Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1717: Sky Night Tour

Lin Sanjiu eats the last sweet scones slowly.

Even on her terms, she is rarely able to taste carefully crafted pastries with solid ingredients. One bite in, the edges of Scone crumbly between the teeth, butter, eggs, dough and heavy cream together form a delicate and moist cake, as if flirting with the tongue, releasing the soft sweetness of jam and white sugar— —She has always been accustomed to her boring taste buds, and she is shocked to know what to do.

Coincidentally, just after she finished her pastry and tea, the waitress took a tray and walked to the man in the opposite corner. At the same moment when he stared at the tray with bright light in his eyes, Lin Sanjiu quickly pushed the table and jumped onto the sofa; her movements when she leaped backwards were so smooth and natural that she didn't even make a sound and landed on the ground. After that, he turned around and rushed out of the cafe.

"Hey," she vaguely heard a half-scream from behind, and the table and chair seemed to be stumbling away; other than that, no one was taking care of her business-anyway, the money was paid early.

She determined that he would not be willing to chase them until the man rushed to grab the cakes and put them away-he reported a minimum consumption limit of two hundred yuan to the organization, but when he actually ordered the order, he only ordered one hundred and three. Not only did he ask the waitress to give him a discount, but also asked her to open a receipt of two hundred and five-seeing that he looked like a post-apocalyptic person, he couldn't help but sigh that he was really wasting this genius without a teacher.

Thanks to the fact that the tracker is such a person, with the two or three seconds that he was delayed by the pastry, Lin Sanjiu was enough to throw him away; she jumped off the road outside the window and landed in another passageway downstairs of the building. On the canopy, after a few leaps in the sky, when she turned her head, she couldn't see the man anymore.

The sky had dimmed outside.

The gray blue sky curtain seemed to be unable to bear the increasingly heavy whispers at night, and gradually let go of the sky, and closed his eyes. Strolling through the windows, roads, and vehicles of various colors in the clouds, but correspondingly opened a pair of bright yellow, bright white, and light blue eyes; their gazes intertwined each other and pierced the thick night, like the end of the day Like the previous human society, this place is also full of stubborn busyness that is unwilling to follow the sky.

Lin Sanjiu squatted on the railing of a high-altitude highway like a big bird, pondering the next plan for a while.

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After the sharks sent a willow to the house, it was a little hard for her to imagine that the third person to track her was actually the one who accidentally revealed her identity in order to be able to eat and drink with public funds... Calling him a weird person, it all gave him face.

What if that person deliberately wanted to reveal his identity? She had to consider this possibility.

When her attention was focused on the corrupt genius, thinking that it would be safe to get rid of him, is there another silent person who was following her in secret, waiting for her to return to Exodus?

Lin Sanjiu looked around in the night.

If someone was following her, then she might have to admit it too—because no matter how she watched it repeatedly, she couldn't see where someone might be following her. Just now, by circling the highway in the air, she traversed a large area of ​​the sky, jumping and rushing behind her, aroused the sound of whistling and berating; when she looked back several times, there was a bird behind her. nor.

Or is there anything that can be positioned in her body?

After thinking about it, she thought it was impossible. Lin Sanjiu has never made anyone close to him. After his consciousness has recovered a little, he can check his body and change his clothes. Unless someone can lock her by looking at her from a distance, how to locate her?

So think about it carefully, the place where she is most likely to be followed again should be at the parking lot.

When she went to the parking lot because she got rid of the corrupt genius and let her guard down, maybe the other party had already been waiting for her at the parking lot-she needed to take a flying vehicle to return to Exodus, and Wu Yiliu already knew; he It was possible to believe it or not, Lin Sanjiu had to guard against it.

In the same way, the location of the system where the message is posted is also not safe. The waitress was very likely to have told her about her news when asked by the man. The Shark department must have enough manpower to stand by in two places at the same time.

It seemed that, for the sake of caution, she could not go to the parking lot immediately. But it's not a problem to be wandering outside all the time, after all, it's getting late and there will be fewer pedestrians on the road... She has to find a place to go.

Lin Sanjiu jumped off the railing and glanced outside. In the dark blue night, the shadows of the tall buildings retreat behind the lighted lamps, forming a silent background picture; not far away, a rectangular yellowish light suddenly disappeared-when is it now?

Just when she didn't know where to go, she saw a tall and long wall suddenly opened on the opposite building. Light suddenly leaked from the back wall; like a pool of light, two black figures emerged.

Under Lin Sanjiu's gaze, the first black figure waved her hand to the back, and the second figure disappeared; after a few seconds, the first figure also gradually disappeared from the place-she took a closer look , It turned out that there was a huge egg-shaped thing glowing, slowly being pushed out from the building, covering the body of the first figure.

When the figure stretched out his hand and pushed it, the giant glowing egg was pushed into the night sky by him.

It immediately floated up faintly, as if awakened, and turned half a circle in the same place in the air; it floated slowly along the building in the almost inaudible hum. Inside the building, the second glowing egg was pushed out again.

One after another, egg-shaped light cocoons were pushed into the night sky one after another. Just like the street lights that occasionally float into consciousness from the window in a half-awake dream; they pass through the watery night, as if each group has its own route, some circle around the building, some drift into it. Between the highways in the distance-when one of them floated in front of Lin Sanjiu's eyes, she couldn't help but smile slightly.

What is really missing, literally dozing off a pillow. Because on it, there is a line of text formed by a faint shadow: Sky Night Brigade/Single/Idle/25 Fog Ball.

The process of entering the night cabin is much simpler than what Lin Sanjiu thinks; the idle night cabin seems to float in front of people and open the door as long as they beckon. Except for a small bed full of it, there is almost no open space. Only a rectangular control panel at the head of the bed allows people to choose the light and shade, and listen to the twelve world broadcasts.

Lin Sanjiu finished reading the brief introduction of the night cabin, curled up his legs, fell on the soft bed, and sighed with satisfaction.

The number of night cabins seems to be quite large. It floats in the night sky like a taxi, even if it is loaded with people, it will not stop its drifting route; as long as enough currency is put in, it will continue to sail. When sleeping on the bed in the night cabin, the sound of the outside world was silent, only she herself was floating in the endless dark night, and what was waiting for her was a long, peaceful rest.

Lin Sanjiu stretched out his hand to turn away the broadcast, and listened indifferently to the anchor's low voice, occasional music and news for a while, his eyelids getting darker. She has been tossing too hard these past two days, and now she feels like she is about to melt in the bed.

Tomorrow, go find a remodeled item...

This was her last vague thought before she fell into the black sweet town.

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