Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1630: Dissected

"...I have been sitting at the door to see when he leaves?"

When Dong Luorong sat down lazily, the silk satin nightgown slid down her thigh, as soft as smoke being blown away. There is no makeup on her face, but her lips are still heavy and cruel blood red; on the bones of the knees, calves, and ankles, there is a thin silver-white reflection, which is clear and smooth like a metal-just extremely Thin, it seems that it will break when broken.

No matter what Qiu Changtian is like, his taste for women is indeed top-notch, and Xie Feng said with no idea what kind of heart.

Only the lamp was turned on in the room, and it was dim and hazy like a dream. Dong Luorong lowered his head, as if sighed slightly, but she did not hear clearly.

"Why don't you speak?" She tilted her head and asked, "Are you angry with me?"

Xie Feng raised his hand and slowly untied the hotel bathrobe tether on his body, leaving the bathrobe to fall to the ground. In Dong Luorong's slightly startled gaze, she turned her back through gritted teeth, took off her short-sleeved shirt, and held it in her hand.

As soon as the bare skin came into contact with the cold air in the room, a small lump appeared. Her shoulders, chest, back...Even though they were all naked, exposed to the light and shadow, they did not make Xie Feng feel that she was exposed. Perhaps because active display is a kind of power.

"Did you see these scars?"

Dong Luorong made no sound.

"Before we were about to revert, it was the most intense period of civil opposition. It was clear that Leicheng was still a country in name, but the people who searched and attacked us on the streets were all imperial people." Xie Feng said with a trembling voice. We were rushed away by the oncoming security soldier. I ran the wrong way in a panic and was overtaken by two or three people. I was kicked on my back. The boots of the security soldier were so heavy that I rushed towards my face. Falling to the ground, a few of them rushed up to beat with a stick..."

She usually assumes that these things have never happened.

"I used to think that the stick was a blunt weapon, but after that time, I learned that as long as the strength is reduced, the blunt weapon can still beat you to the skin and your head." Xie Feng lowered his head and looked at the ground. "Actually, I can't remember most of them. I remember there was a grandma next to me who was so scared that she kept shouting, stop beating, stop beating, she is a little girl who will be killed by you...

"It hurts too much when I was beaten, and it hurts me to think, hurry up and take me away, as long as you don’t beat me anymore, anything will do. When they really don’t beat me, someone put his hand under my armpit to pull me When I got up, I was so afraid that I almost cried again."

Dong Luo Rong got up from the sofa, the clothes rustling as she walked. Behind her, the special breath hugged Xie Feng like a stream of water. Dong Luo Rong's cold fingertips fell on his skin, and Xie Feng was so cold.

Such abrupt things are done by her but not abrupt at all, just like a mother who sees her daughter suffering and subconsciously wants to heal her scars.

"What happened later? How did you escape?" she asked in a low voice.

"I lost half of my consciousness at that time, and I couldn't stand up anymore. They probably thought I was fainted and relaxed their vigilance, so only one person was left to guard me... There were a lot of people around me, and they were calling him to act too. The security soldier was distracted and didn’t notice that a taxi stopped on the street behind him.” Xie Feng said dumbly, “The driver looked at me for a few seconds and hesitated. After a while, the door opened. I slowly crawled over from the feet of the security soldiers, and I didn’t know where I was. I jumped up and rushed into the car... Then the driver did not dare to take me for too long. Put me down outside."

"It's the style of his department." Dong Luorong said slowly, "Do you hate him?"

Xie Feng thought for a while. "No," she said honestly, "he, as the leader, is too far away from me, and he has never hit me personally...I don't hate him, I'm afraid of him."

A security soldier at the most basic level was already enough to destroy Xie Feng's life, so Qiu Changtian, above the ranks and countless security soldiers, was so far and powerful that she would only scare her.

She wants to fight against such a person tonight, it seems naive to her that it is not like reality.

"...But, the more you are afraid, the more eager you are?" Dong Luorong gently approached her ear and whispered: "I want to see him be knocked down, defeated, and can't be arrogant anymore. I want to see him fall. You know pain and regret like ordinary people, right?"

……It's like reading your mind.

Xie Feng put on the clothes without saying a word, because she still had a trace of worry. Perhaps Dong Luorong was trying to confuse her, but this possibility is not impossible. After all, she still didn't know the relationship between Dong Luorong and Qiu Changtian—everything was her guess.

When Xie Feng turned around again, she had sorted out her emotions and asked as calmly as possible: "Why did you save me?"

"Didn't I answer you?"

"I didn't understand at the time. As a stranger, why would you save me." Xie Feng said in a low voice, "Now what I am asking is, as... you as an empire, why would you save me."

And he was also an imperial man who had a relationship with Qiu Changtian.

Dong Luorong suddenly laughed, as if the mist in the abyss had dispersed, revealing a depressed and mournful flower. "You are still young, don't understand... In the world of men, women have no country."

No, she is the one who doesn't understand. After all, she is from the Empire, Xie Feng thought in her heart, she would not understand her responsibility for the City of Tears.

"You are his... who?" Xie Feng finally asked.

Dong Luorong glanced at her diagonally, tilted his head and leaned on the sofa, and asked, "Do you want a simple answer or a complete answer?"

The phone in the bathrobe pocket has been quiet, Xie Feng estimated that he still had time.

"What is simple? What is complete?"

Dong Luorong smiled. "In short, I am his'girlfriend'."

When she said "girlfriend", she raised her hand and put a quotation mark in the air. Even if Xie Feng had guessed long ago, his heart sank straight down. Does it mean lover? Not right, Qiu Changtian is unmarried, what is the difference between a lover and a girlfriend in this case?

"Then... complete?"

"It's a long story," Dong Luorong said slowly, his eyes falling on a certain point behind Xie Feng, as if talking to himself. "I don't like him, and he knows that I don't like him. He doesn't like me, and I know he doesn't like me. He seems to like the kind of girl who is gentle and gentle, and has no opinion. You can see that I No."

Xie Feng felt that all his confusion must be written on his face.

"I have been with him for many years," Dong Luorong smiled sarcastically and said: "Many people know that he has a girlfriend who has known him for many years. It’s okay to come for fun, not suitable for marriage. In the eyes of the Empire, Qiu Changtian is such a young and promising man, you are very lucky to be willing to play. If you are not tired after a few years, then he is simply a saint. ."

"But... isn't it true?"

Dong Luorong said "Ha". "There are countless women who are young and beautiful, willing to be honestly raised as an outside room, and ask them to have a few children. There are countless women. Why should Qiu Changtian keep a woman he doesn't like? By his side? It’s not that he never thought of getting married. He wants to get married. As far as I know, there are only two women who have actually put marriage on the agenda with him. Well, I, of course, is a minus item—not enough. In order to make people give up, but give him a deduction."

Xie Feng walked over quietly and sat down by the bed opposite her.

"When I was 21 years old, I experienced a family destruction and became an orphan... It was an old story and there was nothing left to say."

She seemed to have drunk a little bit of wine before, and whether it was her gaze or her tone of voice, it seemed a bit bewildering.

"In short, I gave him my broken family as a gift, and helped him take the first step in his promotion. Later, I spent countless hours and finally convinced him that I was lucky in his career. Fu. Don't look at him like that, but he is actually quite a superstitious person."

Dong Luorong's next words rang at the same time as the cell phone in Xie Feng's bathrobe pocket vibrated.

She sneered and said, "It's also treated as an object. Lucky charms are better than **** tools, right?"

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