Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1632: Momentarily

Although there is a title, it will be at least a long time...You can wait if you are willing to accompany me bald.

There are not many things in the backpack.

Apart from a long knife, what Lin Sanjiu saw at first glance was the little white paper bag. As soon as I opened the bag, a familiar shining red light came out of the paper bag. Obviously, what was inside was [Radiation-resistant Gummy V2.0]-after counting, there were only ten in the paper bag.

Probably because the ear guide is relatively strong against radiation, she rummaged the backpack and couldn't find any more gumdrops.

The blood on her body and the ear-guided blood is valid for one day; and every ten gummy candies are valid for three days, and the two must be used together to allow Lin Sanjiu to barely restore the most basic mobility.

That is to say, no matter what, she must endure all the emotions, and every day she must uncard the ear-guided body, extract blood, and then wipe his blood on her body...

Fortunately, when the item is converted into a card, it will remain in the state of that moment until the card is released, and then the timing will be restarted; otherwise, when the blood of the ear guide coagulates, Lin Sanjiu really does not know what to do. .

Even so, she only had six days to find the next batch of gumdrops.

The future suddenly becomes very heavy.

Lin Sanjiu rubbed the faintly painful temples, and after carding the gummy candy, he said "I'm sorry" to the card of the ear guide, and then put the two cards into the body together-thinking about it, it was helpless. I don't know where she committed the Tai Sui, why in every new world, a corpse must be collected first?

In the corner of the backpack, there is a dirty stainless steel insulated water cup. Turned into a card, it was just a glass of [radiated water], which wasted a card conversion quota.

Placed with the water cup are a few pieces of dried meat wrapped in paper and made from animal meat, which is thick and hard, and exudes a stench — Lin Sanjiu still has it on his hands. I had a lot of fish collected while on the bottom of the sea, so I didn’t even have any interest in watching it, so I threw it back into the bag. Unexpectedly, when the jerky fell into the backpack, there was a "knock" suddenly, as if it hit some hard object.

She immediately went in and found a round, hard plate-like thing hidden under the fabric on the bottom of the backpack.

It must be an important thing to collect in such a precious and important place?

With this thought in mind, Lin Sanjiu swept his head with his hand, took it out, and found that the card read [Frisbee for Dogs].

[Dog Frisbee]: No matter how far the owner throws the Frisbee, the dog can definitely run back with it in his mouth... Does anyone think this is a strange thing? Why can't dogs get lost?

In fact, the answer lies in the Frisbee!

How to use: There is a part for the mouth to hold on one side of the frisbee. After biting here, the direction light of the frisbee will light up. Following the direction light, you can find the location of the "master" all the way. The so-called "master" is actually the base of this Frisbee, and the Frisbee will guide the person holding it to the place entered after the base is activated. Upon arrival, the lights went out.

Status: The base of the frisbee has been activated, the base name, "Home 3".

"...So, do you have to become a dog to find the pedestal?"

It seems that there are more than cunning rabbits with three caves.

Lin Sanjiu tried to hold the Frisbee in her mouth, and as expected, a left-facing directional light turned on. After determining the direction, she took the Frisbee off and picked up the helmet on the ground.

The ear guide clearly knew that he might have a frisbee in his mouth, but still wore this helmet, indicating that this helmet must be very valuable to him——Lin Sanjiu glanced at the card in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. .

【Yewang Headguard】

Rock Company got inspiration from upgraded online games and developed a series of "realistic game equipment". This head armor is part of the [Ambition Set], and the effect will be doubled after the complete set of equipment.

Main function: By applying far-infrared stimulation to the head, it speeds up blood circulation in the brain and makes people more awake and energetic.

Side effects: It can reduce 15% of external physical damage, with thermal scanning monitoring and slight radiation resistance.

"The main function is written upside down!" Lin Sanjiu raised his helmet and took a closer look inside. His arms shook slightly because of the weight of less than five kilograms; even if he wanted to smile, he felt under his skin. It's imaginary, trembling straight. "What kind of black technology is this..."

Just having done such a thing, she had to stop and rest for a while.

However, the state of recovering from a serious illness was not the biggest problem Lin Sanjiu had at hand.

The biggest question is where should she go now.

If you want to get gummies, it seems logically you should turn around.

But the glass ball city has no entrance, and the people inside don't look like she would let her in...

Even with this mental preparation, Lin Sanjiu kept tapping on the glass for a while, and finally slowly lowered his fist, finally took a look at this clean and beautiful city, and turned away.

