Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1743:

This chapter is estimated to take 30-60 minutes, right?

With a light "ding", the elevator door slowly opened.

The fluorescent lamp flashed several times on the ceiling, barely returning to a stable pale. The surroundings were quiet, except for a slight touch when the elevator was fully retracted into the wall, and there was no sound for several seconds. After a while, something in the shape of a ball rolled out of the elevator and slowly stopped not far in front of the door.

It looks like a white golf ball, but with a realistic eyeball drawn on one side; at first glance, it is easy to think that it is a human eyeball-it turns around in place for a few times, suddenly The son froze, and went straight to the ceiling above, not moving anymore.

Lin Sanjiu cursed secretly, knowing that he couldn't hide it; this kind of appearance was undoubtedly a special prop.

She is hanging on a few rings at the moment, her back is close to the ceiling; there is nothing to borrow from the original ceiling, but before she jumped up, she had already used the [described power] with The hanging wires formed four rings that could stabilize her body.

She let go of her hand gently, and was about to rush to the elevator immediately; from her perspective, she could only see the first half of the elevator, but no one-but as soon as her hands and feet left the ring, she couldn't help being stunned.

Although the hand was released, her body was still "floating" under the ceiling, and she didn't even fall down at all.

Eh? What's going on?

Lin Sanjiu was shocked, his gaze turned, and it happened to fall on that "eyeball". It was still staring straight at her; it was obviously just a fake eyeball, but the gaze hit her firmly as if it were in substance—


She suddenly reacted.

Does this look have the effect of pinning people?

She struggled hard for several times, but she still didn't move, as if she had been firmly stuck to the ceiling with a large piece of tape. It has been a few seconds since this eyeball rolled out, and the person in the elevator could do anything to her at any time-after a turn of her mind, she hurriedly raised her voice and shouted: "You have heard about 300 routes. Right?"

Lin Sanjiu's voice fell in the corridor, but her body did not. The fake eyeball was still staring straight at her, and even her slightly longer hair fluttered in the range covered by its "gaze", gently pressing on the ceiling.

Had she already used 300 routes on this person once?

When she first thought about this, unexpectedly, the elevator door slowly closed again-from beginning to end, she had not been able to see anyone inside.

The numbers on the display suddenly moved.

The number slowly jumped from "2-4" to "2-1"-at this time, Lin Sanjiu completely understood: There was no one in the elevator just now.

The man on the 2-1 floor deliberately put an eyeball in the elevator and sent it up again. But did that person only use it to detect the environment out of caution; or did he know that she was here and used his eyeballs to deal with her?

The man didn't give Lin Sanjiu much time to think about it, and then the number on the elevator display jumped again. "2-1" jumped to "2-2", the arrow was still going up steadily; until there was a "ding", the elevator door slowly opened again.

Before the people inside stepped out of the elevator door, the faint, noisy music came out of the elevator first. The man seemed to be listening to music with headphones on, the volume was turned on extremely loudly, and his untuned humming was accompanied by the leakage of sound, and his relaxed attitude was incredible.

300 roads are no longer available!

Lin Sanjiu was angry and anxious. Seeing that thick-haired head stepped out of the elevator, his eyes seemed to fall on the eyeball not far away, and he stopped the tune he was humming—and then, that head. He raised his head in the direction where his eyes were pointing.

"...You actually hid on the ceiling," Tan Zhang looked at her in a bit of surprise, because he was still wearing headphones and spoke very loudly without knowing it: "Where did those rings come from?"

How could it be him?

Is Tan Zhang related to the Twelve Personality?

Lin Sanjiu suppressed the surprise, staring at him closely, and a card appeared in the palm of his fisted hand.

The gaze of the eyeball only fixed her position, but it could not completely restrict her movement, at least her fingers could stretch and curl up. There is a way, maybe it can be unfixed...but it will definitely startle; once you wake up Tan Zhang, after she falls from the ceiling, you may not be able to catch him. What's more, Lin Sanjiu was not very sure about the method he thought of, so he had to calm down and waited for him to get closer to him.

"You really stayed here," Tan Zhang sighed, but refused to walk closer, "For the puppeteer? I really don't understand. Doesn't this mean sending myself to the tiger?"

Lin Sanjiu frowned uncontrollably.

"You fell into my hands, and you are unlucky." Tan Zhang lowered his head again, and took out something like a small funnel from somewhere—the funnel was transparent and seemed to be made of glass. , Only the walls are stained with purple-black traces.

"Do you have any last words to say, let's say it now. Oh, yes, you can talk, I can read the lip shape." Tan Zhang said that, he smiled at her and clicked his lips.

This action somehow struck Lin Sanjiu's mind like lightning; he blurted out almost immediately: "You are 12!"

"Tan Zhang" shrugged.

"Even if you can see it, you won't score," he calmly knocked the small funnel in his hand, and the funnel shook suddenly, as if it were alive, it swayed trembling. "After all, I didn't try to pretend just can't move anymore, I might as well save some energy."

The glass bucket was like a shark smelling blood, and slowly protruded its "head" from the edge of the tiger's mouth; it swayed back and forth, sniffed, and gradually lifted toward the ceiling, as if it had smelled it. Lin Sanjiu smelled like it.

"I... I don't feel good,"

Lin Sanjiu whispered word by word, allowing the other person to see the change in his mouth: "I feel very uncomfortable..."

12 raised an eyebrow-he had not had time to respond, accompanied by a "puff" in midair, a large amount of blood was sprayed from a fire engine, turning into a fine blood mist, floating thickly In the air. In the smog of bright red, the figure on the ceiling seemed to twitch her fingers a few times, and then her belly suddenly opened, and large chunks of black shadow fell off.

The eyeballs may have been stained with blood and lost their eyesight; those dark shadows fell heavily on the ground, and finally made it clear that they were all internal organs, intestines and minced meat, splashing 12 with blood all over.

Lin Sanjiu is like a pig that has been opened. All the organs and blood in the belly have come out. Only a pair of skins is still hanging on the ceiling-no one has been able to recover from such an injury. Can live.

12 His eyes were rounded, and even a face of blood could not hide his shock. Just as he hurriedly took a few steps and looked up, he suddenly stagnated, and took a low breath: "No!"

Even the internal organs have fallen off, but why are people still on the ceiling?

He was too late to say these two words. When he just opened his mouth, the figure on the ceiling suddenly glanced, all blood stains and pieces of meat disappeared, only a long shadow in front of him was wrapped in a violent wind and rushed towards him-Lin Sanjiu's hand While [the cosplay enthusiast visited the funeral home today] was restored into card form, the [tornado whip] in the other hand also turned into a wind dragon again and rolled downward.

The eyeballs were suddenly wrapped in the wind, jumped over the guardrail, and fell into the depths of the spacecraft.

However, because Lin Sanjiu could barely move his wrists and could not control the wind direction perfectly, adding 12 was a timely response after all; when the wind just came together, he hurriedly turned around, rushed towards the elevator, and patted it. Opened the elevator door-Lin Sanjiu fell to the ground with his feet "boom", and he also rolled into the elevator.

Lin Sanjiu pulled down a wire from the ceiling and threw it backhand toward the elevator; she used her full strength this time, and even made a dent in the metal—but the door of the ladder was finally rushed by her. Before it was completely closed, the arrow on the display flashed downward.

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