Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1731: Hawaiian hammock in moonlight

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly turned his head, and the long and dim city road plunged into his field of vision: the high and low canopy beds on the roadside, the heavy shadows of a few cabinets, an arm outstretched by the sleeping person in the compartment, The open-air stove with staggered pots and pans and stacked cups and bowls...In the dim night, everything was the same as when she had just come.

It's a trap, they deliberately draw their attention away——

With the thoughts, when she turned her head, her body was already slightly brighter than the light of the [protective force field], and the muscles all over her body were tightened to fight signals, but when she saw it again, Lin Sanjiu was stunned again.

Batoude and the woman who smoked by the window did not mean to take advantage of the two of them to turn their heads to start their hands. They still stared behind her, but the guard was obviously loosened just now; it was as if they had experienced a false alarm. , Batoude sighed slightly.

"What did you see?" Zhong Qing's reaction was almost exactly the same as Lin Sanjiu's. At this time, he turned his head and looked behind him several times, and then bit his thin lips, his expression unstoppable in confusion. "Or, what do you think you saw?"

"It's my dizziness," Batoude scratched his chin and said as if persuasively: "I thought someone was attacking, it's okay, it's okay. Let's go?"

This is not credible. A person's dazzling is forgivable, can two people get dazzled together?

The two of them must have seen something in the city road, and they both thought it was another thing, something that shouldn't exist and was dangerous, and they would be vigilant at the same time.

If it was said that it was a degenerate species, Lin Sanjiu could not see that there was something in the city road that might be mistaken for a degenerate species.

Her combat power and acuity are much stronger than the eight-headed virtues, and she didn’t catch any strange noises just now. Now she is familiar with the breath and sounds of Fanjia City, especially at night, it’s easier to perceive abnormalities that shouldn’t exist. .

"Explain to them, I won't get mixed up." The woman who was leaning against the window smoking did not want to get involved in their affairs, turned and left, and when she passed by Zhong Qing, she smiled at him. "Next time I come to visit my sister, I will take you to the restaurant in Fanjia City."

Zhong Qing had a calm face and said nothing.

Batoude said without embarrassment: "That's it. The area we are patrolling is indeed far from the outer edge of the city. It is not a place where the fallen species will crawl in the first time. But the reason why we patrol here is because there are four The individual disappeared silently from nearby. I hope to find out the reason during the patrol... There are many rumors in Fanjia City, but you can’t just listen to them. Many of them are completely unfounded. I tell them repeatedly. Don't spread these things, but they won't make much difference, and I don't know who is believing in spreading those rumors."

He got angry at the end.

This explanation is indeed reasonable; Zhong Qing frowned for a while and then asked: "Then what did you think you saw? We both found out, and you were on guard for a moment."

"To be honest, I don't know either." Batoude sighed and said, "If I knew what I was watching, maybe I wouldn't be as nervous as I am now."

"But you always have guesses—"

"I don't want to talk nonsense about things that are uncertain." Batoude stopped Zhong Qing's words and said, "Fuck me, if there are no rules to restrain yourself, do you know how much impact it will have?"

"Let's go on," Lin Sanjiu felt that she should help him out-she was not like a young man who could not be paid. Batou De was her best hope for finding the gift package and Yu Yuan. "No matter what the cause of the disappearance is, I am sure I can stop it."

Zhong Qing nodded reluctantly, and the three of them continued on the road. In the next few hours, there was no wind and waves as before. As the time got later and later, even the businesses that opened at night pulled up the boards and closed. The city road led the three to bend forward, as if gradually sinking into the dark and quiet depths of the earth, only when Lin Sanjiu occasionally raised his head and saw the night sky exposed from the ceiling fracture, he realized that he was on the mountain.

There are people sleeping in small rooms, tents, canopy beds, and cloth blankets made of various materials on both sides of the road; evolutionary people are used to patrols, and ordinary people can’t detect them, so few people will be because of them. Waking up close.

When the group of them transferred to the fifth area for the fifth time, even Lin Sanjiu vaguely recognized the way: where is there a luxurious little room that stands out from the crowd, where is the public toilet that is not clean, where is It was the "dormitory" of a "school"-on a canopy bed behind the tents, there were several children sleeping in rows-so when Batoude suddenly stopped, she looked around and understood.

There was a hammock where people were asleep, but now it is empty.

The cloth that had lost its weight shrank into a thin strip, hung under the ceiling, still swaying slightly.

"The last time we walked," Batoude slammed the hammock, as if a person might fall from a gap, and even his voice was a little overwhelming: "He still slept here. Right? Others? Look for it, hurry up!"

There are some cabinets, tables and chairs squeezed around the hammock. On the side wall of the hammock is a small window formed by pulling out a few bricks; the moonlight flows down diagonally from the window, illuminating the empty bed and the dust on the ground. .

