Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1647:

No title, let's go to sleep, my work and rest seems to be gradually abnormal again these two days

Unknowingly, the spread of "white radish" has far exceeded Lin Sanjiu's imagination.

After 250 meters one after another, she had left the camp at the beginning a long time ago-now it's time for Lin Sanjiu to turn back, I'm afraid she can't find the direction to go back.

In such a vast area, there is not even a single creature. The usual evolvers with supernatural powers disappeared at this moment, probably caught off guard, all of them were hit.

This made Lin Sanjiu also vaguely worried: How powerful Gong Dao was, he still couldn't fly. Since he released the paper crane, he hasn't replied to himself, and he doesn't know what happened?

"I said, I feel my pants are about to fall, can you think of a way for me to mention it?"

The words that came from the back of his head immediately extinguished Lin Sanjiu's worry about others-she waved her hand, and [the girl blowing bubbles] fell to the ground with a "bang", causing a burst of smoke. , She said angrily: "You climb on top of this to lift your pants!"

The dense, dense, thin beards sticking out of the dust, they just touched [the girl who blows bubbles] and quickly retracted-if Qianzhengguan hadn’t paid attention, they would easily be ignored. Especially at night, I can't see it at all.

He grabbed the robot doll in a cold sweat, and after climbing up to tie his torn pants, his attention was turned to the doll: "Hey, the shape of this thing is very interesting. What is it for..."

"Let's talk nonsense for a while, are people in this area?" Lin Sanjiu asked when he picked up the board.

"Well, you let me think about... this slime, from which direction to which direction does it flow..."

Lin Sanjiu endured the anxiety in his heart and waited silently.

"It seems to be walking like this..." After hesitating and changing his mouth for several times, he finally made it clear: "Speaking of which, why the mucus still flows is also incredible..."

Lin Sanjiu didn't listen to what he said - she followed the direction pointed out by Qianzhengguan, and when she stepped down, a piece of soil was lifted.

The "white radish" here grows far more prosperous than the campsite. The number of thin beards was at least several times the original number. After the soil was opened, they immediately arrogantly poked out from the "white radish" and swayed in mid-air with their teeth and claws - at this time, use a long knife With one swipe, countless can be cut off.

"Ah, it's better if you don't cut it..." A trembling voice came from the robot doll, Lin Sanjiu didn't need to look back, he knew that this person's face must be white. "Look...the beards..."

When she heard the words, she lowered her head and took a closer look, only to find that the fragment of beard she had cut off just now had gone flexibly into the soil and disappeared.

"What the **** is this'radish'!" Lin Sanjiu sipped, "It's everywhere, and it's so weird..."

Only by continuing to dig down can I have a chance to figure it out.

As Lin Sanjiu said, he accelerated his movements on the other hand. After a while, the "white radish" here gradually appeared in the moonlight.

Perhaps it is because this piece of "white radish" has been growing for a long time, and there are also many creatures that they swallow: under the white crusty skin, almost every few steps there is a faint black shadow. Some are grouped together, and some are long and thin...I can't see what it is, but there is nothing in human form.

Taking a breath, Lin Sanjiu forced to endure the disappointment in his heart, and according to the old rules, put his hand on the "white radish", planning to smash the rhizome where no one was inside.

If you don't do this, the underside of this "white radish" will be tightly covered, you can't see the situation, and it's hard to continue digging down.

[Painting style mutant version with a ding] After launching, the effect is almost as small as a small explosion-broken skin, slime, and thin whiskers, mixed with a few dark shadows that are probably already dead, exploded in a sudden, like It was raining down.

Lin Sanjiu, who is closest to it, is of course the first to bear the brunt-but she has long been accustomed to being drenched, and she has long been dirty. Right now she just closed her eyes tightly and waited for the time to pass.

"……What is this?"

She just wiped her face, and Qian Zhengguan's voice suddenly came from behind: "Why are there iron pipes here? Come and see, are they iron pipes?"

Can "white radish" change the taste?

Lin Sanjiu turned around half-believingly, just glanced at it, and immediately stopped.

An iron fence lay on the ground, and the metal shone slightly in the moonlight.

She was too familiar with this iron fence: Chu Yan was trapped by this thing when she was not careful at first, and it felt like she was stuck in another space and couldn't get out. Therefore, they tried their best to catch the green melon...

Lin Sanjiu's heart beat immediately, and she rushed forward in two steps and reached out to grab the fence - what made her feel surprised was that the fence was pulled up by her without any hindrance.

Of course, behind the railing is an empty piece of nothing.

