Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1640: Best investment

In evolved humans, there is such an unwritten agreement-not to inquire about the abilities of others.

Since the evolved abilities are very strange and beyond imagination, every inconspicuous ability may become a hole card to save one's life, so naturally, no one wants to expose the hole cards to others.

Even if it is not compelling, even using abilities in front of others has become a taboo.

Lu Ze had already mentioned this to Lin Sanjiu-then why did Marcel make such a request again?

"Don't get me wrong," Mather smiled probably because he felt something was wrong. She is not young anymore. With a smile like this, a few faint lines appeared: "At my current level, I can’t know your advanced abilities, but can only analyze some basic data. Know your own basics Data is also good for you...Of course it all depends on you. Come and try?"

"Okay!" Lin Sanjiu happily responded and stretched out his arm. "I believe you are not malicious."

Besides, when she had been entangled with the Fallen Species for a long time, neither she nor Lu Ze exposed their abilities less. Neither of them is dumb. If you can guess Luzer's general ability, then Luzer must have already estimated his ability, there is no need to cover it up.

The hard nail tips gleamed with cold metal light, and when they touched Lin Sanjiu's arm lightly, the nail tips sank into the skin smoothly as if they were invited—she just felt a little bit With slight pain, Mather had already retracted her nails and smiled and said, "Okay."

She dropped a round drop of blood into the palm of her hand, and the drop of blood disappeared immediately, and then Mather closed her eyes. Lin Sanjiu looked at it again, the incision on his arm was too subtle, and the blood had already stopped.

"Mather's abilities are still relatively elementary, so reading your data may be a bit slower..." Luze explained as if a little embarrassed: "All advanced abilities are gradually upgraded during use. Yes, you will know later."

Lin Sanjiu thought of his weird ability.

In other words, these broken cards will also be upgraded? What will become? At least she should be allowed to transform items without restriction...?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but remember that she had closed the iron gate twice - although the second time only lasted a short second or two, I wonder if today's quota is also used up? It seems that I have to find a suitable opportunity to test it...

While waiting for Mather to read the data, Lin Sanjiu chatted with Lu Zetian out of curiosity-he had seen two new worlds more than her, and many experiences were unheard of for her. , I heard her wonder for a while, funny for a while, and fearful for a while. It's probably been a long time since Lu Ze talked with people so freely, and the two of them got closer for a while.

Seeing that the conversation was almost complete, she looked at Mather again, she was still the same as before, her eyes closed, and she said nothing.

"How long will it take for Mather to read the data?" Lin Sanjiu finally asked.

" looks like it will take at least an hour or two." Luzer looked a little embarrassed. "When Mather analyzed my data before, it didn't seem to take so long..."

"So long?" Lin Sanjiu was taken aback. She immediately leaned down and looked up at the sky outside the car window—the dark night had faded a lot, and the East had even faintly revealed a pale gray. Sitting back to the original position, there was a faint worry on her face.

"What's the matter? Why is this face?"

"The sky is about to dawn." Lin Sanjiu murmured, turning his head to look at Lu Ze. "It's already so hot at night, when the sun comes out, the car will just be basking in the sun... what will the temperature be like then?"

Lu Ze was dumb by her question, and the two looked at each other-Lin Sanjiu rubbed his eyebrows and said a little tiredly: "In two hours, I'm afraid we will all be ducks in the oven."

Although the car’s gas and electricity are still sufficient to support the air-conditioning for a period of time, the coolness seems so fragile under the fierce high temperature outside—this is only at night. This poor air conditioner in the car, even if it burns out, will probably not be able to resist the blazing sun during the day...

"You are familiar with this neighborhood, is there any way to do it?" Lu Ze's light-hearted expression has become a bit heavy.

There is really one way. Near this apartment community is one of the most expensive shopping centers in the city. The building itself has lost its value-because the center of the mall is designed with a tall tropical vegetation forest. In order to achieve a transparent and natural visual effect, the ceiling is entirely made of transparent tempered glass. It used to be a pleasant thing to walk with the sun on your shoulders and the thick green plants, but now it is fatal.

But on the basement level of the shopping center, there is a huge imported supermarket. Without direct sunlight, there is still a lot of water...

