Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1662: Dungeon activation in the new world

It's ready soon, please give me a few minutes! The name of the new volume is not sure, it may be changed in the future

When the team was on a mission, Feng Qiqi once said to himself that he couldn't use Lu Ze's abilities.

Lin Sanjiu's speed was almost like a flash, but there was no sound from under his feet. Chen Jinfeng's office was in front, the door was closed tightly, and light leaked from under the door. She stopped and walked slowly to the door. While thinking about it in his mind, Lin Sanjiu held his breath to listen to the movement inside the door.

... And Luzer has two abilities, split and transform.

If it can't be deformed, it can't be divided by the same reason. So Mather, as a product of splitting power, should have disappeared long ago, right?

There was no sound from the door for a while, and it seemed that no one was there.

... But in fact, Mather had been doing well before they left, and it was not until after the mission came back that she realized she was missing. In other words, Feng Qiqi had been maintaining Luzer's abilities all the time, and Maser not only knew this, but took it for granted, so he never mentioned it to himself.

That's right, Feng Qiqi's lie must be this!

Lin Sanjiu quietly turned the door handle, unlocking it. She thanked her fortune, glanced around, and walked into the office, closing the door.

When she entered the room, she gently walked to the table and reached out to touch her diary card.

I took it out and saw that the last line on the diary card read: "3:05AM, the contaminated and injured diary card will be taken back."

"I don't have time to listen to your complaints now." Lin Sanjiu gave it a white look, before he had time to read a large paragraph of words recorded earlier, wiped off the glue bait, and the card disappeared in her palm.

The door was unlocked, indicating that Chen Jinfeng hadn't walked far, and maybe he would be back sometime-she didn't dare to delay, and quickly left the office. After thinking about it after coming out, she went back to her room.

There are already twos and threes talking on the first floor. Those are people who have finished their work ahead of time and come back to rest. There are not many such people, so the voice echoes in the basement, which is very empty. Lin Sanjiu went straight back to the room to sit down and called out the diary card.

In the past two hours, the diary card recorded a full ten pages of content, all because Chen Jinfeng loved to talk nonsense. Anyone Lin Sanjiu knows will have their name on the diary card; if they don't know, use A, B, C or ABC instead. After reading for a long time, she found that apart from Chen Jinfeng who left the room for fifteen minutes at the beginning, the others were all trivial things like men talking about chores and woman A asking what to eat for breakfast...

When he reached page six, Lin Sanjiu's eyelids twitched and he was speechless.

Because the next page recorded a conversation between Chen Jinfeng and female C—it was a conversation, but there was not much content—after Lin Sanjiu bit his head and read the unexplained lines of "Uh-huh", She suddenly froze.

Chen Jinfeng: "It's still hello...Today I found a foreign woman who wanted to taste it, but told her to run away, shit! I don't know how... I don't know where I went!"

Female C: "Hmm...I hate it, why would I find someone else..."

This **** also shot Mather!

Lin Sanjiu's expression became gloomy. If the diary card was just a piece of ordinary paper, she would have been scratched at this moment-holding back the anger, she quickly read this page, but Chen Jinfeng never mentioned it again. Mather.

She kept reading the diary card to the last page, and there was nothing worth mentioning. Although Lin Sanjiu didn't know what she was looking for, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in her heart-suddenly "Huh?" Her eyes stopped.

2:48AM, Tian Minbo came to the door of Room 306 and knocked on the door to enter.

The voles are in the oasis!

The figure I saw last time in the negative floor was really him!

She suppressed the surprise and looked down at the card.

Chen Jinfeng: "I'm the **** looking for you! What's the matter with your intelligence?"

Tian Minbo: "My intelligence is correct, there must be some misunderstanding in the middle."

Chen Jinfeng: "Misunderstanding? Then how do you explain Lin Sanjiulu's hand?"

Tian Minbo: "I think she must have found a good thing. Cadre Chen, this is a good thing for you! As long as they die, the dungeon will also be yours, and the sandstorm will also be yours..."

Chen Jinfeng: "Huh. Field Mouse, I have done my best to you. Because you are afraid of being discovered by them, I will send Hu Changzhe, who has witnessed you and knew them, and you should start now. Does it work?"

Tian Minbo: "You say, you say."

Chen Jinfeng: "I just want to go out, and talk as I walk!"

2:50AM The two left the room and walked out of the recording range of the card.

It happened that Chen Jinfeng was out of the office at this time! Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and put away the diary card.

She frowned and thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out a clue from the mess.

"I don't want to! Damn, it's a big deal, I'll beat the field mouse first, then Feng Qiqi, don't believe them, they won't open their mouths!" She rolled over and got out of the bed uncomfortably-I didn't want to think of it, and followed instinct!

Unexpectedly, when the door curtain was raised, Lin Sanjiu almost ran into someone full of arms. She looked up and she was stupid.

The person in front of me has fluffy red hair and a few freckles on his fair skin-who is not Mather?

"Xiao Jiu was injured?" Maser remained the same, his expression and tone did not change: "...cough, don't you know, Feng Qiqi ran too far, but I didn't maintain my ability, so I disappeared. Now I can only come out again when you come back. Did you worry?..."

"Keen intuition" suddenly jumped like a nerve. Lin Sanjiu looked at her suspiciously. Just about to say something, he suddenly realized that another person came up not far away. She looked so familiar with her—it was Feng Qiqi.

It seemed that he came with Mather.

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu was really confused. If Feng Qiqi turned into Mather to lie to her, then who turned into Feng Qiqi? ... Is Mather really back? She looked at Mather and hesitantly tentatively said, "Are we all right during the time we are away?"

This is the news she just learned on the diary card, except for the person involved, no one else should know...

Maser's face suddenly changed, and he snorted: "It's not all right--even though I'm pretty good, but Chen Jinfeng will have to pay the price sooner or later."

As if the cipher had been matched, Lin Sanjiu's heart fell back into her belly. She let out a long breath, hugged Maser gently and said, "I thought you couldn't come back. !"

Mather smiled and hugged her back.

Lin Sanjiu turned his gaze on Feng Qiqi not far away, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "...By the way, can Feng Qiqi use Luzer's abilities?"

While Mather was back, she wanted to quickly verify her guess.

"...Of course not." The soft female voice said in her ear.

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