Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1824: Can you wipe the car

It will be done soon! Five minutes


The same word came out from Lin Sanjiu's lips not long after.

Lin Sanjiu, who was running desperately on the escape road, suddenly felt a little wrong after running for a while; she couldn't suppress the doubts full of her belly, looked back at the direction of the puppeteer, and quickly couldn't help laughing. She laughed and ran: "It's over, this offends him even harder...Hahaha!"

A female plastic model with a stupid expression stalked her long legs and chased him up. Lin Sanjiu slapped her backhand and slapped her arm—[a shining ding from the sky] immediately When activated, the female model rose up into the sky without changing her expression, and quickly turned into a light spot in the distant sky.

"Thirty-sixth!" Lin Sanjiu smiled happily, and shouted to the chasers behind him: "You run faster, come on to catch up! Your master can't move, now it's up to you! "

That's right, now the puppeteer can't move.

It may not be accurate to say that, because although the puppeteer now looks anxious and frustrated, but his two legs can not walk slowly, compared to the leisurely look just now, obviously he is serious at the moment-but no matter how hard he runs, But like a hamster in a roller, he can only step on the spot, and he can't run a meter out of life and death.

"It turns out that'cloth chicken' refers to this!"

Hai Tianqing's ability [Treadmill of the glory of fitness coach]

Introduction: After activation, the square meter of ground under the feet of the hostile target will automatically become a running treadmill. The treadmill is set to the highest speed and maximum **** by default. Even if the hostile target runs hard, it can only stay in place.

After flying two more models, Lin Sanjiu jumped onto the high ground to take a look, and saw that the little black spot representing the puppeteer suddenly stopped, and his body moved backwards at a very fast speed—he seemed to Discovering the strangeness of the ground under his feet, he immediately gave up the forward movement and just waited for the "treadmill" to push him down.

It’s true that the push was pushed down. It’s just that for a figure like a puppeteer, he actually fell on a big horse in one fell swoop-this is not over, his body on the ground is still continuing to retreat, watching He was almost back into the sea.

…Note: Fitness coaches don’t like lazy students the most. The person who tries to stand still and is pushed off the treadmill by the conveyor belt will be forced to fall down once, and then a new treadmill will be generated from where he fell, and so on, until the target runs smoothly for 10 Minutes before the treadmill disappears.

PS: It’s impossible to run to both sides, the ribs will be forced to hit the support bar.

Lin Sanjiu was so refreshed to be able to squash such a dangerous person, and the speed under her feet became faster. In the whistling wind in her ears, the scenery next to her kept retreating rapidly until she realized that the surroundings were quiet. Only slowed down.

Just now, after a few fake moves and sharp turns, all the plastic models have been successfully thrown off by Lin Sanjiu. At this moment, the world is so quiet that she is the only one left.

"Where is...?" She panted and looked around a little blankly.

The remains of human civilization are no longer visible at all.

She is standing on a dry continent with a decreasing terrain, the ground is covered with rocks, mud, puddles and swamps of various shapes, and a **** sunset falls on the distant horizon behind her, and there is only a whisper in her ears. It's not like the world. The ruins of the city and the horror of the wharf just before seemed to be just a dream of his own.

Lin Sanjiu looked down at the dried paper-like seaweed under the boots, the sandy shells not far away, the black cracked boulders... "Is this the sea floor?"

It turned out that she was running wildly, and she did not know when she ran into the sea.

I can’t go back on land for the time being-now the plastic models tracking my group are already covered with Yanping Port, right? She looked back at the long series of footprints she had left on the sandy bottom of the sea. After thinking about it, she called out [cat litter] and uncarded it.

Five liters of cat litter appeared out of nowhere, and Lin Sanjiu almost didn't hold it.

【Cat Litter】

Introduction: After defecation, cats use soil to bury their excrement in order to cover their own smell and whereabouts. Although the color of this bag of cat litter is different from what the environment is, it can still magically conceal the trace of the user.

How to use: Sprinkle a handful of thin cat litter where you have walked or stayed, so that even the top hounds can't find you.

"Is this... really effective?" Lin Sanjiu walked forward, and a handful of cat litter in his hand fell steadily. The cat litter seems to be spiritual, and it automatically covers the place where she has stepped on it, so that the footprints are indeed covered-but the cat litter is bright orange, which is incompatible with the color of the sea floor, and looks on the contrary It's so dazzling, it really makes people wonder if it will be counterproductive.

After the traces were almost cleaned up, she looked up and looked around.

Even after it dries up, the seabed earth still presents a strange feeling that is completely different from that of the land. The big dry anemones on the rocks still have their gorgeous colors; shells the size of a human head, with their mouths open, half sunken in the moist sand; just clumps of dense white seabed trees, no more There is no swimming fish shuttle.

Perhaps it is because a thick layer of salt was left on the ground after the seawater volatilized. Many animal carcasses did not turn into coke, but preserved a complete shape under the protection of salt.

Lin Sanjiu tentatively poked a dead fish on the ground. Unexpectedly, his finger did not meet any resistance, and instantly fell into a pile of muddy and slippery things, and immediately emitted a sound from the hole she poked out. Stink.

"Sure enough, I can't eat..." She wiped the salt and sand with her hands in disgust, a little worried. The wharf where the food was stored was occupied by the puppeteer, and it is absolutely impossible to go back; the only way out at the moment is to continue walking deep into the sea. But there is neither food nor clean water...

