Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1668: The memory of being taken away by Gong Dao Yi

This chapter will be ready soon

If you only look at it with the naked eye, the blazing sun hanging high in the air at this moment seems to be no different from previous summers. The dazzling sunlight was cast down from the blue sky, and it spread all the way to the realm of the earth, revealing the shocking viciousness.

Every street is full of scalded, shriveled human corpses, curled up into masses. The building cracked under the high temperature, and some houses of poor quality had long collapsed into fragments like hills. The ground was cracked, and occasionally I could see a fairly robust fallen plant cruising among the ruins.

In the past two short months, the temperature has continued to rise every day; today, all human traces have melted in the high temperature, which makes it hard to believe that this was actually a highly developed human civilization. society.

The air is hot and dry, and I don't know where the rivers, lakes and seas that have evaporated these days have gone. Looking around, there is no more greenery in the area where you can see. Where the truck rumbling past, there will be waves of thick yellow dust and smoke, which is almost difficult to see.

Lin Sanjiu, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the truck, couldn't help but glanced in the rearview mirror.

Behind her, followed by another freight truck of the same model, followed by a long bus. This was not the focus of Lin Sanjiu's gaze. She squinted her eyes and carefully looked at the black smoke rising in the sky in the distance.

The place where the black smoke rises is the shopping mall that housed them for a month.

After living for so long, I finally had to leave...Lin Sanjiu's thoughts couldn't help returning to a month ago.

After Lin Sanjiu accidentally discovered the fully-filled supermarket warehouse, the three of them were really happy at the time-they didn't even need to count them. You can tell by just looking at the water in the warehouse. It must be enough for them to survive 14 months. And living in an underground supermarket without worrying about direct sunlight is really ideal!

The only problem is the small tropical plant forest in the hall outside.

After all, people are still greedy for comfort-a few people discussed it and felt that as long as they stay closed in the underground supermarket, the plant forest outside can't do anything to them. It just so happened that the last few days have been thrilling, and they have consumed a lot of their physical strength. With the name of recuperation and adjustment, the three of them simply settled in the supermarket.

This recuperation took two or three weeks of recuperation. With no worries about eating and drinking, the iron gate was closed, and there were no foreign enemies, the three of them had a fairly comfortable life in the new world-so much so that a month later, Lin Sanjiu accidentally pinched his waist and found out I have grown flesh.

To be honest, there is not much fat at this point, but it reminded her immediately of the livestock that was raised. During this period of time, not only did she not develop a single ability, she also slugged a lot; due to the lack of crisis awareness, she even slept in the dark ground in one breath after several days of work...

If this continues, it will definitely be harmful to oneself. The three people discussed it and decided that they should go on patrol-one is to check the situation nearby, and the other is to exercise themselves by the way.

The idea is good, but I didn't expect that when the iron door was opened, all three of them were stupid.

When the door opened, it was just over four o'clock in the afternoon, but the elevator leading to the lobby on the first floor was still shrouded in thick darkness.

Lin Sanjiu looked ahead foolishly, and asked in a low voice, "Is the sun setting so early now?"

Lu Ze was stunned and speechless. Suddenly, Maser stretched out his hand and said, "Look!" Lin Sanjiu and Lu Ze looked in the direction she was pointing, and the internal organs were immediately cold--

A piece of darkness covering the elevator, as if feeling something, moved a little—it didn’t matter, a little sunlight immediately poured in, revealing the green half of the branches and leaves. The three people realized that the reason why the iron gate was so dark was because it was blocked by plants.

Then, more and more shadows moved, dozens of large and small, densely packed green vines seemed to smell the human flavor, one by one came alive, slowly towards the iron gate. Peering over the direction. I don't know who yelled first, but none of the three dared to delay, turned around and rushed back to the supermarket, pulling down the iron door with a bang.

The green vine crackled against the iron door, and the heavy iron door had several bulges recessed inward.

It seems that as long as you go out and wander a few more times, this iron door will no longer hold up.

Back in the supermarket, the faces of all three of them were very ugly. No one thought that so quickly, they would change from taking the initiative to avoid the world to being unable to think out.

"We can't stay in this place..." Lin Sanjiu smiled bitterly, "You said, what should we do now?"

