Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1586: Road without road

"What a **** is this!!!"

Along with the angry and screaming of women, a boot kicked heavily on the bus door, and it immediately shook the passenger door. However, there is a bright red "1" sign above the head, which is still hanging like a mountain.

Behind Lin Sanjiu, there is Arthur sighing with his head down, and Lu Ze who has just calmed down from his excitement.

"In other words, do we have only one chance now?" Lin Sanjiu gasped, his eyes were red, and the nameless fire was more exuberant: "Who is this behind the ghost!"

Mather comforted softly, "Don't be angry, Xiaojiu. On the other hand, maybe this countdown saved our lives... otherwise, we might have died long ago."

That being said, Lin Sanjiu still felt unacceptable for a while. She always felt like she was being played by someone... She tried to suppress the fire in her heart, clutching her pants with her hands.

After a while, she stood up abruptly: "I go out and walk."

Lu Ze rubbed his temples like a headache, and was also in a bad mood.

After getting out of the car and walking a few steps, Ye Feng hit the body with gravel in bursts. The slight pain made Lin Sanjiu deeply feel that he was still alive. The surroundings were so quiet, there was no murmur, and people could even hear the sound of blood flowing through their ears. Perhaps for this reason, her emotions gradually eased.

It's so quiet. But... is it a bit too quiet?

I always feel like something is missing.

Lin Sanjiu frowned slightly, his eyes falling on the dirty Citroen not far away.

By the way...Isn't the voles come over to wake them up at this time two times before? Why hasn't he heard his phone ringing this time? Is he still awake?

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu came to Citroen three steps and two steps and cried out with a little worry: "Vole! Are you awake?"

After a while, nothing remained in the car.

She couldn't help wiping the dust from the window with her sleeve, and bent down to look inward.

The co-pilot's seat in the car was put down to be used as a bed, and a few half-eaten food packaging bags were randomly thrown next to it. Drink empty beverage bottles, a few dirty clothes-only the silhouette of the vole is not seen.

Lin Sanjiu's heart immediately lifted up, and looked around while circling around the team a few times. There was nothing around, very empty, the trees had already turned into fly ash, and they could be seen far away at a glance. But after two laps, she didn't even see the footprints of the voles.

It happened that Lu Ze and Mather opened the door while talking, and Lin Sanjiu heard the sound, and hurried over to yell, "The voles are not in the car, they are gone! Shall we go and find them?" he?"

They were stunned, but they didn't expect the voles to disappear. Mather opened her mouth, and when she was about to speak, suddenly a slow voice came from the roof of the car.

"I said, you still don't want to find it, and you can't find it."

The three people were startled suddenly, stepped back a few steps like a conditioned reflex, and looked up towards the roof of the car.

Under the huge silver moon at night, the two black shadows stood one by one, but they didn't know when they came. The hot night breeze flowed over them, and the shadow was immersed in the moonlight, making it difficult to see.

What I said just now seemed to be the person sitting. He took a leisurely posture and dropped a foot from the roof of the car, with a voice of abuse in his voice: "What do you look at me like this? Do you also think I look good?"

The three of them didn’t know what to say for a while; Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth, "You put the field--"

At this moment, the man who was standing by the side who didn’t speak lightly “chirped” and interrupted her; he took a step forward and suddenly jumped up into the bright moonlight, turning into a shadow and falling heavily On the ground, a burst of smoke suddenly aroused.

This man is very tall, with smooth muscles that are as strong as beasts, full of dangerous explosive power. He carried a long, slightly curved knife on his back, which resembled a samurai sword—but he didn't have a scabbard, and he didn't know how he tied it to his body. Only the blade made of steel gleamed in the dark night.

For evolutionary humans, it is not difficult to jump off the bus-but somehow, something on this man instantly sounded the alarm of Lin Sanjiu and others, and their looks were alert. .

The man raised his head and slowly raised the corner of his mouth towards several people, revealing a smile that was almost fierce.

In an instant, a momentum that had never been experienced swept through like a tsunami.

As if the person had evacuated the air, the three of them stopped breathing for a moment. This is definitely not an illusion, nor a psychological effect, but a real, accessible pressure, like the pressure of Taishan. Under this pressure, it became difficult to even stand up-for a while, Arthur couldn't hold it for the first time, and he sat on the ground with a grunt, his face pale.

Lu Ze's face was reluctant, his forehead was cold sweat, and he slowly bent his knee.

Lin Sanjiu felt his heart seemed to be pinched by the man on the opposite side, every muscle was trembling to support her. She shuddered, trying to suppress her urge to run around.

This's like a hare meeting a cougar on the grassland.

