Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1736: People who are dedicated to serving residents

This chapter will be ready soon

After being on the road for a while, Lin Sanjiu found that Zaozhan, the **** with brown lips, was really hard to mix.

He has no territory and no fallen species as a small soldier. There are only some idols that came from some unknown sources, hidden in a place where he would not tell Lin Sanjiu anyway-judging from his size, he would not come in too many. many. Generally speaking, Zao Ji’s sneak attacks on other gods were unsuccessful seven or eight times out of ten; in the remaining two or three times, the **** who was attacked became angry and would turn around and chase him down. All the way.

Just when he was about to change his tactics and grab a "flesh man" to carve him a statue, the flesh man actually showed a surprising ability-this time, Zao Ji's addition to Lin Sanjiu was full look forward to.

"This world is so unfair," he explained to Lin Sanjiu with a gloomy face, "powerful gods can easily become stronger, but for those of us with relatively low power, it takes a lot of effort to become stronger a little bit. ."

It seems that there is also a Matthew effect in the love of God... Lin Sanjiu thought about it.

"By the way, don't you have the ability to speak freely?" she asked, sitting on Zao Ji's shoulder, "it is impossible for every **** to know what your abilities are... you find someone who doesn't know you. God uses it once, isn't it good?"

"If it were that simple, I would have long been the only true **** in this world. That is a broken ability. It can only be used on gods whose divine power level is 9 or higher than mine, or people and ants other than gods." Zao Ji He had tried his best to keep his voice down, but Lin Sanjiu could still clearly hear the hum of his vocal cords vibrating.

"Then what level are you?"

Zao Ji refused to answer this question, but turned his head and said, "...Did you see the three gods before? The small shrimps of more than ten grades want to rise one liter, no matter what messy methods they have to try. Try, but it’s difficult to succeed...So, whether you can take down all the possessions of that false **** in one fell swoop depends on your ability."

Lin Sanjiu swallowed, "You... would you describe that **** again?"

Jujube sprayed a long breath from his nostrils, expressing his dissatisfaction. "I said it for the last time, you remember! That false **** looks like an old man with a very long nose. He is probably at the level of more than 20 supernatural powers. He has collected three or four abilities. They are all a little better than me, count him. Good luck. The territory is not big, and there are not many fallen species, only a hundred..."

In this way, Jujube's ability should not exceed 30 levels at most. Lin Sanjiu sighed secretly in his heart, and didn't even know how he would fight against a twenty-plus god.

She once mentioned to Zao Ji that her missing friend is a very smart person. If he finds him first, then it is not difficult to attack anyone-but Zao Ji is not stupid, and she rejected her in one bite: " Who knows how long it will take to find him? I'm just looking for it like this? It can be found, and the action of attacking the false **** cannot be left."

What makes it even more difficult for Lin Sanjiu to bargain is that Zaojin has indeed fulfilled that part of his promise.

Along the way, they passed a lot of places where it is said that the "land of the gods" existed. He hadn't done anything and just marched towards the nearest desert; and the vastness of the world of God's love has far exceeded Lin Sanjiu's. Imagine that even in terms of the size of the gods, it took them nearly two weeks of work to finally see the fuzzy lines of sand and yellow dust in the distance.

After so long, Ji Shanqing must have gone far. Even if he didn't consider this, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help the deep disappointment that surged in her heart-she only glanced at it, and she saw that this is not the desert where she and Li Bao were separated.

The same is the desert, but here is full of endless sand dunes, large and small, covered with circles of sand rings with deep and shallow colors. From the layers of sand rings, there are sparse thorns and shrubs. , Cactus...Although there is only a piece of earthy yellow and dark green in the field of vision, it is far busier and more vibrant than the other desert.

Although there is no trace of the gift package here, the agreement is an agreement. Zao Ji is very insistent on this, and he has to lay down the land of the gods here before leaving.

"After I have taken down all the statues of this pseudo-god, my divine power will increase somewhat. When the time comes, I will find the next desert. It will be much sooner." In addition to the broken speech spirit technique, Zaozhan seems There is also the ability to melt himself into the surrounding environment; he squatted down again, while staring at the desert in front of him, he spoke to Lin Sanjiu with a breath.

