Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1685: Annoying Lin Sanjiu

This chapter will be ready soon

Said it was a mattress, but it was actually just a black and thin blanket; lying on it, in addition to the faint sour smell, you could even faintly feel the frame of the bed board... Lin Sanjiu turned over and suddenly the bed frame There was a sore squeak.

Even in the dimness, Lin Sanjiu could still clearly collect everything in his small single room. The air circulation in the basement is not good, and there is a faint smell of dust. A few nails were chiseled on the wall of the single room, probably for hanging clothes. The conditions are really simple-she can even hear the tickling sound of the next door in his sleep. I don't know if it was because of a new arrival in an unfamiliar environment that she could not sleep in bed for a long time.

If it's really like what Hu Changzhe said, people in this place are born with abilities from drugs, she doesn't have to stay here anymore.

After all, she joined the Oasis, not for eating, drinking and sleeping-she was looking for a visa officer.

However, among more than a thousand people who are almost ordinary people, how could there be a visa officer!

But after all, it’s not very good to leave right after coming here. Somehow Lin Sanjiu remembered the specious figure under the glimpse just now. Forget it, stay a few more days to see if the situation is better...

The thoughts in her mind were mixed, and after some time, she gradually felt that her eyelids became heavier and her consciousness became blurred.

At the moment when she was about to fall into a dream, a strong electric current suddenly ran across her body——

Lin Sanjiu's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole body swung uncontrollably. The body trembled too violently, and the iron canopy bed also made a "da da da" impact sound, which was particularly loud in the silent space. She wanted to move her finger, but found that she had once again lost control of her body... Although it was different from the last time the whole body fluctuated, she was no stranger.

Damn, how come abilities have evolved at this time!

Gritting her teeth, she wanted to roll to the floor-after all, the bed frame was so loud that it was easy to attract people. When evolving, she had no ability to protect herself. If a stranger came in again... Although the oasis seemed peaceful, she didn't want to take risks at all.

But unable to move, how easy is it to turn around?

With the trembling momentum of her body, she reluctantly pushed herself away from the wall a little bit, and the long hair behind her head fell off the bed. That's not enough—Lin Sanjiu thought anxiously.

However, she has no time. The neighbor next door who was still asleep just now suddenly stopped breathing for a while, and then only heard the creak of the bedboard, it seemed that the person was sitting up. Then, the sound of footsteps came to the door of 1629 and stopped outside the curtain.

"Hey... are you a newcomer?" A woman's extremely dissatisfied voice reprimanded in a low voice: "How can you pick everyone to do this when they are going to sleep? You are not ashamed! Stop it!"

Although the body lost its autonomy, Lin Sanjiu, who was still conscious, was stunned after hearing these words-after two seconds, she suddenly understood what this neighbor meant? A mouthful of old blood almost came out- —What did she think she was doing!

Although the bed board is really loud.

The woman outside the door waited for a while, and found that the noise was still continuing rhythmically, and was finally a little confused; she opened the curtain? She immediately cried out in surprise: "Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Lin Sanjiu, who couldn't say a word, was relieved? At the same time, he lifted a heart.

The neighbor who rushed in was a long-haired woman in her thirties, wearing a light yellow Winnie the Pooh pajamas. She was very decisive when she saw the matter? She immediately helped Lin Sanjiu, who was trembling, out of bed? Let her lie on her lap.

"Hey, can you talk?" The woman slapped her face with the palm of her hand and slapped: "Are you a shofar?"

Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell whether her trembling was because of evolution or she was angry.

Fortunately, the evolution time is short? She gradually calmed down after a while? The control of the body has also returned. As soon as I found out that I was able to move? Lin Sanjiu jumped up from the neighbor’s woman’s lap? He stared at her for a while; what did he want to say? Then found out that the other party seemed to have nothing wrong-finally? She just squeezed out: "I It's all right, thank you."

The woman kept a blank face and didn't leave, but instead asked, "What kind of disease is this? Do you often do it? Do you do it a lot while sleeping? Do I need to find Xiaoyu to change a room?"

Lin Sanjiu was almost exasperated by her, and gritted his teeth and said, "It's not a disease! You don't understand? This is a normal reaction when abilities evolve."

"Huh?" The neighbor woman was really surprised? He looked at her up and down. "You also evolved naturally. So did I."

A feeling of unsuccessful revenge filled my mind——Lin Sanjiu sighed: "Then why can't you tell?"

"I don't know... I came early? The ability has never evolved after so long."

Probably because life in the oasis is too easy.

"Well... anyway? Thank you for your help just now. My name is Lin Sanjiu, are you?" Lin Sanjiu quickly adjusted his emotions and stretched out a hand to the neighbor woman.

Her outstretched hand was touched by the woman casually? Even if she had shook it. Then the woman said: "My name is Fang Dan. Let's not get too close, after all, you don't know how long you can live."

After saying such a weird thing, Fang Dan stood up and left.

...So, are the natural evolvers in the oasis all weird people without common sense of society? Lin Sanjiu almost wanted to cover his face and sighed—"Hey, what do you mean by that?"

Fang Dan looked at her innocently: "You guys who have just arrived and are very capable are usually sent out to do difficult tasks. Therefore, the survival rate is not high." After that, the woman was very chic. Turned around and left.

Lin Sanjiu looked at her back and didn't know what to say. The building material board was not soundproof. She heard Fang Dan walk back and lay down on the bed. Within ten minutes, there was a slight snoring sound.

This person is really...too confusing. Lin Sanjiu complained several words in his heart, but the difficult task that Dan Fang mentioned earlier didn't pay much attention to it. She has experienced the weird and dangerous things in Extreme Warm Hell. Can the Oasis mission be more deadly than the dungeon?

From the sound, Fontaine seemed to be asleep.

After sitting in the dark for a long time to get Lin Sanjiu, he cautiously opened his palm.

It's time to check her ability to evolve just now-as soon as the evolution is over this time, she has a strong urge to summon cards-it seems that it should be cards that evolve this time.

With a thought in her heart, a card quietly appeared in her palm. The previous white light disappeared, this time the card appeared without any movement.

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