Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1709: Water and container

It will be done soon, give me ten minutes!

On the street that had been swallowed unrecognizable by the high temperature, a long shadow was curled up between two figures who were constantly fighting. The slightly shorter shadow dodges extremely fast, so the whip-like mouthparts have been swiped nearly twenty times without even touching the corners of the opponent's clothes.

If there is still a mouth, the Fallen Species must be exhausted and panting.

"You, you...who the **** are you? You're not Miha!" An angry buzzing sound from the fallen species came louder and louder. At the time of the questioning, he checked the timing, and his mouthparts slammed into Luzer's face.

Seeing that his mouthparts were about to approach, Lu Ze blinked, and his height suddenly became shorter-the mouthparts were emptied again from the top of the "rural girl".

Before the Fallen Seed retracted her mouthparts, the little girl kicked her feet and quickly slid to the feet of the Fallen Seed. While kicking out a sweeping leg, she had become a tall and dangerous man-clearly Heisawaji. . The Fallen Species received a heavy kick on its ankle, and the bones of its ankle were instantly shattered. It hissed miserably, and fell to the ground.

……Although Luze cannot obtain the ability value of the change object no matter what it becomes, it will be affected by the upper limit of the ability of the change object.

If Luzer's own power is 89, and the security sister's power is 14, then Luzer can only exert the power of 14. And after turning into Kurosawaji, because Kurosawaji's power was many times higher than Luzer's, he undoubtedly exerted his maximum power.

All the power of 89 kicked on the legs of the fallen species, and Bai Sensen's bone stubble immediately pierced its calf and stretched out into the air.

This time, the Fallen Species couldn't stand up anymore-it hissed on the ground with cold air, its mouthparts hung weakly on the ground, and it was trembling uncontrollably by the hot road.

Lu Ze, who kept the appearance of Hei Zeji, walked to the fallen species with a cold face and looked down at it.

"Okay, okay... I give up, I give up." The Fallen Kin changed his breath and gasped and said, "I attacked you because I thought you were the **** of Meiye. It's purely a private grudge, a private grudge! Since you are Not that bitch, why should we fight?"

"You don't have to fight." Lu Ze smiled-in his original face, it should be a beautiful and pleasant smile, on Kurosawaji's face, it looks like he is going to eat people-"Let me take your mouth Cut off."

With a pitiful and flattering expression just now, it immediately melted from the face of the Fallen Species like ice and snow.

Without this, you can't **** humans. What's the difference between killing it?

It rolled over, barely supported itself and got up, then raised its mouthparts—

"Come again? You try a few more times, and you can't touch me..." Lu Ze didn't finish saying a word, and saw his mouthparts slammed down-but instead of facing Lu Ze's direction, he rushed back. Depraved, his calf slammed down.

With a scream, the shredded stubble fell off-it was actually removed from the knee by itself.

"As long as you absorb you, you can grow back as many legs as you need." The Fallen Seed stared at Luzer, looking very gloomy compared to just now: "I was still a little unsure if I should use this. That...but now..."

Lu Ze was shocked, took two steps back and looked at it vigilantly.

The Fallen Kin sneered, flipped his hand, and took out something.

... Luzer almost suspected that he was wrong.

Because it is clearly a fresh-keeping lunch box.

"Thanks to me for bringing this." Fallen kind smiled buzzingly and opened the lid of the lunch box.

In Lu Ze's surprised gaze, each of the pink bubbles floated from the lunch box, floating in the mid-air of the two men's swordsmanship, dyeing the night sky with a faint pink.

Lu Ze was stunned, his eyes turned away with the pink bubble, and suddenly he woke up-when he looked at the place where the Fallen Seed was standing, he found that it had disappeared.

Take a closer look, not only the degenerate species, but also the remains of the shops on the surrounding streets, the dilapidated signs, and a few abandoned cars... all are gone.

In the eyes, there are only pink bubbles in the sky. Looking out through the bubbles, there are only more, trembling bubbles, shining beautifully in the sky, forming a beautiful world like a dream.

"This is the woman's'trap'?" Lu Ze took a sip, already understood, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed; in frustration, he shouted: "I have never seen you eat soft food like this before. I have to take a lunch box and bring out the soft rice to eat!"

"You shut up! I've been talking about soft rice and soft rice just now, shit!"

Unexpectedly, the sound of depraved curses came out from the depths of the pink bubbles-Lu Ze immediately listened to the source of the sound, but failed: the bubbles are like small players Like, the voice rang around him, but he didn't know where the speaker was.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move. The bubbles here are not all harmless, but also explosive and corrosive, even I can't tell them-if you want to test it, I would welcome it!"

Lu Ze looked dignifiedly, every bubble looked exactly the same.

If the deformation is maintained, the physical energy consumption will be too great; in this environment, Luzer immediately relieved the deformation and restored his original appearance.

