products provided by fake copies are usually normal at the beginning, and only gradually develop to the middle and late stages, will there be sporadic errors; such as a certain sentence, a certain idea, some reaction of the character, sometimes a faint feeling Sometimes you need to stop and think about it.

These mistakes are like a momentary failure of electronic products, with a flash of flowers, and then over, it is a normal world. After a while, the awkward place will jump again, as if a foreign body nerve stuck in it will gradually grow up with your flesh and blood.

On the map, the fake copy is shaped like a round cinnamon bun, and the road rotates inwards and converges in the center to form a center. The several entrances and exits connected to the outside all started from the candy house; the soft whispers from the Transformers are also the lightest here-Yau Yi-liu heard that in the deepest center, the Transform message is the strongest and the most Loud.

Unexpectedly, in the candy house, he saw the evolutionary who had begun to accept the infection.

Perhaps it was just that this evolutionary was too mentally weak and too easy to be hinted. He packed up the tableware and comforted himself. If you change a powerful evolver, you may find that it is wrong, you will be angry, and you may even dismantle the copy...

But what about then?

Even if someone razes the entire copy to the ground and kills all NPCs, there are billions of worker ants in the world. As soon as the evolutionist's feet walked, those deformed people would like to swarm in or swarm to another place, with more cement, bricks, chocolate and wires between the feet and feet.

Wu Yiliu felt that he was also engulfed by swarms of black insects, sinking deeper and deeper. Those evolvers who entered the copy were once the light of hope for him to escape from this world; now that light also fell into the depths of the black worm swarm with him, and it was about to fade into obscurity.

Why didn't Mellon contact him yet? Their group of evolvers has not moved so far, is it because the shrivelled woman secretly moved her hands and feet and tricked them into giving up? Fang Yiliu couldn't find a chance to send a paper crane to Mailong; Mailong didn't have a paper crane to come to him either.

...That group of people didn't care much.

They feel that they are superior in force and that they are deformed in every area. There is nothing to worry about; even they may not want to touch the deformed at all. After all, the deformed people are left in order to have the living materials that are constantly being created.

Would you like to take a risk and let them come and see the fake copy for yourself?

Yaliu immediately rejected the idea. When they came, they couldn't make any prompts, not to mention that once people had appeasement, it was easy to see that it was not the end: wasn't it a fake copy? Don't go in by yourself.

He thought that he chose to return to the fake copy as an NPC, which was a good move for his goal, but now he found that he was stuck in a dilemma and did not know what to do.

It would be nice if we could discuss with Professor Qiao.

Without a cell phone, he could not contact the outside world, and Paper Crane couldn't fly to Professor Qiao. He had no way to do it for a while. His anxiety was a bit obvious, and the middle-aged man who was filling the table with sandwich biscuits looked up at him and said, "What are you doing stunned? Take the cup and wash it."

The house washes the cup silently, waiting for the next evolutionary to come home without a word. Fake copies are just the first pilot. It is conceivable that when Transformers find that the fake copies are very successful, more fake copies will appear around the world. Not too much, but it should cover as many evolvers as possible.

This is a long-term, slow threat, leaving the target with the illusion of "you have a way to live". Transformers do not seek to infect every evolutionary, which is indeed impossible; but as long as a sufficient number of evolutionaries are infected, the instability of the world can be greatly reduced, and their capabilities, means, knowledge and special Items, to further firmly control the world-they are not stupid, they are very good.

Wait, what I just thought, flashed through my mind.

Yau Yi-ryu kept his expressionless, and carefully checked his thoughts just now.

Special items... yes, special items.

Where will special items donated to fake copies-if any-flow? Wu Yiliu knew that their final destination must be the Transfiguration, but he didn't know who they were, and in which rooms and fakes they passed through the fake copies.

Those infected and deformed evolvers will eventually lose their ability, but they still have special items on them. What about those special items? Was it kept by the original owner, or was it confiscated?

If he can find a special item, even if it is a piece, maybe he can get rid of this dilemma...

In the distance came a few scattered figures again; Wu Yiliu stared at them closely, and there was a way in his heart that was gradually taking shape.

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