Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1956:

[Today's chapter is really far away, the solution that I thought of in the previous chapter, I forgot this chapter...]

In the dead silence, the enchanting woman turned and looked at everyone, there was no wave in the slender Danfeng eyes. Her lips with scarlet lipstick opened, and she asked in a flat tone, "Who still has an opinion on Xu Xiaoyang being the captain?"

Xu Xiaoyang still lowered his head, playing with his braids with one hand, without saying a word, as if nothing happened to her.

Everyone was quiet, their faces were different, but no one said anything for a while.

The iron knife lying in the corner struggling to get up at this time, probably feeling a little itchy on his face, and wiped his forehead blankly. Then he looked down and found that he was stained with sticky blood-the bright red hand seemed to irritate him at once, and the iron knife screamed "I X your mother" and slammed toward him like lightning. The woman rushed over.

"Quickly, stop him!" Chen Jinfeng shouted angrily and gave the tall boy a hand. The boy was taken aback, as if he was reluctant-but seeing the iron knife rushing to the woman's side, he had to fit in and threw on it, hugged the iron knife in his waist, and forcefully forced him The birthplace was pulled back.

Don't look at the iron sword being so strong and terrifying, after being hugged by this big boy, he could only keep throwing, kicking and screaming-the room was suddenly filled with rough roars, which shocked people's ears.

"Tsk tusk, it's a hidden dragon and crouching tiger." Feng Qiqi leaned in Lin Sanjiu's ear and whispered.

Lin Sanjiu felt the same way. She could see clearly just now: With such a kick at the foot of the iron knife, a piece of floor tiles was crushed by him, and a shallow pit was left in an instant-such a strength value, in front of the woman and the tall boy, unexpectedly There is no counterattack! If you change herself to confront them...she quietly put her strength on her back heel with a little palpitation, tried to grind back and forth a few times, but the floor was still intact.

"It's all from the same team, so I made an inside bar before setting off!" Seeing that the situation was under control, Chen Jinfeng walked out from the rear and shouted heartily: "The strength of classmate Xu Xiaoyang is obvious to all. We choose her to do it. Captain, of course there is our reason. Iron Knife, your attitude is not good in Oasis!"

The Iron Sword also knew the truth that the hero didn't take the shortcomings in front of him, and he was hugged by the boy's arm tightly, panting and unable to move, he only stared at Chen Jinfeng severely.

Chen Jinfeng indifferently instructed the tall boy: "Goofy, you can help bring the iron knife to the infirmary..." He looked around and pointed at Mather suddenly: "Miss Mather, since the iron sword is injured I’m sorry, please stay and take care of him. You don’t need to participate in today’s action."

Lin San froze for a while, and quickly glanced at Mather.

"It's not a bad thing not to go, it's safer here after all." She lowered her voice and said in Mather's ear, "But can you stay alone?"

When she first met, she remembered Luzer saying that after all, Mather was still a "product" of his ability, so he could not be too far away.

Mather nodded silently, "Twenty minutes of walking distance should be no problem." With that, she quickly glanced at Lin Sanjiu and Feng Qiqi, said "Be careful," and then turned to follow Goofy went out the door.

As soon as the three of them left, the room suddenly looked a lot bigger.

With a pale face, Hu Changzai moved away from the enchanting woman in a few steps, probably shocked by her ferocity. Looking left and right, Lin Sanjiu, who had said a few words, was the most gracious-he squeezed a smile at her with cold sweat on his face and stood honestly behind her.

You are afraid of her, and I am afraid too—Lin Sanjiu sighed helplessly in his heart.

She turned her gaze and found that Xu Xiaoyang had already been sitting on the chair in the corner of the room sometime, with her legs dangling, looking out the window boredly. Under the white light outside the window, her delicate skin seemed to be covered with a layer of powder, and her mouth was pouting like petals, with a tender and innocent look.

Her demeanor looked natural and genuine - definitely not Wang Sisi's pretending innocence, waiting for opportunities. But an ordinary elementary school student, how could... Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but glance at the enchanting woman.

The woman still kept her head down, her face cold, not looking at anyone.

The atmosphere in the room was so stagnant that it was stinging, but Chen Jinfeng didn't care at all. He sat back at his desk humming a little tune, and looked at the documents with some contentment. Lin Sanjiu, who was left hanging on the side, waited for a long time like sitting on pins and needles, and Gao Fei finally came back-as soon as he pushed the door and called "Chairman Chen", Xu Xiaoyang jumped off the chair and slapped him with a smile. : "You can be regarded as coming back, let's go!"

When he said that, he pushed Gao Fei to the door and said to Chen Jinfeng without looking back, "Let's go!"

"Hey, I'm going to start now? Okay, okay, I wish you all the best and success!" Chen Jinfeng snapped the file quickly and laughed.

No one paid any attention to him at all—the enchanting woman had already moved and followed Xu Xiaoyang, and then she glanced at the others, her eyes full of warning. This look was better than anything else, and Hu Chang immediately followed.

A group of six people got out of 306 and went downstairs.

At the gate of the factory, Xu Xiaoyang handed a piece of paper in his hand to one of them before waiting for the doorman to ask. The man glanced at the paper, then looked up at the team, suddenly flattened his mouth, then turned and opened the iron gate—Lin Sanjiu was the last in the team, and when she was about to cross the iron gate, He immediately felt the man's gaze gaze over him, and then he smacked his lips as if he had some regrets.

My heart moved—Lin Sanjiu mumbled something while going out. Her voice was so low that she couldn't even hear Feng Qiqi in front of her, and she couldn't help asking: "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, it doesn't matter." Lin Sanjiu smiled at him, and walked out of the factory area with the iron door.

Some things are just so strange-less than ten steps after leaving the oasis, you can already feel the sense of desolation as if it were the substance. Behind him are busy human camps under the light of searchlights; looking forward, there are fragments of ruins of buildings embedded with deep cracks.

The long-lost yellow sand hit everyone's faces again. Xu Xiaoyang stopped, looked around for a while, squinted his eyes and asked without looking back: "Xiao Hui, look at the map, which direction is the group of fallen species?"

Small gray?

The crowd was startled, but saw that the woman reached into her trouser pocket and pulled out a hand-drawn map. Before everyone's surprised expression faded, they heard a young girl's voice suddenly exclaimed: "Oops! I seem to have dropped something!"

The eyes of the five people fell on Lin Sanjiu at the same time.

"Captain, I will look for it there and promise to come back immediately, okay? Give me one minute, one minute!" Lin Sanjiu smiled and asked Xu Xiaoyang-"Fighting the Fallen Species, you can't do without that."

Xu Xiaoyang was very satisfied with her attitude and raised the corners of her mouth: "Okay, go and get back quickly."

Then she glanced at Xiao Hui, who nodded invisibly.

"Okay!" Lin Sanjiu said unconsciously, and turned around and ran back to the gate of the oasis. She didn't dare to go too far, for fear that Xiao Hui thought she was going to escape - she swept her eyes and saw that there was still a little white edge between the broken bricks next to the iron gate, and she was immediately relieved. Seeing a man sitting by the door stood up vigilantly, Lin Sanjiu hurriedly raised his head and smiled at him: "Brother, our captain just dropped something here."

While talking, she quickly stuffed the diary card into her palm.

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