Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1664: Just say it straight

Soon, wait ten minutes for me

Thirty minutes back in time, when Lin Sanjiu was still trying to kill a **** road in the vast ocean of degenerate species, while Feng Qiqi was still following Xiaohui Gaofei and the others to flee for his life, Mather was sitting in the hospital. Put away a set of first aid kits in the room and put it in the refrigerator.

The infirmary is probably an oasis--no, the only place in Quanshenghai City, and there is a refrigerator, right? Mather thought to himself with a little admiration. At high temperatures, the syringe will melt, the medicine will deteriorate, and the alcohol will explode... If you want to keep medical supplies properly, you can only store them in the refrigerator. She remembered the first aid kit she found in the drugstore on the roadside when Luzer was injured. Even the gauze was stained with mildew... At that time, she was too anxious. Fortunately, he had the medicine for Kurosawa Ji!

"Hey, haven't you left yet?"

When thinking of a trance, the door of the infirmary was suddenly pushed open, and a face came in.

"It's Cadre Chen, I'm about to leave." Mather smiled and closed the refrigerator.

Chen Jinfeng opened the door and walked in, sat down at the table for the consultation, and said, "I just met an iron knife in the hallway — you bandaged it professionally! What did you do before?"

"I'm just sitting in a laboratory." She said lightly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jinfeng would be interested instead: "Oh? What to study specifically?"

"Life Science." Mather replied briefly, "Chen, sit down, I'll go back first--"

The voice declined, when she walked past Chen Jinfeng, he suddenly grabbed her wrist. The latter smiled at her: "Don't worry... I have something to tell you."

Mather quickly withdrew his hand and raised his eyes.

After a pause, Chen Jinfeng spoke disapprovingly: "Come on, sit down... Well, I tell you, there are many talents in various fields in Oasis, but there is no doctor. There is only one nurse in the medical office. Minor injuries and minor illnesses are fine, but if there are major problems, you won’t. Since you used to be a life scientist, you must also have an understanding of medicine, right?"

"You mean you want me to come here to treat people?" Mather sat down opposite him and asked a little embarrassed.

Chen Jinfeng slapped his face and smiled: "Yes! Are you willing? This is a matter of healing and saving people!"

"It's not impossible... When there is no task, I can come over." Maser said while thinking about it. He was halfway through, and suddenly felt that her hand was covered by something-she looked down and found Chen Jinfeng The stubby fingers were stroking the back of her hand.

Mather stood up suddenly and stared at him in surprise and anger, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Chen Jinfeng was not surprised at her reaction, and then stood up. Although he is sturdy, he is half a head shorter than Mather-his eyes rolled around Mather unscrupulously, and he smiled: "I am devoted to the affairs of the oasis. Although I have helped many people, I It’s also very lonely... The first time I saw you, I felt you were different from everyone else."

While speaking, he stood up, closed the door, and locked it with a "click".

"What are you doing!" Mather panicked suddenly, then glanced around, looking for something to defend himself.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to talk to you."

Chen Jinfeng said as he sat on a small bed in the infirmary. He looked at Mather and smiled stickyly: "...Oasis, no, there are not many humans left in the world. For human beings to rejuvenate, survivors are not enough. There must be a new generation. So. In the next step, I intend to call on everyone not to have any taboos between men and women..."

He patted the bed and motioned for Mather to sit next to him.

Without looking at him, Mather rushed to the door like a wind, reaching out to twist the lock. The lock opened, but no matter how hard she tried, the door remained motionless.

Could this be his ability...?

Just as Mather was frightened and puzzled, she suddenly heard Chen Jinfeng’s damp and greasy voice sound from behind: "...Don’t you want to contribute to the revival of mankind? I heard that the farther the race is, the more life The smarter the children are..."

"You get out of me!" Maser couldn't stand it anymore and kicked Chen Jinfeng.

Chen Jinfeng's short and sturdy body, but unexpectedly flexible, dodged as soon as he stepped away.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts. As soon as my power is unfolded, this whole infirmary is my lair. Without my permission, you can't get out and people outside can't get in..."

He laughed, and rushed forward--Mather was hit hard by him, and immediately fell down, and then Chen Jinfeng pressed her on her body. He seemed to enjoy the constant struggle of the woman under him. He grabbed Mather's arm with his hands and didn't move. He sat on her and squinted at her.

He laughed, and suddenly punched Mather in the stomach. She immediately shrank up like a shrimp, so painful that she couldn't speak-both sides had strengthened their physical fitness, so it stands to reason that Mather There should be resistance no matter how--but she is now in Chen Jinfeng's lair.

Chen Jinfeng grabbed her, before laughing, but couldn't help being taken aback. He didn't feel like he was holding a person, it was full for a while, and then held empty again. As if this woman's body would hide!

He looked down.

Mather underneath him flickered like a poor signal image on an old-fashioned TV, and suddenly disappeared. The next second, he appeared again. When she was gone, Chen Jinfeng's hand fell straight to the ground.

She didn't know when she stopped struggling, raised a face that looked like a blurry and distorted TV screen, and asked sharply, "Didn't you say that it is only 20 minutes to walk to Longhua Road?"

Chen Jinfeng immediately jumped up in shock, staring at the flickering Mather in a daze, and said to himself, "You...what's the matter with you..."

The color was faint, and the person who looked like a light and shadow stood up: "Talk back!"

The situation changed suddenly, and now it was Chen Jinfeng who avoided Mather. ——"Who knows what they are making!" He cursed in a little panic, and suddenly felt a little itchy in his neck. He reached out and found that he had cut a small hole at some point. Somehow, this injury caused him to suddenly become hostile, and said in a vicious manner: "You are lucky today. Tell you, your two friends can't come back. I will get you in the future. There are many opportunities. Yes!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mather slapped in front of him and disappeared completely. After waiting for a few seconds, the room was still empty and empty. Chen Jinfeng couldn't understand the situation, so he quickly regained his power and opened the door in a panic.

Eight minutes later, Feng Qiqi lay on Gao Fei's back, and the group walked towards the oasis.

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