"Even if you want to leave, you have to bring things in the warehouse." Mather gritted his teeth and said.

"It's not difficult to bring things. Let's find a few large trucks outside and move as many as we can. The question do we get out now? The only way is blocked by those ghost Fujiko." Lin Sanjiu asked sadly.

The three were quiet for a while, and Lu Ze suddenly uttered "Ah", and then a carp jumped up, turned and ran towards the back of the supermarket, and shouted: "The elevator entrance is not the only way! Little wine, you can Get the key! There is a door behind!"

This sentence reminded Mather. She slapped her face and her face suddenly brightened: "Yeah! Why did I forget that!" They hurriedly followed after they hurriedly followed.

Within a few seconds, three people stood at the back door of the supermarket. Since Lin Sanjiu showed up from the staff room, Luzer and Marser have forgotten this back door. It was the first time that Lin Sanjiu knew that there was another one who didn’t know where it led to. Back door.

While praying silently, she opened the door with the key.

God treats them pretty well—behind the door is a narrow slope. Walking out of the slope, several people find themselves standing behind the shopping center with a row of huge trash cans. This seems to be a place where supermarket employees clean up tools and dispose of rubbish. As soon as you walk out from here, you soon see a small road.

Looking through the glass at the shopping mall full of green shoots, it was the first time that a few people thought that the cracked and blackened road was so cute.

What to do next is very clear.

First find three cars. It is not difficult to find a car—almost 80% of the people are dead, and the city is full of cars with keys in them that have run out of gasoline and electricity and abandoned them. With almost no effort, the three people found two large freight trucks and a bus.

I took the battery from the auto repair shop and replaced it with a few boxes full of gas from the gas station. The car was finally able to move-drove all three big cars onto the pavement in one breath, squeezing them to the ground. It's easy to stop side by side.

The fresh water in the supermarket filled the three cars, and there was still a lot left in the warehouse. However, a few people were not greedy, there were enough in the car, and the rest were stowed on both sides of the street and left to other survivors.

Before leaving, Lin Sanjiu brought a few barrels of gasoline, and Luzer and Mather prepared a whole box of wine.

"Are you ready?" Lin Sanjiu held a heavy brick and smiled at his companion. Seeing the two nodded, she yelled: "Okay, let's start throwing!"

As Lu Ze shouted with excitement, bricks, stones, chairs, and all kinds of things like a meteor shower smashed towards the glass doors and windows of the shopping center covered with green plants——

A series of crisp sounds resounded halfway through the street-glass shards fell from mid-air as if it was raining, gleaming countless bright lights in the dark night sky.

The vines covering the glass were frightened and swayed in the air, as if they didn't know who to attack. But before they follow the human taste to find the culprit, then, bottle after bottle of spirits and barrels of gasoline flew in from the broken glass and fell on the plant. , Suddenly splashed everywhere.

The last step of arson requires some skill-Mather, the fastest and lightest of the three, holds four or five polished matches, and rushes to the door of the shopping mall like a rabbit. With a hand shake, a few fire lights fell into the green.

The flames hissed and spread, not fast, but firm. Soon, the first floor was covered with a glow of red flames-before it burned for five minutes, there was a sharp hiss in the lobby of the shopping center, as if something was hurting. The leaves were waving frantically.

I don't know why, Lin Sanjiu actually felt a long-lost joy-she laughed a lot, waved to the two people beside her, and laughed loudly: "Let's withdraw!" After speaking, she started. The first one ran out.

A few people just ran out a street, only to hear a loud "boom", the top glass of the shopping mall was burnt down and pressed down in an unstoppable force, and half of the building disappeared into the flames.

The truck and bus were parked far in the morning, and the three people drove a car, against the last bit of starlight before sunrise, embarking on an unknown journey...

Shaking his head, Lin Sanjiu threw the scenes from last night out of his mind.

She glanced at the rearview mirror with solemn expression, then turned on the taillights, and the truck slowed down slowly and leaned against the side of the road.

The truck that Luzer was driving behind him, and the bus that Mather was driving, all slowed down one by one, and then stopped.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you leave?" Lu Ze opened the window and shouted in the direction of Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu pushed the car door, jumped down, and stood in the middle of the road, holding a baton in his hand.

"Someone is following us." She frowned, enduring the yellow sand in the air.

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