Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1583: The end of Qiaoyuan Temple

The three of them didn't make a sound, but stood up silently, with a vigilant look on their faces.

Qiao Yuansi's question brought back a little echo in the empty supermarket. Before the echo disappeared, there was another violent knock. This time she even raised her voice: "You come and open the door! I know you are here , Didn’t you just take the rice from here? Open the door!"

That's right-she lived nearby and presumably bought things here often, so she recognized the source of the bag of imported rice at a glance.

The three hadn’t thought about what to say yet, but she didn’t expect her shouting but successfully awakened Wang Sisi in the staff room. After a harsh shriek, the door of the staff room was slammed violently by her. There was a ringing sound-Lin Sanjiu couldn't help it, suddenly got up and walked to the iron gate.

It seems that Wang Sisi's voice shocked Kong Yun, and the iron door was quiet for a few seconds.

After waiting, Lin Sanjiu swallowed and asked, "What the **** do you want to do?"

"...Is that girl upstairs?" Kong Yun asked back.

"What do you want to do with you?" Lin Sanjiu drank heavily. "Do you think I will let you absorb like your husband!"

Kong Yun on the other side was suddenly silent. After a pause, her voice passed quietly across the iron gate: "...I actually want to come and talk. To be honest...I need to say thank you."

Lin Sanjiu bit his lip and said nothing.

"If you didn't wake me up, I'm afraid I've been waiting, no one around me let me absorb, and finally it's a death. But... I really hate you again." Kong Yun's voice is extremely unstable, and the voice is suddenly high. Suddenly low, it sounds uncomfortable. "I was taken away by a little girl like you who didn't understand... I'm so miserable, really, what qualifications do you have to tell me that I killed him? I'm not reconciled, I, I, I think Killing you makes me feel good."

Lin Sanjiu was stunned and could not help but take a step back. Even if an iron door blocked, she seemed to be able to smell the abnormal madness in the air.

The opposite Kong Yun spoke again: "Forget it, I said you don't understand... Now you can't open the door and it makes no difference. If you don't open the door, I will talk to you... You open the door, I Turn your bones into juice and drink."

Lin Sanjiu's face was aroused by her, and she was about to open her mouth, but Kong Yun seemed to know that the person in the room wanted to speak, and continued to say no matter what he said: "You listen to it, I only say it once... …I can only activate the ability once per hour. For me, living life is much stronger than the energy of a dead corpse, and people are much stronger than other things. And when absorbed, me and mine ... Prey, can’t move within ten minutes. Whether it’s subjective or forced, as soon as I move, I completely give up my efforts, and I can only wait until the next hour to absorb it. But I need to absorb too much in the early stage, Can't afford a situation that can't be absorbed for hours..."

In this way, Kong Yun has been delaying time after eating chicken porridge--

Suddenly, Mather's "ah" suddenly realized: "No wonder you didn't start with us just now. It's not that you don't want to, but you have no chance! As long as the rest of you find something wrong, you expose yourself and waste one. hour!"

As soon as her voice fell, Lu Ze whispered a clear word of national curse.

"Yes," although invisible, Ke Lin Sanjiu somehow felt that a smile should float on Kong Yun's face at this time, "I was waiting for someone among you to order... but I didn't expect it to be successful Now it looks like this..."

"You are really willing to expose your old bottom." Lin Sanjiu doubted her words and pierced with a sneer.

"What can I say? The worst result is nothing but death." Kong Yun's tone rose, "I'm still afraid of death? If you kill me, I will see my husband. Thank you."

Lin Sanjiu was stunned and just about to speak, just then in the staff room behind her, Wang Sisi's screaming suddenly sounded again.

"What's that?" This kind of inhuman howling sounds very intimidating. After a while outside the iron gate, Kong Yun's voice came again.

"It's nothing," Lin Sanjiu didn't want to tell her about the depraved species, "probably someone is about to die--"

Knowing that she was bullshit, Kong Yun still laughed, "Well, I hope we two will never see again."

