Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1660: Junction

This chapter is coming soon!

"Huh...? What about people, people?"

At this time, the wind was calm, a thick layer of dark clouds fell in the vast sky, and the setting sun was gradually engulfed by them, and the sky and the earth looked like they had been smeared with gray paint.

On the earth-red ground not far away, the scattered pieces of soil showed a shallow trace; a clump of sparse weeds was overwhelmed, and it was hard to see what had just happened.

The place where Sakura Snow of Spring stood was right next to the male evolutionary just now, just close to the edge of the mountain; the terrain slowly fell behind this edge, forming a depression.

From the thick beard of Yingxue Spring, he could vaguely see his confused look-he stared at the empty ground and was startled, just about to step up to check the situation, suddenly there was a bunny's cry behind him: " Xiaoxue!"

"Huh?" He rolled his eyes like copper bells, "What is the boss calling me?"

At this time, there was exactly a ten-step distance between the other people and Spring Yingxue; the rabbit stood in the front of the crowd, his eyes half-squinted with thick black eyeliner, his expression was heavy.

"Xiaoxue, don't move yet." It is rare for it to say word by word in such a solemn tone.

Spring Yingxue did not move anymore, and stood in the sight of everyone with different eyes.

After a while, Lin Sanjiu also spoke softly, and the confused eyes of the sturdy man fell on her at the same time: "...You now slowly raise your feet."

What is this doing again? Spring Yingxue was full of doubts, and yelled "what's the matter?" She still lifted a foot as she wanted, and her body shook immediately.

The third person who took the conversation was Xue Qu-her usual tight look disappeared, and only a cold sweat remained: "Then you must take a step forward carefully and gently, and go as slowly as possible. a little……"

But it was too late to finish speaking. Because the golden rooster was standing on its own, Chun Zhi Yingxue suddenly became unstable. In order to maintain his balance, he raised his feet and fell heavily to the ground.

He sighed, just about to start again, only to hear a sudden loud shout from the opposite rabbit, before he understood the situation, he whirled, and suddenly a piece of sky appeared in his field of vision-it turned out that his body had been off the ground instantly.

The big man yelled in his throat before it could be heard, but his body seemed to have a sense of autonomy. In the blink of an eye, his whole person disappeared to the ground.


Lin Sanjiu and the rabbit quickly ejected, regardless of whether they would be attacked, one called out a long knife, and the other claws lit up, and immediately rushed to the edge of the mountain.

What surprised them, however, was that the valley below was empty, and there was almost nothing but dirt and gravel.

"Didn't he just be thrown down by something?" the rabbit asked hoarsely.

Lin Sanjiu shook his head: "No... Honestly, it was too fast both times. I didn't even see how people disappeared."

When the evolutionary fell out of midair, Spring Yingxue turned her head to explain the situation to everyone, and everyone found something wrong - he was obviously a comatose man, but his shoulder suddenly moved unnaturally.

It didn't look like he was waking up, but it was more like something pushing him down... Then, the stranger evolving disappeared almost faster than Yingxue of Spring, and when he turned his head, he just turned his head. The ground disappeared from the edge.

I thought it was something under the valley, so I told Spring Yingxue to leave that place silently, but now it doesn’t seem to be...

At this moment, everyone else rushed over - the twin sisters hurriedly called out the defensive force field again to cover the crowd. This time, the female voice I just heard did not report the waiting time.

"There is no number assigned to the enemy, which means..." The sisters who kept the same childlike heads just said the first half, and the other coldly added the second half: "There is no enemy here. There should be no enemy. Say, there is no one else but us."

Everyone was taken aback.

There is no enemy, so who took Spring Yingxue and the other person away?

"Don't be in a daze, let's go down and find someone right away." Lin Sanjiutou said one by one, "Keep the current distance, don't go far, call someone immediately if anything happens."

Her voice was cold, and she said a few words quickly and methodically, and everyone unconsciously moved in accordance with her intentions.

The **** is very gentle, for the evolutionary, a few steps on the stone can climb to the bottom. However, at the bottom, there was only a long and wide dirt ditch. There was nothing but the empty wind in the wilderness. Hui Chuyan was a little frightened, and walked two steps quickly to follow Lin Sanjiu; Bai Xiaoke called out the first face, and the others were also prepared and carefully checked the environment.

Bai Xiaoke and Xue Qu are the most familiar, and unconsciously at this time, the two also walked very close.