Lin Sanjiu didn't believe in evil, even prying open the door of the cabinet, but there was no sign of that person anywhere. She remembered that the man sleeping here was an undeveloped man, even if he fell asleep, it made people look and laugh: He probably didn't know where he had heard of the world before the end, wearing a floral shirt, sleeping in a hammock, and a map of the sea on the wall, which made the slum a Hawaii.

Now he has disappeared from the Hawaii he built.

"Did you get into someone else's account?" Zhong Qing looked around and became a little nervous: "We have checked a few times, and there is nothing..."

They couldn't control their voices, and everyone nearby was stirred up and woke up rustlingly. Someone unzipped the tent, someone yelled "Who" vaguely across the wall; Batoude grabbed the man who had just poked his head out of the tent, pointed to the hammock and asked, "Where is that person? Did you hear anything?"

As soon as the man was awakened from his sleep, he was surrounded by three evolutionists bending over, and he was startled and said, "I, I are asleep, how do I know? Is it going to the toilet? went?"

Talking about the toilet—Lin Sanjiu straightened up when he heard the words and glanced back. She passed a public toilet on the road when she came just now, and now she immediately looked back, there was no time...

She did not move.

Batoude and Zhongqing seemed to have pressed the pause button for a moment; for a few seconds, no one moved, no one spoke.

...It seems that everyone has seen it.

I saw it from the corner of my eye.

The man protruding out of the tent looked up at the three evolutionaries who suddenly stiffened and said nothing, with doubts on his face. "how……"

He didn't finish a word, his sight was suddenly drawn away by something else; he squinted in the night, suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, pointed to the window on the wall next to the hammock and said, "Is that guy right there? Are you standing?"

Lin Sanjiu tensed his body and slowly turned his head towards the window.

The man in the tent was still talking babblingly: "I was shocked, I thought someone was missing again. It turned out that he ran outside the wall, all right, if nothing happens, I will continue to sleep..."

The man in the flowered shirt does not know when he was standing outside the wall; or more accurately, in the small window on the wall now, there is indeed more than one man’s face—under his chin, Lin Sanjiu is no longer visible, I don't know if it is a flowered shirt underneath.

"What's he..." Zhong Qing opened his head softly, without finishing his words.

Lin Sanjiu knew what he meant. There is no break in the ceiling of this section of the road, and there are only small windows on the wall. To run outside the wall, the flowered shirt has to go forward or back several tens of meters, jump on the nearest ceiling break, and climb along the wall. go outside.

But several evolutionists have not heard footsteps in the city road.

That face blocked the moonlight in the small window, facing the window in darkness, only the top of the head and cheekbones were stained. But his eyes were clear in the dimness: there was a slight light on those eyes, and they moved left and right together with the gaze.

"Hey," Batoude was the first to step forward and called him a few steps outside the window. The sweet voice belonging to the announcer was a little trembling at this time. "Are you the one who slept in this hammock just now? What are you doing out?"

Zhong Qing took two steps back.

In the big window of the head, the face is still silent.

"Speak," Batoude raised his voice and asked, "Don't you know me?"

As soon as he applied force in his voice, he suddenly pierced the trembling dream of Fanjia City with his eyes closed, and he immediately called many people to get up from his own bed - among them, there were several evolutionaries who seemed to have woken up a long time ago.

"What's the matter," someone whispered, "isn't that Apu? What is he doing?"

A female evolutionary took two steps closer, as if she was about to question the man named Apu, her mouth was open, but she let out a cold breath.

"What's the matter?" Batoude turned his head to her immediately.

"That's not right," the female evolutionary stared at the face in the window, not knowing who she was talking to, "outside the wall is another city road, and the hammock is separated by another house. I see Yes. He is standing outside at the moment. Where is he standing? Standing on someone’s mattress?"

If he was standing on the mattress, the person on the mattress—Lin Sanjiu's thoughts hadn't finished turning, but he saw that face suddenly turned left and right a few times, tentatively sticking in the window; an ear Scratched across the edge of the window, exposed to the air of the city road, his chin was stuck tightly on the edge of the window, and there was no gap between his neck.

"He wants to come in?" Another evolutionary cried out suddenly, "He wants to come in? Don't let him in, stop him!"

It is clear that Apu is an ordinary person, but he seems to be afraid of him, although there is no reason at all-besides, how can one get in through the big window of the head?

"He is not right," the female evolutionary also screamed in a low voice, panic, "I see, I know what happened to him..."

"What's the matter?" Zhong Qing asked suddenly.

It was also at this moment that Lin Sanjiu suddenly understood what Batoude was wary of before, and why she hadn't noticed anything strange. What he was wary of was probably the most common and normal thing in Fanjia City. How could she detect something wrong?

"The ordinary people here are mutating!"

When the female evolutionary spoke about this, Apu’s head was still stuck in the window; but as a smooth and greasy sound came out of the wall, as if something had pulled away from the flesh, all the evolutionaries felt Arrived.

I am afraid there is only one head stuck in the window.

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