She did it altogether, and the voice fell, only to hear the sound of footsteps outside the iron door, she turned her direction, got on the elevator, and gradually disappeared to hear.

Although Lin Sanjiu has been trying hard and hard just now, he can still hear a sigh of relief after hearing her leave.

The three of them walked back to the place where the towels were spread in the supermarket. Lin Sanjiu wiped his face and lay on the "bed" weakly. The ear still echoed Wang Sisi with a shrill whistle, but the three people seemed to be used to it. After talking about Kong Yun for a while, Mather and Lu Ze said something, and somehow talked about the supplies; the two discussed After a while, I decided to move out the remaining potable water, and count by the way.

"Let's go," Lin Sanjiu only felt tired physically and mentally, and he didn't want to move at all. He waved and said, "Let me hide for a while and be lazy."

"Don't care, what the woman can't do to you," Mather thought she was still thinking about Kong Yun, smiled and patted her head, got up and left Lu Ze.

The ability polishing agent is brightly lit in the small bottle, and there is a flowing silver light around it-if Wang Sisi's impact and screams broke the atmosphere, it was really quiet at this time.

After lying down for a while, Lin Sanjiu found himself very crowded at the moment-Ren Nan, New World, his own abilities, dead parents, Zhu Mei, Kong Yun... Various people and horses were bustling in her mind, almost one after another, almost Let her breathless. Knowing this earlier, it might be better to find something to do-Lin Sanjiu turned over several times, and finally jumped up anxiously, going to find the other two people to take some water together.

Unexpectedly, he just left the ground, and a burst of heat ran from the head to the bottom of the foot. In an instant, Lin Sanjiu only felt that every muscle in his body was trembling rapidly, and the blood was surging like crazy in the blood vessel. , Even the jaws have fought. She had never experienced this weird feeling as if her body was out of control, and she whispered out of her throat and couldn't control herself.

It happened that Wang Sisi had just stopped, and the word spread immediately in the supermarket. Immediately afterwards, Arthur asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

Lin Sanjiu wanted to speak with her mouth open, but her muscles and tongue were completely out of control, and only the teeth in her ears slammed under the high-speed tremor.

"Let's go and see!" Lu Ze shouted.

The footsteps of the two running towards this place were so vague for Lin Sanjiu—until the two squatted down beside her, she felt the cold breath of Mather—“This, this is what happened?"

Lu Ze's voice also sounded extremely panic: "Her, her face, no, whole body, how could this be...?"

At this time, Lin Sanjiu looked like a huge, jelly-shaped figure, swaying and shaking under some external force-her skin, hair, and muscles were violently fluctuating like water waves. After a full minute, this strange tremor gradually disappeared, and the body slowly calmed down.

As soon as Lin Sanjiu opened his eyes, he saw the two big faces in front of him, looking at her closely and nervously.

"I... what happened to me just now?" She pinched her skin in confusion. Young women's firm skin looks so normal, and the muscles, bones, and blood under the skin seem to return to what they used to be.

Luze and Mather glanced at each other, and they were a little dazed.

"I'll draw you a blood, check it." Mather said as she stretched her nails and scratched Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu also had this intention, and looked anxiously as his second drop of blood fell into Mather's palm and disappeared.

Perhaps it was because of the last data base, this time she waited anxiously for less than twenty minutes, and Mather opened her eyes. She glanced at Lin Sanjiu, and her mouth twitched upward, and a few lines of laughter squeezed from the corner of her eye: "Xiaojiu, congratulations, you are happy!"

"Poo", Lu Ze, who was drinking water, sprayed Lin Sanjiu all over his face.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't even wipe the water on his eyebrows and eyelashes: "Impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? This is an inevitable law." Because of the doubt, Mather's smile disappeared a bit. She looked back and forth at Lu Ze and Lin Sanjiu: "Isn't it a joy to have the third basic ability? ?"

She looked at the widened mouths of the two opposite people, and was very puzzled: "And the third basic ability is still a high-level physical fitness enhancement ability, hey what are you doing... wait, Lu Ze, why don’t you stop her Oh, it hurts!"

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