"Is it better to call him?" Bai Xiaoke was a little bit unsure, kicked a stone away from his feet: "Maybe I can get an answer."

"What if something provokes?" Xue Qu also hesitated. She called out noodles like an iron whisk from her body and swept it back and forth on the ground to prevent any traps.

"No way?"

Bai Xiaoke glanced around. Not far behind her, Lin Sanjiu was talking to the rabbit on his shoulders with a solemn expression. The few remaining people in the five-person group looked a little uneasy, whispering a few words from time to time, everything looks normal at the moment, but it always feels like something is missing...

She thought for a while, but didn't come up with a result. She could only turn her head and follow Xue Qu's words and said, "So many of us have come down aggressively. If there are enemies, maybe they would have known it-eh?"

At the end of her words, Xue Qu stopped immediately: "What's the matter?"

Bai Xiaoke's face turned blue, and finally realized what was missing. From her mouth, she asked a very unreasonable sentence.

"Did you... see my face?"

The face of the face is the result of her ability. It is absolutely impossible for Bai Xiaoke to lose contact with him-if it is placed on an undeveloped ordinary person, it is like this person is walking on the road and suddenly does not know Where did his right hand go.

Xue Qu's expression didn't look so good: "Don't you feel your ability?"

"Well, the feeling is indeed still..." A thin layer of sweat appeared on Bai Xiaoke's forehead: "Well, it seems that he is still around here, but he doesn't move. I told him he won't come out... "

It feels like I can clearly realize the existence of my right hand, but I can't see or touch it.

"It seems that there is something wrong with this place," Xue Qu made a decisive decision, and immediately turned around and walked to the other side: "Let's go to Xiaojiu and tell her about this."

Behind her, Bai Xiaoke let out a panic "Hey", hurriedly followed, and said as he walked: "I just tried to turn off the ability, and then called the face head again, but this won't work anymore..."

"Your face is probably like Yingxue of Spring. I don't know where you were caught. Maybe you are in the same place! With your help, you may be able to save people back——" Xue Qu suddenly thought At this point, he immediately refreshed, hurriedly waved his hand at Lin Sanjiu, and called out, "Little wine!"

Lin Sanjiu stopped talking to the rabbit halfway, and raised his head to look towards Xue Qu.

"I have an idea, maybe I can find it--" Xue Qu just started talking, but was suddenly thrown into a bucket of cold water by Lin Sanjiu's words - "Where is Bai Xiaoke?"

Uh? Xue Qu stayed, and immediately felt cold.

When she looked back, she found that there was only brick red land behind her, and the grass rustled in the wind.

Where she walked over, she could still see the half of the tire covered with a thick layer of mud just now, and the stones that Bai Xiaoke kicked away - but there was no shadow of Bai Xiaoke anywhere.

"Just now, it was clearly behind me--" Xue Qu could hardly believe that he hadn't heard anything. "Impossible. If someone takes her away, how can there be no sound at all?"

It's abnormal!

Lin Sanjiu yelled badly, and hurriedly raised his voice slightly and shouted at the people around him: "Don't go, everyone, go uphill, and leave here!"

The twin sisters cast a suspicious look, as if they were not reconciled to leave like this; the others hesitated; as long as it was Lin Sanjiu, Hui Chuyan was very quick to execute, and immediately held onto a raised rock. Start to climb upward.

"Fart, tell me!" The rabbit also became irritated and roared, and suddenly several people started to act.

The **** is neither steep nor long; it's easy when going down, and not difficult when going up.

However, it was such a short **** without suspense. After climbing up, everyone turned black.

One more person is missing.

"517 was clearly next to me just now!" Green Meat Melon had a crying expression on his face, and he unbelievably grabbed the edge of the mountain and looked down, but the lower part was empty and there was still nothing. "I just looked away for a second!"

The rabbit was so angry that he couldn't wait to dig the ground three feet, but he couldn't do anything about this place, and shouted in a dumb voice: "Stay back, leave this ghost place first!"

When everyone was walking backwards in a hurry, Lin Sanjiu once again took out [Dog Frisbee] and held it in his mouth.

She remembered that the place where the mutation occurred was exactly on the line when the light went out. So, after retreating to that line, where the light flashed again, it was probably safe?

In the sense, this idea seems to make sense.

But when Lin Sanjiu held the Frisbee in his mouth and stepped back for a minute, and the light still didn't turn on, her face looked ugly.

She can be 100% sure that she has already backed off the "light-off line".

The edge of the "pedestal" seems to be constantly... growing.

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