Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1726: Even eat and take Lin Sanjiu

This chapter will be ready soon

... When there were only the last few steps left on the stairs, Lin Sanjiu raised his head.

As she expected, a three-seater sofa that took up most of the corridor and a red-brown red panda appeared in front of her again.

Lin Sanjiu sighed softly.

She started from here and walked upwards, but after climbing three floors, she really returned to the original point.

These three stairs, it seems that it is impossible to get out by ordinary means.

"Don't tell me, this really looks like a ghost hitting a wall." Lin Sanjiu hugged his wings and lay down, and didn't leave. "...I used to read ghost stories. Now."

As she said, she turned her gaze to the little panda.

"Don't look at me when you talk about a boy," Qingjiuriu barked at her, "Don't insult people."

"...It shouldn't be the case," the blue cloth floral sofa interrupted, "I think we were caught by someone else."

"That old woman, right? We didn't provoke her, so why just stared at us..."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the two of them, but thought of a way-she stood up and walked to the door marked "EXIT", opened the door with her huge body, turned her head and said, "You will follow. , I figured out a way from the floor... It really doesn’t work, I just jumped out of the window to see if I can break this vicious circle."

Hearing this, the little panda immediately jumped onto the sofa and squeezed into the door with Ji Shanqing gritted his teeth and moved forward a little bit.

...The 16th floor looks nothing unusual.

The carpet was soaked with blood and dried in the shade over time, making it crunchy when stepped on. There is a long-suffering iron smell and musty smell in the corridor. Compared with the top floor, it is even more unbearable-the rooms on the 19th floor and above are too expensive, and they are all empty before the end, and they are fairly clean. Intact; unlike the 16th floor, several guest rooms are still ajar because they are blocked by the dead body of the tenant at the door.

It is said that it is a dead body, but in fact, there is no human figure long ago.

It seems to have been bitten and cut after death. The pitted corpse reveals most of the white skeleton; the skeleton is hung with air-dried withered and black flesh. Together with the rags, it is shaken by the footsteps of Lin Sanjiu. Shaky.

"Similar to what I saw last time." After quickly inspecting the corridor, Lin Sanjiu walked back quickly and said to the other two: "You are here to wait for me, I climbed up from the balcony. Try it."

After speaking, she opened a door beside her-the huge chicken wings were like a broomstick, sweeping out the broken corpses on the ground, and stepped into the house.

The guest rooms on this side are equipped with a delicate small balcony; although the lack of hands makes climbing difficult, but if the flapping wings jump hard, Lin Sanjiu’s bird's beak can reach upstairs. Balcony edge-followed the two people in the room, and watched the two big chicken feet kicked hard in the air a few times, and finally climbed up and disappeared out of the window.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

"What do you think?" After a while, the red-brown red panda suddenly spoke.

"...Not very promising." The blue cloth sofa said with a sigh.

"What if we go down?"

"If we go downstairs now, we should be back to the 18th floor."

Qingji stayed in a daze, turned half of his body and looked at the sofa behind him: "Could it be that you already--"

"Look," Ji Shanqing interrupted him suddenly, "out of the window."

As if to prove his words, the edge of the small balcony outside the window "slapped" something up; with the support of the wings, a familiar bird's beak also grabbed the iron railing-gradually, Lin San The old hen, who was incarnation of wine, fluttered hard and came out from below the balcony. As soon as her dark, round eyes met the two people in the room, she immediately made a series of "grunts" in her throat, probably cursing.

"...Damn it!"

After she managed to stabilize her body, the first sentence was this.

"What's the matter with these three floors? Why can't I get out!" As a messy old hen walked into the house, tiny feathers fluttered in the air: "...or I just jumped downstairs to try Try? I can still see the ground—"

"Don't you," Ji Shanqing hurriedly said, "I guess if you jump from the 16th floor, you will fall from the 18th floor... and then you will keep falling in cycles between the 16th, 17th, and 18th floors, forever. can not stop."

Lin Sanjiu raised his head and looked at the sofa in front of him. She didn't know where Ji Shanqing's "face" was, she could only turn her gaze suspiciously: " guessed what's going on?"

"Well, I thought of an answer--in fact, it's nothing hard to guess." Perhaps seeing Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up, Ji Shanqing's voice was also a little bit shy: "Although I don't know this is Whose ability-or special items-but the distance from the 16th floor to the 18th floor has probably become a Mobius ring now."

The word was so familiar that Lin Sanjiu frowned, and when she recalled where she had heard the word, Qingjiuliu had already responded "Ah": "That belt that connects from end to end and endlessly loops! "

"Yes, if you are walking on the surface of the Mobius ring, you can go on and on again and again, without end..." Ji Shanqing muttered, "Isn't it like our current situation?"

"I vaguely remember this thing, it seems to have something to do with mathematics." Lin Sanjiu replied, "Knowing this, what should we do next?"

The question was very constructive, but no one answered her.

She was about to ask again when she suddenly found that the little panda raised her head-the other party's bright black eyes slowly moved to the sky, staring at her back. Kiyokuliu also became quiet, just like a real sofa.

There is something behind myself!

Lin Sanjiu suddenly turned around, his eyes fell on the thing, and he was shocked.

Above the balcony, a black hair was floating in the air; just as Lin Sanjiu saw it, the black hair shrank up suddenly and disappeared completely upstairs—it seemed that someone just now Hanging upside down like this, looking into the room.

"Wait for me here--!"

Before the two people behind her could speak, the old hen rushed out with a stride; her wings flicked in the air, and she had familiarly grasped the iron railing upstairs, and pulled the chicken body up quickly. Disappeared.

Qingjiuliu sat up straight and stared closely at the balcony-but instead of looking at his head, he was looking at the bottom of the balcony.

If the black hair fled all the way up, it would soon emerge from below this layer.

After waiting for a few minutes, the edge of the balcony was still painted off-white, and the imaginary black top of his head never appeared; and Lin Sanjiu did not even know where he was tracking it.

At this time, Ji Shanqing behind him spoke.

"Qing, Qing long stay?" His voice suddenly became lighter, and there was a little trembling.

This guy is clever, but he's a little bit courageous... Kiyokuliu had this idea in his mind, and asked without turning his head: "What are you doing?"

Although there was no saliva and no esophagus, the blue cloth floral sofa still made a clear "gudong" sound of drooling.

"Just...someone touched my backrest."

The little panda immediately twisted his neck, and a hair on his back had already started.

...The back of the sofa is empty, with no one. Since the sofa was parked diagonally at the entrance, apart from a wall, there was only a large open room door and a small stained corridor exposed from the door.

"What do you mean by touching...?" Qingjiuliu asked in a low voice.

"I can't see behind me, but it feels like someone accidentally rubbed me when passing by." Ji Shanqing's voice was also barely audible. "Anyway, I was touched by something."

Could it be the owner of that black hair?

The red panda grabbed the back of the sofa with his front paws, stood up on his hind legs, and carefully stuck out his eyes.

His black eyes turned from left to right, turning around. The luggage table, the carpet, the light switch, the door, and the pile of broken bones under the door...

It seems that there is no difference from before, and there is no "person" as Ji Shanqing said.


(It is said that you can’t read the author’s testimony, so I will write it at the end of the article. I’m back, and the day will be updated tomorrow. Thank you for not abandoning me during this time. I’m looking for a feel, please forgive me!)

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