Iron railings do not seem to be worth studying. However, somehow, Lin Sanjiu still grasped the fence and didn't let go. He just tilted his head and stared at it. After a long time, he still didn't say a word.

In the dark middle of the night, the only living person in front of him suddenly stopped moving... Qianzhengguan became scared after a while. He was behind Lin Sanjiu and couldn't see her expression clearly. After thinking about it for a long time, he still had the courage to ask. Said: "...Well, what are you doing? You speak..."

It's okay not to speak, but as soon as the voice falls, the surroundings seem to be more silent as death.

The night wind blew past, and the woman in front of her still maintained a stiff posture, without even moving.

Qian Zhengguan looked at her dumbly. If something happens to Lin Sanjiu, he will be stuck in the robot doll for 14 months and cannot get on and off...

But obviously he was not unlucky enough—Lin Sanjiu took a sharp breath and moved suddenly. After she reached out to the iron railing quickly, she stretched out her hand and grabbed it from the air. The figure comes.

Qianzhengguan almost slipped off the robot doll, and finally managed to stabilize her body, only to realize that she pulled out a young boy who was not tall and also covered in slime.

"Ah huh! Sister Lin, Sister Lin is you!" This young man is obviously in better condition than Qianzhengguan at the time. There are only sparse beards crawling out of the five holes on his face, and his consciousness is still sober. He is just born. The drake's voice is rougher than his damaged voice: "It scares and scares me to death...I thought I couldn't get out..."

It is the green melon.

"Why are you so weird!" Lin Sanjiu just complained, and found that as soon as the green meat melon stepped on the ground, the "white radish" around him seemed to be about to move, and she quickly threw the boy on the robot doll— -In this way, a man sat on the shoulder of a little kindergarten girl.

I was able to rescue him, thanks to the ability of Green Meat Melon.

[Reasonable warden]

Oops... this thing about you is not easy to handle. Recently, the upper hand has been tightly grasped... As you know, once this person enters a place like a prison, it is not easy to fish outside after the railing... We must act in accordance with the rules and regulations!

Of course this depends on how you do it...Hey, sometimes the prisoner can give you a visit, sometimes the prisoner will be locked in a relatively deep place...Oh, what is this for? No, I can't take you... …Oh oh, I understand...This prisoner is also a bit grievance...

Well, jurisprudence is nothing more than human affection! I am also a very humane person, so let’s do it, I heard that the prisoner’s health is not very good, I will give him a parole for medical treatment!

Explanation: Behind the iron railing is an independent "prison" space. Although it is summoned by the master of the ability and detains and releases specific targets according to his wishes, there is also a prison that is sometimes easy to talk. long. If his requirements are met, it is not impossible to meet, communicate, touch with the prisoner, or even get him out of prison.

PS: If you use tough methods to rob prison, the prisoner will be forced to throw into the deep space and serve 100 years in prison.

"If it hadn't been for me to imprison myself in the'prison' space, I'm afraid I would have been unable to survive long ago..." Green Meat Melon looked terrified, "This eldest brother is also Lin, did you come down just now? I don’t know when I will be released, I, I really..."

Lin Sanjiu continued to dig the soil and listened with a black face.

"This ability really promotes the characteristics of your country thoroughly..." She paused, remembering the minute she had communicated with the warden, and couldn't help asking: "What the **** did you take away from me? I saw. There is nothing missing about my stuff."

Green Melon gave a "uh" sound, and immediately scratched his scalp as if embarrassed.

"What the warden takes and takes away is your potential..." One of his faces was ashamed as a red crab, "but I didn't take much, only one percent, so I only took two at the highest. Some potential value... I'll see how much it is in a while... Sister Lin, I will repay you for this kindness!"

Nu Wa once mentioned vaguely that the potential value is actually a kind of mental strength-unexpectedly it can be taken away. Compared with rescuing one person, Lin Sanjiu didn't really care about the one or two points of potential. He patted the green meat melon on the shoulder to relax him, and the three of them got together and studied the positions of the others.

Because Green Melon was in the prison space at that time, his consciousness was still very clear, and he could see the sight outside, so it helped a lot: "...Although it is flowing, the flow is not fast, I I guess it’s less than a kilometer in half an hour? There is no reference, so I’m not sure... Well, but the problem is that there are too many branches and branches. I don’t know which root you are being flowed into..."

"Root?" Lin Sanjiu felt that Green Melon's description of them was a bit strange.

"Don't you know?" Green Melon's eyes widened, "These are roots."

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