"Tsk tsk, it's still a child, but it's a pity that I won't live long." The voice of the Fallen Seed echoed through thousands of bubbles in the entire space.

Lu Ze ignored it, still scanning the space around him over and over again, trying to find the law of bubbles.

Suddenly, he heard a soft "pop", as if the sound of a bubble bursting, rang behind him. At almost the same time, a sharp mouthpart lased from behind with the wind.

The sound just now reminded Lu Ze, he twisted his body, then jumped back, and gently dodges his mouthparts-but because there are bubbles everywhere around him, he elbows when he dodges Zi fell into a pink bubble, and the bubble burst with a sound.

Immediately afterwards, with a soft "hiss" sound, there was a puff of white smoke from Lu Ze's elbow-the severe pain made him unable to speak for a while, and when he looked down, his elbow seemed to be covered by something. As if burned, a large piece of epidermis was removed, revealing **** muscles.

"Hahaha, didn't I say it all, don't move! This time it's just sulfuric acid, next time who knows what it is!" The rampant laughter of the corrupt species rang out.

Enduring the pain, a cold sweat broke out on Luzer's forehead. The bubble that burst just now is in his eyes, and it is no different from thousands of others——

Where did the Fallen Species give him time to study slowly, this time his mouthparts changed direction and struck again.

The intention of this guy is obvious: for Luzer, mouthpart attacks are nothing, he can easily avoid them. Then, just use these dangerous bubbles to fill up every place he might dodge-either being stabbed by the mouthparts, or hurt by the bubbles, Luzer now has no other choice.

Luze once again evaded his mouthparts, and a bubble burst through his back. At this time, three or four blasts exploded behind him with a "boom" at the same time-the airflow of a small explosion swept away his back. Above the broken cloth, underneath was a blast of flesh and blood.

Lu Ze just wanted to bend down, and there was a sharp pain in his back that made his eyes black-he was gasping for breath, his lips were bitten and bloody.

"Unlucky, it's the bursting of bubbles!" Fallen kind laughed excitedly: "Have I told you? Except for harmless bubbles, the other eighteen kinds of bubbles will hurt when they touch it... Let me **** it up earlier, and waste precious body fluids."

Lu Ze's white face was covered with soot from the explosion and his own blood. Suddenly he lowered his eyes and showed a delicate smile somewhat shyly. The rabbit teeth were particularly white in the ruddy lips-his temper came up, and he said softly: "Is there so much nonsense about the soft rice man? ?"

"It seems that you won't cry if you don't see the coffin!"

With the scream of the Fallen Seed, the mouthparts shot out from Luze's right again.

He turned his head and glanced at the mouthparts that had come in front of him. Suddenly his body shook and transformed into the appearance of the teenage girl just now. Instead of running, he stepped on his foot and went straight to the mouthparts.

With a "poof", the mouthparts pierced into the shoulder of the "little girl", splashing blood.

Before the degenerate kind of laughed, Luzer actually endured the pain and accelerated again-the mouthparts immediately penetrated the little girl's thin body, but he continued to rush forward as if he was unconscious-half a second later, Luzer He opened a huge blood hole in his shoulder, and at the same time rushed through the surrounding air bubbles, and rushed in front of the fallen species.

The bubbles burst one after another, but nothing happened.

After the transformation was lifted, Lu Ze didn't wait for the shocked Fallen Species to react, stretched out his claws, and pinched its throat-the Fallen Species were still slightly inferior to their physical strength.

"...If you don't know which bubble is dangerous, just stand by your side? It's not difficult to rush along your mouthparts." Lu Ze took a mouthful of blood and saliva, panting and laughing. : "I know the buildings you live in are traps, so I will ask you a question."

The face of the fallen species swelled to purple, and a large amount of liquid seeped from the roots of the mouthparts. It didn’t have time to think about how this young man knew the information. It just wanted to shake its mouthparts, but found desperately that it was held by Luze’s shoulders—the flesh and blood was tumbling under its movements, and the young man’s body trembled. But still motionless.

"...How did you get upstairs?"

"I, I... not stupid, say, you, you will kill me..."

"Wrong. I just want to kill that woman. But if you don't say anything, I will really kill you." Lu Zewuliang's eyes looked very sincere: "Your life and that woman's life, Do you choose one?"

This multiple-choice question, from the perspective of the Fallen Species, doesn't even have to think about it.

When it was finished, Luzer slowly put down the fallen seed, but gradually strengthened his hand, and asked a little suspiciously: "You didn't lie to me?"

"No, no! If you don't believe it, you can tie me up and take me with you! Then you will believe it?" The eyes of the Fallen Species were squeezed so hard that they protruded, desperately thinking. A life-saving idea.

"This is a good way." Lu Ze nodded thoughtfully, then glanced at it suddenly.

Fallen kind of stunned.

"Sorry, I lied just now."

The depraved kind of eyes widened instantly. The last sound it heard was a soft "click" when its throat shattered.

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