They lay down for a whole afternoon, and the dunes in front of them were still silent. Except for the sand and dust that was raised when the wind passed by, and the strange plants that looked like **** rolled lightly past, not even a single figure was seen.

Lin Sanjiu bit his head and waited until night fell.

In the desert at night, the air suddenly chilled, and it was cold without warning-as if someone suddenly turned down the air conditioner. Before Lin Sanjiu could react, she sneezed alive.

"Don't make a noise!" Zao Ji immediately trained her with an aura-a foul-smelling wind spit out from his mouth, causing the low bushes beside them to shake in the sand.

Subconsciously glanced at the bushes, it was at this moment that Lin Sanjiu jumped up from his shoulder.

"Below," she yelled in a low voice, staring closely at the roots of the bushes-the desert that was originally piled up in a ring, suddenly flowed in circles, faster and faster, as if carrying To swallow all those who dare to stand in the sand. Looking around again, every sand dune is flowing, like a sand top.

Jujube was taken aback and found that his feet were quickly buried by sand; he was busy getting up, but before he could stand up completely, several quicksands nearby had already exposed a hollow in the center, showing underneath. The darkness was deep, as if the earth opened its mouth.

One person and one mind retreated a few steps, and found that the speed of the quicksand gradually slowed down again, as if only to reveal the hollow underneath.

"This...what is this?" Lin Sanjiu asked in a daze. Zao Ji responded briefly, "This is one of the abilities of that false god", and then hid his figure again.

Slowly, a little fuzzy fleshy shadow came out one after another from the underground cavity. As if full of fear and concern for the outside world, these shadows crawled out tremblingly and hesitantly, gradually revealing their withered and bloodless skin and their tired and numb faces under the dim moonlight.

It's a meat man!

Lin Sanjiu's thoughts only came to light, and then he saw Zaozhan exhaled with a "ha", as if he was so excited that he stretched out a long brown tongue, swayed in the air and retracted it, but Hold back no action.

Unlike the flesh men of the mother goddess, the skin of these flesh men is terrifyingly pale, as if they don’t see the sun all the year round. They are squatting on their bodies, and their skinny ribs look distinct from the back. They are really sorry for the name flesh men. . Their hair almost fell out, leaving sparse clumps with patches on the paper-white scalp-no one was wearing clothes, but it was almost impossible to distinguish between men and women.

"The old man **** you mentioned originally hid his territory under the desert..." Lin Sanjiu asked in a whisper, "but why are all these fleshy people coming out? Why don't you care about the fallen species?"

She did not expect that the answer to this question would soon crawl out of the underground cavity. When the flesh men came out, after a while, they began to show awkward, but weird heads-it was the fallen species that followed.

It seems that they treated the flesh humans as pathfinder animals and drove them out from under the quicksand; probably seeing the outside calm and calm, the fallen species were finally relieved, like a swarm of locusts crowded out, calling people My scalp numbs at first glance.

Lin Sanjiu was looking wondering, and when he turned his head, he met a pair of huge, dull black eyes.

"What are you still doing here?" With Zaozhan's low voice, the fishy wind blew across Lin Sanjiu, blowing dust behind her. "You go to find out and see what's going on."

Apparently, he seemed to be afraid that this was a trap set by an old man god.

After all, in the love of God, both the flesh man and the fallen species are precious materials: the role of the flesh man does not need to be mentioned, it directly determines how many statues a **** can have; and the fallen species are also indispensable for maintaining the territory. ——They can go around collecting materials for gods, guarding the territory, hunting down evolvers, and creating more degenerate species... Like now, it is too abnormal to let such precious resources go away.

But when Lin Sanjiu fell on the sand and just walked towards the underground cavity, he saw a pointed, slender, anteater-like long head suddenly appeared on a sand dune in front of him; then, the one fell. I planted a mouth, and suddenly his long head split into two flat halves: "God, the only true God! I feel your presence, please accept your wandering people!"

Lin Sanjiu was stunned, then looking back, the jujube spines still did not show up-he did have the ability similar to a chameleon: the night sky was empty, with only a piece of sand and bushes of plants, so people could not see it at all. There is actually a god.

"The false **** we originally served was killed by another false god, but the other false **** did not stay for some reason, but only left it is our supreme honor to meet the only true god..."

When Lin Sanjiu slid into an underground cavity, the sharp sound of that pointed head fell and echoed far away under the night sky.

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