Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1715: Hand in hand

This chapter will be ready soon

"Feng Qiqi, I saw Cadre Chen just now..."

Lifting the curtain in the room, the field mouse poked his head in with a strange expression.

"Didn't I tell you, call me Mather!"

"Mather", who was sitting on the bed and wondering what he was thinking, raised his head impatiently and asked him, "What's wrong with him?"

"Yes, yes!" The field mouse walked into the house and said with a careful smile: "Well, he seems to have drunk a lot of wine and his face is red... I don't know if he saw you where, suddenly just now He grabbed me, and kept asking me if I saw Maser—that—I think he seemed to be interested in something."

Feng Qiqi raised his head with a look of surprise with this kind of extraneous voice that all men could understand.

"It turns out that he had this thought that day." He said to himself.

When he went to find Chen Jinfeng that day, he only tried to test the other party, vaguely knowing what he had done; but it was naturally impossible for Chen Jinfeng to shake all the shameful things about him.

Feng Qiqi didn’t tell anyone about the reason Maser disappeared and how to get her back, so after the two were transformed, he has been careful to avoid Chen Jinfeng, just because he was afraid that it would be difficult to explain beyond the knots—— Now that this happened suddenly, he really felt uncomfortable.

"Forget it, ignore him." Feng Qiqi thought for a long time before saying.

The field mouse suddenly got a bitter face.

Just now when he left the infirmary, Lin Sanjiu snapped his fingers and invisible the praying mantis on his shoulder. But even if he can no longer see the praying mantis, he still seems to be able to feel the pair of cold sickles, which are moving up and down with his Adam's apple... And the woman surnamed Lin said clearly: Since the field mouse has a heart There are so many, so it's up to him to figure out a way. Feng Qiqi must call out the real Mather, or else he will not need a visa, and he must be handed over to Hei Zeji.

"No, no! Cadre Chen drank a lot, and he kept trying to Timather, and said that he would find him after a while! I finally sent him away, do you think of a way?" The field mouse said hurriedly.

"Damn it!" Feng Qiqi had a headache and cursed in a low voice. It’s not good to offend Chen Jinfeng now... He did want to go by himself; but he didn’t know anything about getting along with men and women, and was worried that Chen Jinfeng would see something wrong. After thinking about it, he suddenly gritted his teeth: "Forget it, Coax Mather! He can't get it anyway..."

Before the field mouse understood what this meant, Feng Qiqi had stood up, and with a wave of his hand, the deformation of the two of them was lifted.

The field mouse, who had recovered to its original condition, looked at his chubby hand and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Qiqi stared at him coldly for a moment, and his tone returned to his usual dull tone: "I call Maser out now. During this period of time, you can show me tightly. You must not let Lin Sanjiu. Get close to where she is, you know?"

The field mouse nodded like garlic.

"She knows you, it's not good to see you. Go out!"

As soon as he said this, the field mouse, if he was amnesty, turned around and left the private room as he responded - he made Feng Qiqi more look at him like this, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing that the curtain at the door fell and the footsteps of the field mice had gone far, Feng Qiqi closed his eyes. After a while, as the blue veins slowly protruded from his forehead, his body suddenly took a lot of flowers like an old movie, and then a figure fell out of him and stood firmly on the ground. It was Mather.

Maser still kept the way it was when she disappeared that day: her fluffy red hair was standing up in a mess, her clothes were all crooked, and her face was flushed with excitement after a fight--the person in front of him was Feng Qi. Seven, her eyes brightened immediately, and she cried out in surprise: "You are back? Why did I run so far that I couldn't maintain it!"

"I was in danger at the time." Feng Qiqi smiled at her: "No, I called you out as soon as I came back-why are you like this? What did you meet?"

"Don't mention it," Maser thought of Chen Jinfeng, and his face instantly turned pale: "I won't let that scumbag go."

She patted her face and body in disgust--as if she was about to wipe herself clean, and then sat on the ground a little tired.

Feng Qiqi nodded and was about to speak. Suddenly he opened his mouth in front of him, with a look of surprise, his eyes moved to his head-just as he was about to look up, he only listened to the back of his head. There was a gust of wind, followed by heavy pain, and immediately lost consciousness.

Mather - this time finally the real Mather - looked at Lin Sanjiu who fell from the sky with a stunner, knocking Feng Qiqi out with a truncheon.

"This...what is this doing?" She wiped her face, as if she didn't quite believe it, looked at the narrow top of the partition and then at Lin Sanjiu. "Why hit him? That's Luzer's body."

Lin Sanjiu glanced at her, as if finally removing a big rock from her heart—she exhaled a long breath, walked a few steps closer to look at Mather, her smile was so light that she could hardly see it. : "...I finally let you out."

Maser didn't understand the situation at all. She patted Lin Sanjiu on the shoulder, and at the same time watched Hu Changzai cautiously coming in from the door with a bewildered face. He greeted her and quickly knocked Feng who was unconscious on the ground. Qiqi was tied up.

It took Lin Sanjiu almost half an hour to tell Mather the ins and outs of the past few days.

When she finished speaking, Mather was stunned for a while, but never looked away from Feng Qiqi on the ground. After a while, she sighed: "So it's like this... Five days have passed."

"I know... the 12 of you have been together before, this time Feng Qiqi did this, and you must feel uncomfortable..." Lin Sanjiu was afraid that she would be hit, and quickly comforted.

"No, I'm okay, you don't need to comfort me." Unexpectedly, Mather smiled at her, although she was somewhat appeased, but looked not depressed. "Xiao Jiu, I thought of one thing, and I want to verify it now. You give Feng Qiqi to me, I will definitely go to you in a while, okay?"

Lin Sanjiu raised his head hesitantly.

Mather's green and clear eyes contained soft water light: "When I was taken back, my abilities also upgraded, so you don't have to worry about me... Besides, thank you." Her tone was extremely sincere.

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while and nodded: "Then he will leave it to you. Be careful about everything yourself."

After speaking, she gestured to Hu Chang, and the two left the single room silently, leaving Maser and Feng Qiqi there alone.

Almost all the people in the first floor were gone, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the empty basement, spreading far.

Just coming up the stairs, an anxious face came out immediately: "Sister Lin, how is the matter going? Can you take it back now?" It was the field mouse.

His neck leaned unnaturally towards the other side, as if he could avoid the huge praying mantis on his right shoulder.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at him.

That praying mantis was the effect of the Pygmalion collar, and it had already expired after five minutes-it was for this reason that she made the praying mantis invisible. This time, Hu Changzai described the fantasy to her as "summoning terrible, invisible insects", but it did not involve combat ability-if the voles were bolder and resisted, they would have long discovered that this praying mantis is a paper tie. The tiger.

"You, it's too bad for your life." She sighed and said, "Too bad for your life, so you don't care about anything..."

While speaking, she stretched out her hand to the field mouse's shoulder.

The field mouse leaned over his body with gratitude. After saying half a thank you, Lin Sanjiu suddenly stunned the second person with a hand knife.

"What are you going to do with him?" Hu Changzai was startled and asked when he pushed his glasses.

"Tie it up and squeeze a few visas from him when I have time." Lin Sanjiu smiled coldly.

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