It was a sense of helpless despair—the other person and himself were simply not creatures on the same level of the food chain.

At this time, Lin Sanjiu's "keen instinct" was already fully on, and every cell on and off her body was warning her: hurry up, hurry up, hurry up...

Just when she couldn’t support it, and was about to turn around and run, the man who had been sitting and talking jumped lightly-as if there was a frosty spring breeze in the flat ground, blowing thousands of pear blossoms, and stroking the forest slightly Sanjiu's cheeks-the power to kill just now was immediately relieved.

As soon as he jumped off, he accused him of: "What are you doing to scare them?" Then he turned to comfort the three people: "It's okay, he's just this stinky, don't be afraid."

The man carrying the samurai sword grunted, and his voice was deep: "They are too bad."

"...Who are you?" The heartbeat slowly calmed down. The more I heard the voices of the two, the more familiar Lin Sanjiu was: "What do you want us to do?"

"And what did you mean that you didn't let us go to the vole?" Lu Ze helped Mather to stand up. He heard Lin Sanjiu asking questions, and also busy interjecting. Although he was young, he could see things very sensitively-since the man who spoke very softly jumped out, he could see that the two men didn't seem to intend to deal with them.

With the fierce man on the opposite side, if you really want to kill them, it may take less than thirty seconds.

The man who was sitting just now did look good as he said. He smiled like a peach blossom, and his white teeth sparkled. He looked at three awkward people and suddenly smiled and said, "You still don't know your condition?"

The three men did not speak, and the man carrying the katana suddenly said: "Not only poor, but also stupid."

Lin Sanjiu frowned immediately-but the fear just now remained in her heart, and she finally bit her lip and said nothing.

"They didn't start long after all..." Taohua Nan said to a few people, "Okay, okay, I will tell you things from the beginning. It seems that you haven't experienced the'new world' Right?"

Lu Ze and Mather looked at each other and said with some hesitation: "We have experienced two new worlds, only the little wine is the first time."

Peach Blossom Man was surprised when he heard Yan Yan, and looked at them with his eyes wide open: "Two times? Do you experience the e-world twice?"

"...What is an e-class world?" Lu Ze asked confusedly.

"Huh?" Peach Blossom Man suddenly had a very tricky expression: "... Really, I didn't expect to meet such a newcomer. Listen, in the many parallel spaces where the new world is coming, according to the difficulty of survival Different, it is divided into five levels from e to a. Have you ever played the game? Yes, just like the game-who do you ask for? The people in some place are divided, and you don’t know. In order to better adapt to the new world, so five levels are divided, e level is the easiest."

Hearing the words "easiest", Mather's face suddenly changed, but he said nothing.

But Lu Ze beside her jumped up suddenly, her fair skin turned red, holding her breath and said: "The most relaxing? In the world of war, do you know how many people died? By then, all soldiers of the right age had died. , All the children fighting on the battlefield are as thin as bones... how can this be considered easy!"

"As an ordinary person, I can hold on for so long after the end of the world. It's a relaxing world." Taohua Nan looks like a deliberately angry person with a cool smile: "You know, once you pass the e-level , Even the evolved humans have become like grass and mustard, can not protect today and tomorrow... just like you are now."

"Extremely hot hell... what grade?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help asking.

Peach Blossom Man glanced at her and said with a smile, "Grade D."

Lin Sanjiu turned pale.

This place called them to die twice in a row, just D level? What would c-level and above look like? Thinking of this, her voice trembled a little: "How is this level determined?"

"When it comes to this, it has something to do with your current situation." Taohua Nan regained his warm smile: "All new worlds above the e-level will appear randomly... Well, how to say, corresponding difficulty Regional trap. We call it a'copy'."

"Copy?" The three repeated in unison.

"It's just a name. It doesn't really matter what it's called. It's just that the name is the most common. In short, there are various life-and-death crises in the copy... Just like in the game, you can only go out of the copy if you survive the challenge successfully. For this copy, every time you die, the countdown will be reduced once, the three chances will be used up, and then you will really die."

"Then... we really only have one chance now!" Lin Sanjiu said startled.

"Yes." Unexpectedly, the man carrying the samurai sword opened his mouth. "Your first two performances were so bad that people wanted to cry."

Lin Sanjiu swallowed what he was going to say with a swallow of breath—indeed, the whole army was destroyed twice in succession, as if it was a little too...

Seeing that the atmosphere was hit to the bottom by a companion, Taohua Nan smiled and said: "You can't blame you, your opponent is much more experienced than you... I will introduce it, my name is Lijun, his name is Kurosawa Taboo. This time, we are here to help."

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