Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1723: Rush into... the trap?

This chapter is very fast, it can be published in ten minutes, much smoother than I thought

"...I can see it clearly, it's a portable launch tube,"

When Lin Sanjiu and the round-faced man approached on the boat again, Phoebe looked at them and said in a low voice, "It should be ordinary goods produced by a small workshop in the Twelve Realms. I dare not say anything else. It killed us all. enough."

The paddles of the pedal boat stopped, and both of them were silent for a few seconds. "It would be great if my special items were still there," the round-faced man sighed and said an obvious nonsense.

"I'll drag the last one," Phoebe nodded at them, and stepped on the pedal boat to turn the direction of a lone dolphin boat in the distance, "Then we can start moving."

Except for the last dolphin, all the pedal boats on the lake are now gathered together. Zao Peng has already urged impatiently twice, and at this time he cried out loudly again: "Don't waste time, the boat is here, you guys look for it now! Find it early, and bring me the good boat early!" "

"I know," Lin Sanjiu replied, and exchanged glances with the round-faced man.

In fact, they had already found a good ship, because the dungeon obviously did not intend to embarrass them at this point-after removing Natasha's ship, they only found out on three of the remaining twenty or thirty pedal boats. "Trash that has definitely not been soaked in water"; they were the yellow duck, a flat-top boat, and a blue whale she found at the beginning.

"What if your method doesn't work?" The round-faced man couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "A good boat must be given to Zao Peng... Then, how do we decide who can't get a good boat? "

"As long as you follow the plan, you won't get there." Lin Sanjiu replied, frowning. The two pretended to be looking for clues and searched for a while on each boat. She couldn't help asking: "...Why did you save my life at that time?"

The round-faced man pursed his lips and paused, seemingly reluctant to say.

"Don't tell others, because I am still a member of Nightwalker after all." He looked away and finally opened his mouth: "You could have killed me with a single shot, but you didn't do it... you stayed. I can't help but repay my life. After the copy is published, we will not owe each other."

This answer was far beyond Lin Sanjiu's expectation, and I didn’t know what to say for a cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base You can also get cash !

It was after Phoebe pulled the dolphin boat closer that she coughed and whispered: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get a copy of all of us."

"What are you still daunting about!"

Without waiting for the round-faced man to respond, Zao Peng suddenly roared, and the sound exploded on the lake. The three of them jumped in surprise: "I will give you one minute to prepare to set off the boat. Time it now!"

"Wait, but we haven't found all the four ships yet--" Lin Sanjiu hurriedly shouted.

"Who cares about you, give me the one you found!" Zao Peng didn't give her a chance to say more, "Don't try to lie to me and didn't find a single one-there is none, how do you know you found Is the correct answer? 18 seconds!"

There was no way—Lin Sanjiu glanced at the two people around him, and his eyes fell on Phoebeen.

"You believe in my plan, right?"

The middle-aged gentleman had a tight face, not knowing whether it was out of tension or lack of confidence. After a few seconds, he nodded cruelly.

"Go ahead!"

Lin Sanjiu nodded at them, and the three immediately got into the pedal boat separately. The thought that they were still fierce enemies a few minutes ago made her feel more uneasy-in her plan, no, it was in the way of clearance of this dungeon-the most important point was between the evolutionaries. Trust in each other.

And trust is something that is scarce than any survival resources.

"Wait!" Zao Peng watched them start the pedal boat, and quickly roared: "What are you doing? I said, give me the good one!"

"I know, but because we only found one ship for the time being," Lin Sanjiu responded in a loud voice, yelling and stepping forward on the pedal boat - "After giving it to you, won't I be able to return? So in order to avoid sinking halfway, I asked them to tow a few boats and give me replacements."

Zao Peng paused for a while, and seemed to be hesitating to consider the truth of what she said—from her point of view, she had to leave Lin Sanjiu a little bit more likely to survive; and Lin Sanjiu knew it well. at this point. While Zao Peng was silent, she hurriedly stepped on a few more times, feeling that each one made her legs sore and straight.

On the lake at this time, three pedal boats were arranged in a straight line, passing the green water, leaving a few long white sprays, gradually dissipating to both sides. Each boat is twisted into a rope with clothes, belts and the like, tied to the other boat, and dragged it forward a little bit.

After being towed on the other ship, the speed of the three ships dropped significantly. It only took three or four minutes to get close to Zao Peng, which seemed to take half the time. Lin Sanjiu looked up at Zao Peng and found that she had moved on the boat. I don't know if it was because she felt uneasy. In order to distract her and avoid her sudden decision to fire, Lin Sanjiu shouted. "Are you now aware of the way I talked about customs clearance? The ship that sank as soon as you step on it has already sunk, and the remaining ships can stay on the water for a few minutes... After finding four good ships , If we use them as a "core transport ship" and drag other ships together to build a bridge, then everyone can successfully pass the customs!"

Zao Peng's figure paused on the lake, seeming to be taken aback by this simple and clear method.

"...The customs clearance method prescribed by the dungeon is to return the ship. But it never said that the ship we return must be a sturdy one, right? Instead, it specifically said that no matter if it sinks, all ships will be Put it back in place-at this point, good ships and bad ships are treated equally."

There was no wind on the lake, only her own voice echoed.

"The pedal boat with the incorrect answer will sink when it is rowed. After it sinks, it will be picked up and put back in place. In the concept instilled in this copy, the point is not how it violates its nature and returns to its place... …In fact, there is always only one important point, that is, the time when the pedal boat sank after someone got on the board—or the place—it is different. Think about it, if someone drags you over two boats, you can stick to four. Even if you can’t get a solid ship, can you pass the level differently?”

This remark was very successful, and he really shifted Zao Beng’s attention to "How to clear the level with all staff"-Lin Sanjiu visually inspected the distance between her and Zao Peng, and accelerated the rhythm under his feet; after a while, that Zhang The face with short hair and the corners of the mouth is always drawn down, getting closer and clearer.

"... Your nonsense is carefully compiled, I almost believed it." Zao Peng watched her approaching, sneered, and said loudly, "Unfortunately, you forgot a little bit-the copy only works every ten minutes. Collect a ship to return. With capacity, items and potential value, a total of 90 minutes can only be mortgaged, and after deducting 20 minutes for the round trip, only 70 minutes are left. Whether it is looking for a ship or clearing the customs according to your plan, the least add up Will it take 10 minutes? This is only 60 minutes left. The first person to return the boat can only return the boat in the 31st minute at the earliest, so that at most only five people can survive. Oh, I understand, no wonder you refused to say this method earlier—"

She stared at Lin Sanjiu, her eyes hanging from the corners of her eyes, looking like some kind of snake face.

"Because we happen to have five people. It's you," Zao Peng's breathing became short, "you caused all this--"

She is sowing discord!

Just as Lin Sanjiu's heart was tense, Zao Peng suddenly lowered his voice, and at the same time lowered his face. He only rolled his eyes and looked at her and smiled: "For the sake of you bringing me the boat, I’ll tell you a piece of news for free. There is a person’s ability called [Watching people get the dishes]... Is this a good ship you towed?"

Lin Sanjiu nodded.

Zao Peng's smile always stayed on the corner of his mouth.

"You go up, I want to take the ship you are on now."

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