Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1677: Funeral for fear of heights

"Remember? Xiaoyi said that in the twelve realms of the center, there are some very famous meeting places in each realm, surrounded by hostels for people to stay for a long time, waiting to meet should not leave then. wrong."

The rabbit's expression is very solemn.

Lin Sanjiu had already heard the same order yesterday. She smiled and rubbed the rabbit's head: "Do you think I'm stupid? You can leave you at ease. I will definitely find a way to reach the central twelve realms."

The rabbit was very upset and smoothed the fur that she had rubbed-since it was corroded once, its fur has grown again, and now it looks like a mop-"Besides, you have to be more careful. The puppeteer seems to have given you a name in the visa officer system... As soon as you reach the central twelve realms, you will immediately hide!"

"I see, you feel at ease."

After the random group of four and Bai Xiaoke teleported away first, two or three months later, it was finally time for the rabbit to leave. It and Lin Sanjiu both evolved in a period of time in the extreme temperature hell, so the transmission time limit is also similar; after watching the rabbit figure disappear into the air like a bubble, she stayed for a while, thinking about it. The world of "Carnival" that is about to go, took a long breath, and my heart was messed up.

Only Xue Qu and Qianzheng Pass were left beside him-Xue Qu was only two months behind her, but Qianzheng Pass had nearly ten months to go through alone. At this time, a little face was straight and bitter.

"I don't know when I'm leaving, I have to finish telling you as soon as possible." Lin Sanjiu looked at Xue Qun, although the latter still tried to maintain a cold look, but from time to time it revealed A little confused. Two months later, it was her first teleportation, but when there was only one unreliable Qianzheng Pass around him, Lin Sanjiu also felt very uneasy, and told her carefully about some things to pay attention to.

In addition to this, in addition to leaving herself with two days’ worth of rations, she also gave all the remaining food, even the dried fish harvested in the extreme temperature hell, to Qianzhengguan--" Sit next to the root of the tree, so people can't grab can save some food yourself, okay?"

Qian Zhengguan blinked his eyes, and slowly said as if grinding rice cakes: "Sister Lin, as long as I can help you in the future..."

Lin Sanjiu rolled her eyes in her heart-she still couldn't stand his slow way of speaking.

When everything was almost set up, she still showed no signs of being transported away-she simply found a place to sit down and checked what she was carrying.

It is rare to have such a leisure time, she simply turned over her card library.

The daily necessities brought out from the extreme temperature **** have been consumed seven or eight eight; her mouthparts were thrown on the black tower by her earlier, and now it is a pity that she does not have such a handy weapon. There are not many things that belong to the extremely warm **** that can remind her of her hometown...Lin Sanjiu sighed slightly, looking at the scented candle in his hand, remembering the days when he was in the supermarket.

Fortunately, from the Garden of Eden, she added a lot of supplies.

The one that has been used most frequently recently is the [Particle High Frequency Oscillation Cutting Knife] brought out from the Garden of Eden Laboratory-although this thing looks like an ordinary long knife, it has completely surpassed the traditional knife." The concept of "sharp"-in its oscillating cutting mode, only cutting fast or not, there is no such thing as inability to cut.

Compared with it, the guns seized from soldiers in the Garden of Eden looked big and stupid, and they were too powerful to control. Lin Sanjiu thought about it, and still put it away with the cutting knife to prevent future Unexpected need.

In addition to the [Girl Blowing Bubbles] tracking explosive device and the useless microbial smoke cloud collector, she also has three pieces of black technology obtained from the laboratory, each of which is full of the iconic Garden of Eden The bloodthirsty characteristics of the rabbits; and the rest of the small pile is divided among the rabbits-in this way, the harvest in the Garden of Eden is really good.

[Melting fleshy bone hair dryer]: Do not use it to blow your hair, do not use it to blow your hair, do not use it to blow your hair! The function is as the name implies, under the ultra-high temperature and hot wind, the human body will melt into a sticky pool in a short time... It needs to be equipped with energy blocks to use, and each block can be blown once.

"I was walking in a hurry at the time and took four yuan easily...should it be enough? This thing hurts heaven and harmony." Lin Sanjiu briefly forgot his desperate soul, and collected it and the energy block. .

[Tornado Whip]: There really is no more straightforward weapon name than this, and there is no need to introduce it. The tornado made by the whip handle is not large, less than two meters in diameter, but it is worth mentioning that the inventor is said to use it to see the locust blossoms flying in the sky.

[Meow alarm clock]: The sound of a meow that sounds regularly every morning is really annoying... But this alarm clock was made by a researcher who loved the image of cats in history, so the sound is actually a little cute.

"...What's the effect? ​​It's really just an alarm clock?" Lin Sanjiu was completely blinded, and he didn't know why he took this thing out in the first place: "It can only be used to wake up, where is the bloodthirsty?"

Facing the cat's head-shaped clock for a while, she finally put it away—not to mention, it looked pretty good, and it turned into a card and didn't take up any space.

Putting together with [Meow Alarm Clock] is [Dog Frisbee]—this thing led them all the way to the roots of the tree, which caused so many disturbances, and finally did not find where the base is, Lin San Wine really has a headache for it.

"Could it be that the ear guide discovered a little bit of tree roots at first, so I buried the base on it?" After thinking for a long time, Lin Sanjiu only came up with this speculation. If the base emits a wavelength or something The thing, may it expand with the roots of the tree? "Without the base, this thing is useless... Forget it, keep it, it won't sink anyway."

Thinking of ear guides, Lin Sanjiu took out his corpse card in a complicated mood.

To be honest, after being killed by herself, the body of the ear guide really helped her a lot...If it weren't for his blood, I'm afraid Lin Sanjiu would have died under the radiation.

"There are tree roots everywhere...when I go to the next world, I will bury you well." She said softly and collected the card.

The rest was nothing more than some radiation protection suits, clothes turned out from the Guangzhu house, and some daily necessities. She picked and picked and kept some useful ones.

Other than that, they were all collected in extremely warm hell.

[Pygmalion collar] is still worn on the neck, [cat litter] still has half a bag left, [your sweet laughter seems to soften the world when the spring flowers fall] I haven’t used it once in the Garden of Eden.

It will be well soon, sorry everyone, I am absent from work again...

The opponent in the Garden of Eden basically makes her useless [Oops! My wallet is missing] This special item, so Lin Sanjiu put this card together with [Defensive version of Sunny Doll] and [Another/Way Mermaid Raising Liquid] and put them away.

In order to prepare for the future, she captured each of them before everyone left, and recorded a total of fourteen descriptions of the ability with the [Recorder], plus the few remaining before, I think it will definitely be enough for the next world.

[Ability Polishing Agent] Now it has become Lin Sanjiu's lighting tool at all, and [Robbery the Poor and Helping the Rich Box] because it is too precious, it has become something that keeps pressing the bottom of the box.

"Ah...this." Lin Sanjiu picked up one from the pile of cards and sighed as he looked at the little dead man representing Ren Nan painted on it. "Otherwise, let's just bury it together?"

After such a long time, seeing this ex-boyfriend who almost put herself to death again, she was actually very calm.

She took all the cards back, and they were almost finished; after she put everything away, she looked down at herself, and there was still no sign of sending her around.

"Is it too late without a visa? Don't take the opportunity to check the ability again..."

She just murmured something like that, and suddenly her eyes went dark - only to shout "I'm leaving" from a distance, and Lin Sanjiu's body had quickly disappeared from the Garden of Eden.

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