Fortunately, when packing up the container, just in case, Lin Sanjiu cardified a box of chocolate and a box of coffee, which was enough to support a period of time-I just don’t know if the rabbits can survive without food. Haven't been caught up by the puppeteer?

Thinking of the puppeteer, she gritted her teeth and continued to march towards the deep sea.

Not long after Lin Sanjiu's shadow disappeared from the shallow sea, a whale that had been stranded in the sand, and whose belly was almost rotten into mud, suddenly moved.

With a sound, the loose and rotten head of the whale suddenly broke a hole, and two figures, one high and one low, were drilled out of it. Everyone was covered with a thick layer of black silt-like whale carrion. Very pungent. They looked around cautiously and saw that Lin Sanjiu had gone far, and the shorter one hurriedly reached out to wipe his face, and threw a lot of black mud from his face and body.

"Brother Tie, as for it?" He was very unconvinced, and muttered: "That woman didn't have three heads and six arms just now. Just go up and talk to her, do you need to hide in the belly of the fish? "

As he said, he shook his legs, and the black mud fell, revealing the appearance of school uniform pants underneath.

"What do you know!" He said that Iron Saber was a little embarrassed and angry: "Do you think it's just an ordinary woman? It's really a child... Let me tell you, as early as the second month after the destruction of the world, I have seen her."

"What then?" The young man was still a little careless.

The Iron Saber sighed, found a large piece of dried seaweed, wiped my body, and said: "At the time I was in a human base called'Oasis'-but it was so big that there were more than a thousand people- Her. By the way, did you see the big rabbit beside her? They were all cadres in Oasis at the time, and I don’t know how to mix with her... Hey, let’s get back to the subject, before this woman appeared, Oasis Everything was normal, with more and more people, and more and more prosperous, but after she appeared, it only took less than two weeks. It is no exaggeration to say that the oasis has no bricks left."

The boy was startled: "What happened?"

The iron knife briefly explained to the young man about how the oasis was slaughtered by the fallen species and how Lin Sanjiu used the silver net to nip the entire base. He was stunned when he heard it, and finally took it with him. "Believe that I'm right," the expression concluded: "...when I saw her on the dock, my eyes went dark, knowing there would be no good things here-look, my hunch is correct! My mother told me before that there is a kind of woman in the world who is born with the fate of a catastrophe, touching death and death..."

The boy's expression dimmed, wondering if he remembered his sister who had not had time to save. Iron Saber glanced at him, patted his shoulder and sighed: "The past is the past. In short, if you see that Lin Sanjiu again in the future, you must hide away..."

While talking, the two of them walked away in the direction of the landing place, and they didn't notice that not far away, under the ground covered with sand, sand and salt, there was still a person sinking deep.

It is not very accurate to call it a person, because the only face exposed to the mud and sand, the eyes are dull and dull, and only the red lips are curled up dullly, forming a stiff smile.

The moonlight shrouded the sea and human territory equally, casting a silvery white shimmer.

"...So, the name of the growing type is Lin Sanjiu? And you happened to be hit by her and landed there?" Thirty minutes later, the puppeteer put his finger against his temple and said softly Asked.

"Yes, my father." The plastic model still covered in sand and sea salt responded. Beside it, there are hundreds of identical plastic models, silently guarding behind the puppeteer, with the same rigid eyes.

The puppeteer glanced at it, and suddenly smiled: "So, why were you hiding in the ground?"

"Lin Sanjiu's fighting ability is very strong. I saw with my own eyes that she killed many other dolls. If I appear alone, I have no chance of winning. I think I can get more information from the other two by hiding all the time." Plastic model said. He replied without stopping.

"It makes sense." The puppeteer's pale fingers swayed gently in the air, as if playing something with an invisible instrument. "By the way, when people talk, there are ups and downs and frustrations. Come, you try too."

The plastic model opened her mouth and her voice didn't go well. The first time I tried to speak like this, it looked a bit difficult: "Yes, Father... Father Father..."

The puppeteer’s eyes lit up and put his hands on its head: “It’s amazing! You can break the sentence the first time! If you continue like this, you will soon become smarter and more like a Really alive."

"Thanks...thanks, my father..."

In the next second, the plastic model who sounded a little grateful had his head crushed by the puppeteer. The fragments rolled down from its neck and shoulders, and fell to the ground, revealing white stubble. The plastic model without a head fell to the ground with a bang, amidst the dull gaze of the same kind.

"It's a pity, what I need is not a living person, just a dummy. If you rushed up like a puppet that is not afraid of death, even if you are broken up, I can know her location..." The puppeteer took out a white handkerchief and wiped its crumbs from between his fingers, and without looking back, he said: "When you return to the 12th realm of the center, send someone to check in the visa officer system. Take a moment to see if the name Lin Sanjiu has ever appeared. Once it appears, tell me immediately."

Once in the vast ocean, even the puppeteer has no good way to find Lin Sanjiu. However, as long as she did not die, and even once the visa officer had issued a visa, her name would be recorded in the visa officer system. At that time, the puppet master wanted to find out Lin Sanjiu, but it was easy.

"Yes." A tall man with rough skin and a scar on his face replied-he could never be a plastic model, but his eyes were still hollow.

"If she is smart, she should wish she starved to death in the depths of the sea." The puppeteer laughed, and half of her face was twisted sharply. "Otherwise, she will regret it, because no one can humiliate the puppeteer, and there will be another death."

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