As soon as Lin Sanjiu’s center said, Luzer became excited: “The supermarket! That’s great! Don’t you know, Martha and I have not eaten anything for more than a year! In the new world, we both ate compressed biscuits and marching dry food every day. When the situation was bad, we even gnawed the bark. Alas, the constipation is so uncomfortable, there seems to be a stone in my stomach..."

Lin Sanjiu raised his eyebrows and looked at him-Lu Ze realized that he had oversaid again, and coughed awkwardly: "You are right. None of us knows how much the temperature will rise during the day. It should be planned early."

After softly discussing a few words, the two quickly made a decision: first drive the car to the entrance of the shopping mall, find a shady place to stop, and then let Luzer carry Mather on his back, and go down to the supermarket together. . The food area in the imported supermarket occupies a large part of the area. With the inventory in the warehouse, it should be more than enough to supply three people. And the location of this supermarket is also very ideal-if you are lucky, maybe you can settle down in the supermarket and use it as a stronghold to spend a stable year...

Lin Sanjiu also knew that she might be a little too optimistic, and the actual situation might not be so ideal-but she never expected that even the first step in the plan "come to the gate of the center", it seems almost at the moment An impossible task.

The location of the shopping center is unique, right on the main road in the heart of the city. A small area near here is the famous city that never sleeps. It is shining all night and the traffic is endless. As it happens, this month is the "fifth anniversary" of the shopping center again. It is open 24 hours a day throughout the month——

When the temperature soared last night, the first thought of countless people was to escape here to enjoy the cold.

At this time, the cars on the main road were squeezed into a rumbling dragon, pushing Lin Sanjiu and his car far to the end; and every car that could be started was in a starting state— -Squinting in the direction of the shopping center, I can only vaguely see the people lying in the fountain in front of the main entrance.

It seemed that it was impossible to drive past—Lin Sanjiu patted the steering wheel hard, intending to reverse. However, she only looked up and found that in such a while, a new car appeared in the rearview mirror, firmly blocking their Audi in the middle of the traffic flow.

"The power has been cut for several hours, why is there anyone coming in this direction?"

Being in the middle of countless hot engines, the disadvantage of a broken window is revealed: the pitiful cold air blowing from the air conditioner cannot withstand the heat rushing in from the cracks in the window-Lu Ze Baijing His skin has gradually begun to show redness, like a big rabbit.

Lin Sanjiu sighed, "Probably I want to escape from the city... This is a main road. If you go from here, you can get on several intercity highways. Let's wait, the cars behind must also go— —"

But in these two short sentences, several new cars were added to the tail of the car dragon-the first one first discovered that the situation was wrong in front, and I don’t know if it was panicked, and there was no warning at all. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he walked back and rammed into the front of the oncoming car, and immediately a thick smoke rolled up.

Lin Sanjiu exclaimed in a low voice, then cursed a foul language. The car that went back and hit was a Land Rover. At this moment, its huge body was beaten horizontally, and it blocked half of the road firmly—plus the front of the other car was destroyed. He couldn't move, and at this time, the retreat was completely cut off.

A car that just drove in the distance immediately turned a corner in a panic and ran away.

Except for Mather, who didn't know what was going on, the two people in the car sighed. What can I do now? Had to abandon the car and walk.

The sky turned into a blue duck egg, although it was not as bright as the day, the visibility was no longer a problem.

"How much water do we have?" Luzer licked his dry lips, not without worry.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the backpack—in fact, she knew even if she didn't look at it. There was no bottle of mineral water in the bag, only three unopened cans of Coke, which was still warm to the touch.

Considering the physical condition of the two of them, she threw a can of Coke over: "There are exactly three cans of this left, drink it soon! I can't make up the water, at least some sugar-we will consume a lot in a while."

Unexpectedly, Lu Ze opened it and took a sip, but was stunned. He hiccuped and asked "What is this?"-it turned out that there was no Coca-Cola Company in his original world. Seeing him drank the drink while smacking his lips, Lin Sanjiu also threw away the empty can in his hand and asked, "Are you ready?"

Luzer nodded.

She took a deep breath, opened the door and got out of the car—the air that seemed to be dozens of times hotter than before, rushed toward her face.

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