Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1617: The washing machine will not eat burgers

Lang Jun, are you panicking? The text is five minutes, I don’t care about dinner

When the second confrontation between Lin Sanjiu and the top hat occurred, the form had been greatly reversed.

There are only three people in the top hat and one of them, and one of them can’t stand a lot of injuries; but Lin Sanjiu is almost in his full body state at this time, and his strength has reached unprecedented strength—the one who escaped is called After breaking the trail of her party, she didn't even bother to start secretly anymore. She simply jumped up and jumped to the top of the bookshelf, then ran all the way from the bookshelf, and quickly rushed in front of the top hat group.

Even though she didn't directly touch the bookshelf, because the scrolling air flow rate was too fast, when she stopped abruptly, the airflow hit the bookshelf, and it aroused a faint white smoke.

And until then, the last syllable of the escaped person just disappeared in the air.

The top hat stared at the white smoke under Lin Sanjiu's feet, even if there was no sound, it still made people feel that his face must be very ugly at this moment.

Why has it only been two days since the ability of this skinless man has risen to this level?

At this time, the strong aura exuding from Lin Sanjiu's body was like an abyss and a giant beast, forcing people to breathe hard; even without fighting, the top hat made a decision quickly.

"Go!" He yelled to the left and right, while shaking his hand, he threw a piece of gray-white cloth into the air.

【3D Movie Set】

This is definitely not a 3D movie made out of a mess for money. The content played in front of the target will clearly reproduce the effect of "another real world", making people think that they have walked into the world in the movie. It is impossible to tell which is true and which is false. The effect is very good for confusion, assists, and escape.

Seeing a group of people in the top hat about to run, Lin Sanjiu leaped off the bookshelf and ran after him—but there seemed to be a slight change in the air, and then her arm caught a vine somehow and pulled it off. ; She looked up a little dazedly, and found that there was a deep, dense forest at dusk in front of her.

The roots of the trees protruding from the ground felt hard and real when stepping on with one foot; Lin Sanjiu reached out his hand to remove the air roots in front of him, and looked around, nowhere was the shadow of the top hat. Although he knew that all of this was an illusion, Lin Sanjiu still stopped in a daze-it was so real, she couldn't even see the shadow of the library.

When she didn't know which way to go, there was a sound of footsteps behind her. When she turned her head, it turned out that Lou Qin had also walked over from behind a few trees.

" their blindfold?" Lou Qin half-opened his mouth, "However, this effect shouldn't last long, right?"

Lin Sanjiu couldn't say it well, after walking a few steps back and forth, he finally sighed without a clue.

Facts have proved that the duration of the [3D movie set] effect is indeed not long. However, for the North Hall team and a group of people, the escape time of one minute and thirty seconds was completely enough.

"Hey, did you hear that? Why didn't you reply?" When the sight of the dense forest disappeared from the front and turned into a dim library again, Lou Ye's doubtful voice came from the communicator-it seems this movie set Even outside voices can be blocked: "I said, the guy in the hat ran to the South Hall, did you hear it?"

Lou Qin, who was still looking around, shook his head, responded a few times, and then looked at Lin Sanjiu: "I have entered the South Hall, do you still chase it?"

Just now they thought they were the people sent by the South Hall to help. Now that they encountered a crisis, they immediately fled into the South Hall-Lin Sanjiu glanced at the South Hall.

The south hall was shrouded in gloom and darkness, and the shadow of the bookshelf area could only vaguely see an outline. Obviously, a group of people ran in just now, but at this time the South Hall was as quiet as if there was no one.

"Since they have joined forces, it is difficult to deal with." She thought of the Nanguan woman who had only heard her voice and didn't see her, and felt troublesome: "Forget it, there are only three people left. I can't afford any trouble."

"Then what to do next?" Lou Qin asked, biting his lip. Her voice was obviously more calm than before.

After this battle, although they still only have one book in their hands, the numbers of her and Lin Sanjiu's survival have risen sharply; Lou Qin's number at this time has reached "21", and Lin Sanjiu's number has even reached After "29", only Lou Ye's number has not changed.

"Let's go find your brother first, and then talk about the book." Lin Sanjiu said as he came to the railing of the North Hall. "He can't move his head, which is enough..."

She didn't finish her sentence, she just heard a slightly loud and unpleasant voice from the west hall opposite, as if grinding her ears: "...that's not from the north hall, it seems they are indeed going to the south hall. Ran!"

The people in the West Hall have been observing here? Both Lin Sanjiu and Louqin were taken aback, and they immediately found a cover to hide their figures, erected their ears to listen to the movement on the opposite side.

It seems that the battle with Sbaan did not hurt the bones of the West Hall except for the loss of one person; their buzzing conversation continued in the direction of the West Hall for a while, suddenly bursting into a roar: " From the South Hall! Come out!"

It was the leader who spoke before. When he raised his voice, his voice could almost pierce the eardrums of others: "...I clearly said the offensive and defensive alliance, but no wonder you didn’t send people to help-it turns out that you and Bei The hall still has a leg! Tell me clearly today, what do you mean?"

The two branches in the southwest are indeed allied.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help taking another look at the direction of the South Hall.

That woman was able to cooperate with the two branches unknowingly, and even told them not to know each other, the method is also considered amazing...

It's just that the question of the West Hall was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and it didn't arouse half an echo. At this time, the South Hall was dead and quiet.

Is it always a guilty conscience?

The unpleasant voice of "Mushroom Man" yelled sharply, but the woman in the South Hall seemed to be suddenly deaf and dumb. Not only did she not make a sound, but she didn't even make a sound—just as Lin Sanjiu was slightly confused. When I got up, a long scream suddenly erupted from the direction of the South Pavilion, and then a person was thrown into the air by some force like a rag, and fell straight down.

A top hat twirled in the air a few times, and then fell with the owner.

Even with the screams, the muffled sound of a broken neck and blood slaps on the ground can still be heard clearly, and it is tempting to have goose bumps all over the body-a scream with blood in the last half. Inside, every word in the top hat can be heard clearly by everyone: "Yes in the South Hall—"

With a "pouch", a small light spot shot from the South Hall, ending the top hat's unfinished words with his life.

What is the South Hall?

Lin Sanjiu hadn't reacted for a while. When he was puzzled, he heard Spaan's voice suddenly sounded in the library: "This is not right-I remember that two people were left in the lobby before the South Hall. You have lighting. , Hit the light down and see!"

There are two people staying in the hall in the South Hall?

Because they had split up a long time ago, and no one stayed to monitor the movement of the central hall. So when he heard this, Lin Sanjiu's heart suddenly raised his throat; Lou Qin was also panicked, and he repeatedly said "Hey" to the communicator. "After a few sentences, but I never received the slightest echo from Lou Ye-thinking about it carefully, I don't know when there was no sound.

As soon as Sbaan's voice fell over there, a beam of light had pierced the darkness from his hand, and the bright light reflected a circle straight in the hall, immediately gathering everyone's eyes.

In the first few cruises, the aperture was empty, with only some tables and chairs that were dazzled by the light; however, when his beam of light swept toward the Siri workbench, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help it anymore. There was a low voice "Ah".

Lou Ye had long since emerged from the hiding place; he was holding one of his injured shoulders and was confronting a person-but it was not until the light hit that person that he was with the entire library, for the first time I can see the face of the man opposite.

The bloodless face has no facial features.

Fallen species.

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