Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1651: Unexpected when negotiating

It seems that I haven’t gotten a text for a long time, but suddenly I got stuck for so long, and the pain intensified...

This is a card that Lin Sanjiu has never seen before. Without the crude crayon drawing, the whole body is pitch black and very beautiful.

Turning over, I saw it was written in silver words:

[Congratulations on your upgrade 1]

Introduction: The card that appeared when the advanced ability was upgraded for the first time. This card will introduce Lin Sanjiu's advanced abilities in detail, so please keep the human beings to avoid loss and information leakage.

Advanced ability: flat world

Number of upgrades: 1

Next upgrade prediction: nowhere in sight

Upgrade benefits: After the upgrade, you can transform 8 items every day, and the card patterns will look much better. The ability to remotely control the card has finally been further improved! Most importantly, you now have the ability to summon diary cards!

"What mess... How did the name Flat World come from?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but murmur when he learned the name of his ability the first time. "And what is the diary card?"

The black card seemed to have induction, the handwriting gradually faded and disappeared, and another text appeared.

【Diary Card】

Although it is a diary card, it can't be summoned every day. When you can call it out, please keep trying! Experience is the real life!

"I will tear you off without being serious."

The handwriting was changed immediately.

【Diary Card】

After being summoned, you can record all the things that happen around the card, and determine the level of detail according to the master's ability. Duration: Three hours, stop recording after three hours, the card is kept, and must be emptied before the next recording. Recording range: a radius of five meters, or a physical wall smaller than this number. Note: The card is visible to everyone, cannot be remotely controlled, and is easily damaged. Please keep it properly.

"Hey? Although it can't be combat, but this seems a bit interesting." Lin Sanjiu suddenly became interested, put the commentary card aside, spread his left hand, and whispered: "Diary card."

no response.

"Diary card."

Still no response.

"It's really so hard to call out..." Lin Sanjiu muttered to himself depressedly, and glanced over the commentary card inadvertently.

I saw that the words on the black card changed again at some point, and at this time it was written: "When you call, please say religiously, I am going to write a diary. The dog that came out as soon as it barked."

Lin Sanjiu endured the bounce of the blue veins on her head--she couldn't adapt to it, the card she had changed had such a bad attitude--he gritted her teeth and shouted, "I want to write a diary!"

When she was mentally prepared to shout seven or eight times like a fool, a small white card appeared in her palm.

The size seems to be no different from the previous cards, just like a notebook, with a grid drawn with a line.

She thought for a while, and coughed twice - sure enough, a line of words quickly appeared on the card: "Lin Sanjiu coughed, twice."

"Interesting!" She smiled in surprise, then moved her heart, and put the card away again. Lying on the bed contentedly, Lin Sanjiu began to feel sleepy. If you evolve one day earlier, you don't have to risk using the walkie-talkie in the morning...Where can I post this diary card? Isn't it a proper monitor? She thought in a daze.

After all, it was a morning toss, she slowly closed her eyes, and finally fell asleep on the strange bed.

She didn't know how long she had slept, but she was awakened by the sounds of talking, walking, and crashing around her. When I opened my eyes, I didn't know when the lights were already on in the basement.

Although only a dozen lamps were lit on such a large negative layer, Lin Sanjiu, who had not seen the light of electric lights for more than a month, was shocked when he woke up—as if human civilization. From this weak electric light, it will slowly revive.

It seems it's time to get up. Most of the oasis people on the first floor have already awakened, and buzzing voices and noises echoed in the enclosed space. She sat up blankly from the bed, wondering if she wanted to find Luzer and Mather first.

"Yeah, are you awake?" The curtain was opened, revealing Fontan's always silly face. "You pack up, it's dinner time."

With that said, she was really hungry—Lin Sanjiu said thank you, and then asked, "What do you usually do after dinner?"

"Work. Each of us has our own work to do. For example, I belong to the well maintenance team."

"Is there a well here?" Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized-no wonder I can cook! It seems that only surface water has evaporated at high temperature, while underground water still remains. "But, does the well need to be maintained?"

"Of course. After all, it's not like the past. If we leave it alone, even the wells will quickly dry up. Besides, it is our job to disinfect the water, control the temperature, and transport it to the cafeteria..." Fang Dan thought for a while, and said to her, "After dinner tonight, maybe I will be assigned a job for you. Alas, I finally came to someone next door, and that's it."

In his tone of voice, he almost regarded her as a dead person. Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. She was about to say a few more words about Professor Bai, when suddenly only a few sharp whistle from the floor cut the air, causing the crowd to commotion.

Soon, countless hurried steps passed under the curtain. Before Lin Sanjiu could ask, Fang Dan had already greeted her: "The cafeteria is open, let’s go!"

"Wait, I have two friends..."

Just after Lin Sanjiu stepped out of his private room, he was only half-spoken, and the hungry crowd from behind immediately wrapped her up and swarmed her forward. She was pushed far away involuntarily, and Fang Dan, who was also surrounded by crowds in front of her, turned her head and shouted at her from a distance, but couldn't hear her clearly.

Although he was stronger than everyone else, he couldn't lift everyone around him... Lin Sanjiu's face was bitter and pushed out of the building by the crowd.

After being squeezed to the open space in front of the building, she was finally able to take a breath, stopped and looked around for a while.

Compared with the daytime, the oasis at night has a different temperament.

On the roof of each building, there is a big searchlight, which illuminates the entire factory area with interactive radiance. The backup power bank that I don't know where is emitting electricity; the three-story building used as a dining hall in the distance is brightly lit, and the noise of the crowd is undulating like a wave.

Seeing electric lights, seeing so many people, and smelling the fragrance of food from time to time in his nose, Lin Sanjiu was stunned, and for a moment he forgot that he was in a **** of extreme temperature.

"Little wine!" Suddenly only listening from a distance, a familiar voice tried to call her name.

Lin Sanjiu looked back and saw that Mather was squeezing out the crowd with great difficulty, waving at her constantly, with an anxious expression on her face.

"Why is it only you?" She greeted him quickly, looked around, and asked, "Where is Luzer?"

Mather took a breath, and then replied: "Luze has evolved when we were going out! I can't hold him alone, I just saw you, come and help!"

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