Think about it, if this cover can be opened at will, it will not be able to protect against radiation.

Strange, if the glass ball city is isolated from the outside, where did the gummy ear guide come from?

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, after all he took out the orange plate.

The Frisbee will lead her to where the ear guides are, so she may be able to find a lot of much-needed supplies in "Home 3"...

Even in the wilderness, when Lin Sanjiu held the plate in her mouth and started to walk, she still felt weird, and she even looked around to make sure there was no one around.

"Who came up with this **** in the head......" She complained in her heart.

At this moment, when the dusk was in harmony, a layer of dim darkness was trapped between the heavens and the earth. At a glance, the earth was dead and lifeless.

Since Lin Sanjiu's body had been on the verge of faint collapse, she had to rest for a while after walking for a while. After stopping and walking for about half an hour, the sweat on her forehead was uncontrollable. Her legs were so soft that she couldn't support it, so she hurried a few steps, came to the half of the ruined house, sat down on the steps, and took a few breaths.

Only half of the roof of the house remained, inserted diagonally into the room, and clumps of weeds emerged from the cracks in the brick walls. Lin Sanjiu glanced at it, lowered his head again, and focused on his increasingly heavy and difficult breathing.

It will become more and more uncomfortable. Is it because you missed a gummy candy?

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, confirmed the direction pointed out by [Frisbee for Dogs], then took off the plate and replaced it with [Yewang Head Armor] with a slight anti-radiation effect. Although the helmet is quite weighty, after wearing it for a while, she feels that her spirit is getting better.

At the height of the helmet’s eyes, there was a small button. Lin Sanjiu tried to press it. The image in front of him changed immediately: the scene lost its appearance, leaving only a rough outline on the gray background, and Yellow-yellow-blue colors. Looking down at his hand, the red color of heat immediately appeared on the outline of the arm.

She hadn't played a thermal scan before, and could not help turning her head around looking a little curiously. Unexpectedly, it didn’t matter if she turned her head. She suddenly found that in the grass not far away, there was a red and fuzzy shadow lying motionless, and she didn’t know how long she had been lying beside her——

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly jumped a step away, and the thermal scan was immediately turned off. She drew out the long knife of the ear guide with a scream.

Judging from the size just now, that thing is definitely not a person.

Probably feeling her movement, a black grass moved, and a gray-white rodent emerged from it. It looked like a mouse, but its body was as big as a five-year-old, and its whole body was born. Full of irregular mottled white spots, the hair is bald from the back, and a pair of bright red eye sockets look very hideous and dazzling.

But what makes people dare not look directly at it is probably the bulging bag on its back: the wrinkled and gray skin is soaked in liquid and turned into translucent. If you look closely, you can still see the swelling bag. Only one size smaller, but the same face, closed his eyes in the mucus.

Is this ghost pregnant?

Lin Sanjiu endured his nausea, and just raised his long knife, only to hear a sudden call from the half of the broken room behind him: "Don't hurt it!"

She was taken aback, and backed a few steps in a bit of embarrassment.

A plump, round-faced man showed his head from the broken wall, with an anxious look, and waved at her violently: "This is just what I raised, don't do it!"

Without waiting for Lin Sanjiu's response, the fat man blew his whistle, and the gray giant rat really hesitated, turned around and changed directions, and ran towards the small broken house.

For a while, Lin Sanjiu didn't know which thing to sigh - was he so close to him that she didn't even notice it, or was someone willing to raise such an ugly thing?

In any case, it is always good to be able to avoid one fight. She slowly put down the long knife, feeling that the muscles in her arm were still beating and shaking, and it was frightening-if it were placed before, this weight would be no different to her.

The man seemed to have noticed her lack of physical strength, and his tone was very rude: "What's the matter with you? How do you say you have to do it? There are wild chickens like this, and you are hungry. I can't just kill...Huh?"

His endless lessons were obviously only halfway through, and he suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Wait...Isn't the ear-guided helmet on your head?"

Oops, Lin Sanjiu screamed bitterly in his heart.

The fat man looked at her suspiciously.

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu's appearance is very suspicious: wearing someone else's helmet, holding someone else's long knife in his hand, and splashing all over his body...

It's not surprising that the fat man does it right away.

Just when Lin Sanjiu pinched the [Recorder] card in his hand, he saw the man suddenly slap his thigh: "I see! You are a woman with ear guides, right?"

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