Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1694: The decision of the new version of Lin Sanjiu

This chapter will be ready soon


Place/of/issue issuance location: extreme temperature hell

Valid/Destination valid destination: 1984

Valid/From effective date: six months before the advent of 1984

This visa is issued by the extremely warm **** visa officer

"Look, did I say it?" The field mouse softened into a ball under the tip of the knife, and even the visa in his hand trembled. "This is what others wanted, and I haven't given it yet. Fortunately I brought it with me..."

Lin Sanjiu took a closer look at the visa—yes, it was exactly the same as what he had found on Ren Nan.

"Who did you give it to? There is no name on it," she said, and put the visa in her pocket.

The field mouse had an expression almost about to cry, and it looked very uncoordinated on Lu Ze's face: "I gave Feng Qiqi! Visas are unnamed, but whoever is issued it... you take it. No, you can't use it either."

"Leave aside this, I have a lot of things I want but you." Lin Sanjiu gave him a sneer, and then gave him no chance to speak, kicked him on his knee, while the field mouse fell. At the right time, he picked up his back neck: "I will take you to a place where you can talk. I advise you not to move, otherwise it would be bad if the knife suddenly slipped out of my palm. You also know my ability. The big deal is that I don’t want a visa. Let’s see which of our abilities is faster."

The warm fingers were as heavy as they were exerting a great strength through the clothes. The voles didn't dare to move, they could only agree.

This guy is slick, and even an old fox like Li Zhijun has been fooled by him. If you want to pry the truth out of his mouth, you have to ask Hu Chang to help.

Counting the time, more than twenty minutes have passed, and now Fontaine and the others should have already left-after listening to the sound, Lin Sanjiu opened the door of the infirmary, threw the field mouse on the ground with a "bang", and immediately As soon as the door closed, she had stepped on his leg with one foot.

As expected, there was only Hu Chang alone in the room-he was so scared that he almost fell out of his small bed: "This, this, what is this doing? Have something to say, are you not friends with him..."

The field mouse still looks like Luzer, he really misunderstood.

Lin Sanjiu did not answer him. He stepped on his feet and said coldly: "This person is not Luze-the field mouse. You will be found out if you tell a lie here. Now I can't help you, you and Feng When did Qiqi hook up together? What is the purpose?"

Hu Changzai probably also saw something wrong, frowned and sat aside, staring at the field mouse.

Two to one, the situation is very unfavorable-the field mouse thought about it, and he knew the current affairs and explained all he knew. Although Hu Changzai was stunned to hear, after the field mouse finished speaking, he nodded to Lin Sanjiu and said "It's all the truth", making her breathe a sigh of relief.

According to voles, it's like this:

After escaping from the dungeon, the field mouse had no car. When looking for a car along the way, he accidentally learned about Oasis. Following this news, he came to the oasis a few days earlier than Lin Sanjiu, and soon got to know Chen Jinfeng; however, one morning, he suddenly found an intercom at the entrance of the building and was really taken aback. ——Because the look of this thing is too familiar, it was the one he gave Lin Sanjiu.

No, it must be Lin Sanjiu and his party who have also come to the oasis. Although the field mouse didn't want to see her at all, after picking up the walkie-talkie, he hid in the dark and waited for a while, and saw Lin Sanjiu coming. Not only that, Hu Changzai's conversation with her also fell into the ears of the field mouse.

Because of the copy, the field mouse neither dared to recognize each other, nor dared to appear, for fear of being settled by the autumn queen; just putting the time bomb like this was not an option, so he approached Chen Jinfeng and lied to him that Lin Sanjiu had good things in his hands. ——It is almost trivial to arouse Chen Jinfeng’s greed; and I don’t know why, it’s a common practice for Oasis to send evolutionaries out to die, so Chen Jinfeng didn’t take this as a big deal at all, so he immediately decided on Lin Sanjiu In addition, Hu Changzhe was incorporated into Xu Xiaoyang's team-of course, Chen Jinfeng temporarily left Maser alone.

What they didn't expect was that Lin Sanjiu and the others returned safely.

When things develop here, they begin to become more subtle.

Just a few days ago, the field mouse was called away by Chen Jinfeng. Under his introduction, he met a new "helper"-after seeing that person, the field mouse almost turned around and ran away, thinking that he had fallen into a trap; because of that The helper is actually Luze. Chen Jinfeng hurriedly explained it, and the field mouse realized that Lu Ze is no longer Lu Ze, but Feng Qiqi-and this guy, I don't know why he has the intention to solve these people; since the two sides have the same purpose, Nature hits it off.

After Maser disappeared, Feng Qiqi didn’t say anything, just let the field mouse look like himself, and he became Maser. The two joined hands and covered Lin Sanjiu for several days——

Looking at the familiar face in front of him that had been born to death with him, Lin Sanjiu's anger couldn't stop: "No wonder,'Mather' has been boasting about the severe sandstorm that day. Check out my abilities!"

She tried to tell Mather the truth several times, but just these few days she was disturbed by the alert from her keen intuition, so she never said it.

Unexpectedly, when Hu Chang on the side heard this, his face suddenly paled.

"'Mather' isn't actually the person?" He stammered, making Lin Sanjiu's heart jump. "Just now, she and Fang Dan came to get the medicine. When we were chatting, I, I... told her."

The blood flow suddenly increased - if it hadn't been for the vole on the side, Lin Sanjiu would almost yell. She calmed her mind, and said in Hu Chang's flustered explanation and apology: "...Have you said the principle of ‘that’?"

"No, no! I just have'that thing'!" Hu Changzhe glanced at the field mouse and said hurriedly.

The voles' eyes rolled.

Lin Sanjiu fell silent.

"Does Chen Jinfeng know about the transformation of you and Feng Qiqi?" After a while, she suddenly spoke out.

"No, I don't know." The field mouse answered hurriedly. "It was Feng Qiqi who asked me to do this after he left..."

"So..." She looked at the field mouse, then at Hu Changzai with a guilty expression on her face, and then suddenly walked over and whispered a few words in his ear.

The voles stood up their ears and didn't hear what they were talking about. After listening, Hu Chang nodded quickly, with an expression of atonement, and then responded with a few words in a very low voice.

What are they talking about--

As soon as the thought of guessing came up, the field mouse was attracted by a sound similar to the vibration of wings from his right shoulder. Turning his head, he saw a huge green praying mantis sitting on his shoulder at some point.

The blood-red compound eyes surrounded by thick black patterns were almost as big as his face, and the triangular mantis head swayed from side to side in front of the field mouse. Two cool sickles were tightly attached to the base of his neck, seeming to be able to cut the skin at any time-the field mouse had just stood up, its feet were soft, and fell back to the ground, speechless in horror.

"Now I want you to do something for me... If you are not obedient, as long as you use your abilities, then this thing will cut your head off." Lin Sanjiu said with a faint smile.

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